Flash – Lab x *HOMED*

Flash – Lab x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Flash – Lab x *HOMED*

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    Well, Flash is doing really well! She went in to be spayed on Wednesday and is just home from the vets after a check up and her wound is healing really well. All the staff at the vets love her! :lol: She is currently out in the garden soaking up the sun. We need to take it handy on the exercise for now but after the weekend we can start going for walks again.
    We made a break through today with the car, Flash is now happy to get in and out herself which is fantastic! :D






    The photos of Flash are great, she is such a beautiful looking dog and I know she has a lovely temperament from meeting her when she was in Ashton. She looks very happy with you Sharon. Thanks for helping Flash.


    Great photos, how could anyone resist that face.She looks so happy it is amazing how visible happiness is on a dogs face. You are obviously doing a great job.


    Flash is so gorgeous, I thought she was adorable up in Ashtown, how are you ever going to part with her! :o


    flash came to her forever home today! she is wonderful, full of beans and very inquesitive of her new surroundings. she has made new friends with the neighbours and is fast asleep here beside me after a full on first day. a big thankyou to sharron who has done so much for this beautiful dog! We decided to name her Leaya as she is so pretty and we felt flash was very masculine. lets hope she has a good first night with us.


    flash came home with us today after weeks of looking at her on the website we finally got our garden prepared and fencing in place so we could offer this angel a forever home. she is beautiful and so full of love and affection for everyone. we decided to name her Leaya because we felt flash was a little masculine and she is far too pretty for that. she is fast asleep here beside me after a big day full of change. a big thankyou to sharron for caring for her over the last few months and getting her back on her feet. we are so happy and lucky to have her.


    What a lovely name for a stunning girl. Delighted all is going well dying to hear how the meeting with the visiting moggy goes. Hope you have many happy years with her.


    its been 7 weeks and leaya is doing great! she is loved by everyone who meets her. we are off on our first holiday next week to donegal so i hope she enjoys the beach!!


    Thrilled to hear she has settled well. How does she deal with the visiting cat or has it disappeared ? Happy holidays


    Meet the stunning Layla this evening in Marlay park…..poor girl had the patience of a saint putting up with Toddy’s romantic advances….What a fabulous girl and she seems so happy and settled hope to meet her many more times and maybe she can put a few manners on Toddy or at least teach him to ask a lady if she is interested before he mounts!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:


    well the holiday was a great success! she adored the beaches and she even went swimming which was an experence!
    aja picks.jpg


    she looks so happy with life and why wouldn’t she be


    Hope to see Layla down in Marlay soon ….she can fill in Rossi and Tess on her holiday adventure ….Toddy went off to his forever home yesterday so she won’t have to keep watching her back for her Stalker!


    Well it’s been just over 6 months since Leaya came into our lives. She is doing so well and has become very popular with the grandparents, going for weekend holidays when myself and Dec go away.

    She does however come back with liver cutlets and bones for the week though! she has really filled out into a big, strong and loveable dog.
    The gentle giant- that’s what we call her!
    She adored the snow too as i’me sure all dogs do.
    I’ll post some more pics!
    leaya in teh snow.jpg
    leaya at the hell fire club.jpg

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