Fizz – terrier x puppy – HOMED

Fizz – terrier x puppy – HOMED

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    Hi Carol, I think you’re right, I think this little lady will be the boss. Ollie is besotted with her.

    We gave them both some chewy treats yesterday evening and Ollie just wanted hers just because she had it, but she held her ground. For the most part we’re letting them figure these things out for themselves rather than getting involved all the time.

    Will keep updating here and you can see them on facebook too: [url:28etjdft][/url:28etjdft]


    It’s been a week and things are beginning to settle down. Ollie seems to have accepted now that Mia is staying but there was some possessiveness of toys and of us! But that’s to be expected.

    Ollie got a haircut yesterday and I took some more pics. They are such a stunning pair I haven’t been able to put the camera down. Oh and gonna add a pic of all the hair I took off Ollie (not including what fell on the floor).
    Ollie haircut 060.JPG
    Ollie haircut 063.JPG
    Ollie haircut 054.JPG


    Ahh….they are just beautiful….what a fab pair :D

    DID Rescue

    OMG chocolate box or Xmas card material.
    What a fantastic pair of RESCUE dogs.
    I am glad I had no internet access when she came in or she might not have gone anywhere if I had seen the cute face, but then again I said the same about Ollie when I visited him in the vets.
    Anyway they make a great pair and poor Ollie may now get used to being henpecked :) now that he has a cute little wife.
    Best of luck you pair and try to behave occasionally ;)


    Aww its great to see how happy she is now that she has her new found friend :D She will indeed be the boss as shes quite hyper for her size I think she thinks she bigger than she is at times :) Ollie will need to put his "paws" down to keep her under control :D


    She can be totally hyper and is feisty like a lot of small dogs but I think they’re well matched.

    And I think they could be poster doggies for rescuing. I think a lot of people think of slightly ugly Hienz57 variety breeds when they think of rescue dogs, not all that pretty. But I keep telling (everyone who will listen) that rescue dogs come in all shapes and sizes. I also think a lot of people in my circle of acquaintances would consider rescuing rather than buying after meeting Ollie and now Mia.


    Ok, can’t resist some pics of this pair in the snow. We are having so much fun with them, things are settling down bit by bit.

    More photos at this facebook link: … 91c69f4a86
    SnowNov2010 174.JPG
    SnowNov2010 253.JPG
    SnowNov2010 394.JPG


    Wow 8-)


    Gorgeous pics! :lol: :D :lol:


    very cute pics they look very happy :D

    DID Rescue

    Fantastic photos.
    Olly seems to have half the garden on his face…….sooo cute as always.
    Little Fizz is certainly keeping up with her bigger brother.

    The settling in takes time as the whole dynamics of the household changes………for the better. :)
    Having said that it’s also a really fun and enjoyable time that is quite short so enjoy it.
    You will always look back and have so many happy fun memories of them getting to know each other.


    I couldn’t resist :D


    My furbabies are so clever they have learned to fly. :lol:

    Here are some more (Oh lordy, I have turned into one of those mothers who won’t stop going on about how great her kids are :oops: ) I was lying down at the back door and kept throwing treats for them to try and get some good photos. But they got wise to me and kept coming back for more… (see, I told you, clever doggies!)


    Well Jen,to all those snobs that think rescue dogs aren’t cute just look at your pair……(but I’m probably a bad judge as I think every dog is cute)


    Hi all, quick update on Mia (Fizz). We love her so much already, she’s so affectionate and adorable, but, totally hyper, totally mental.

    Like a real crazy lady! :lol: :roll: But in a good way :oops: . She launches herself at things and people and poor Ollie. And she’s so fast. Friends that come to visit can’t get over this bundle of fur who is on their necks and around the back of their heads as soon as they sit down in the excitement of meeting them. She’s bit barky on walks too, but I think that’s a bit of nervous defensive barking.

    So we’re trying some things to calm this little girl down.
    – With the snow we’re only getting into a proper walking routine now. But I think it’s going to have to be 2 laps of the park rather than one to try and use some of her energy up.
    – We have a spray bottle for when play gets a bit out of hand or she bullies Ollie too much.
    – And we’re trying to not greet her/ give her affection until she’s calm although it’s early days yet.

    She’s so cute and so much fun though and like a little bullet, but if anyone else has experience or advice of hyper (crazy) dogs I’d love your suggestions.

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