Fiona – Cocker Spaniel – HOMED

Fiona – Cocker Spaniel – HOMED

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    I did warn you that I don’t need any encouragement to post photos of Ms. Codylicious so here goes…….
    ‘s Nursing Home 053.JPG
    ‘s Nursing Home 050.JPG
    ‘s Nursing Home 040.JPG


    Ahhh :D She is just so beautiful :)


    She really is gorgeous Lainey – the oldies are the best, aren’t they!


    Definitely. She’s had many years to practice wrapping everybody around her little paw! Let’s hope she has many more to come. ;)


    My poor little Cody-girl is down in the dumps at the moment so if everybody could keep her in their thought and send her "positive vibes" I would be really grateful.

    Due to an accident which involved ice and a tree and glaucoma in her eye she needed to have her eye removed yesterday. You can probably see from her photos that she has the most gorgeous saucer eyes so it broke our hearts to see this happen to her. However, she will have no more headaches due to eye pressure so onwards and upwards for the little girl.

    Won’t be posting photos for a while as she doesn’t quite look her gorgeous self :(


    Poor Cody, so sorry to hear this. I hope she makes a full recovery. I remember her in Ashton pound. Thanks to you, you came to her rescue and she did not have to stay there that long. She is beautiful.


    The poor little pet I will be thinking of her.


    Positive vibes coming your way Cody ;)


    Tonnes of postive loves and best get well wishes winging its way down the world wide web to the beautiful Cody…..hope you are feeling yourself again very soon.


    Hope Cody is gonna be back in form in no time


    The positive vibes worked… gorgeous little lady has got her mojo back today. :D Thanks to you all for thinking of her and I’ll post up photos as soon as we can find a pink, sparkly eye patch for her!!!


    Aw I am really glad to hear he is doing well Happy Christmas

    DID Rescue

    Great to hear to little girl has come out the other side.
    Well done to you for caring for her so well….she was lucky the day she found you :)
    I don’t want to take from her thread but when you think of so many others with much smaller problems and nobody would bother to fix or help them, it’s heart warming to hear about the one’s that care.


    Oh the poor little baby! We’re all delighted to hear that she came through the op OK though and hopefully she is well on the road to recovery. As was very well said by Marie, when you think of all the other poor unfortunates that have come and gone through the pound and other places, where so called individuals will leave them suffer and linger on in pain, rather than pay to address it. Cody is so lucky to have you as her mammy but more importantly (as I always tell people when they say our three fell on their feet with us), you are truly blessed with such a lovely gentle lady. Thank god she is on the mend and as long as she has no more trouble or pain with her eye, then its for the best. How cute is she anyways, with or without both of her eyes! :lol: We felt like that when Roxy had to get a piece taken off the tip of her ear, and it was only her ear :roll: but they are still the same lovable character at the end of the day! Lots of luck and licks from the 12 legs here and many happy years together. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I am literally jumping up and down in my chair with excitement as I type the next few words – Cody can see. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Thanks to the skill & dedication of the wonderful eye vet, Mike Woods, our gorgeous old girl can now see us. I’m not quite sure who was more excited this morning when Mike confirmed that she could see – him, her or me!!!!! Her surgery was extremely complicated, primarily because of her age, but the man is a genius.

    In the photo below she IS actually looking at the camera! Her "missing" eye doesn’t look the prettiest but she doesn’t care and nor do we. A few tears were shed when we realised that she could actually see us and she wagged her tail furiously to let us know.

    Thanks to DID once again for all their moral support and the ongoing affection for this lovely old lady. The oldies really are the best.
    Cody seeing! 1438.JPG
    Cody seeing! 1402.JPG

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