Fiona – Cocker Spaniel – HOMED

Fiona – Cocker Spaniel – HOMED

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    So wonderful to see the oldies getting homed. Sounds like she is going to have a very comfortable retirement. Great news to hear Fairy got a home as well. Fingers crossed that Finn gets a home soon.


    Thanks Bronte & Mishka.

    Fiona/Cody has still got a spring in her step too and the vet feels she is a pretty healthy little girl overall for her age. She is the cutest looking little thing – really quite small but with big sledgehammer-sized paws and her eyes are like big saucers in her face – they are HUGE. We are looking forward to many a leisurely stroll ……..don’t think she would be up to the mad early morning frolics on the beach that our other two loonies get up to……..and have already realised that she is a total sofa and lap hugger (i.e. on the sofa with her head on someone’s lap).

    Good luck with Fairy too. :D


    I’m so happy Fiona/Cody has found such a wonderful home. Broke my heart to see a 13 year old in the pound. Wish you every happiness with this lovely wee lady.


    Thanks Allie.

    "Wee" is the operative word! If anybody has any tips as to how to toilet train a 13 year old doggie I would love to hear them…… ;)
    She has peed for Ireland and is now happily stretched out at my feet. She doesn’t appear to like the heat either so I’m guessing she was an outdoors sort of dog (or else lived in a pretty cold house!).

    She is such a funny little lady and is definitely STONE deaf. We have to stand like windmills waving our arms so she can see us………..and at night time she is totally blind when outside………God love her.

    Many thanks for the good wishes.


    I hear you :roll: Having the same problem..I’m spending endless hours outside with a sausage in my hand waiting for the event so I can reward her….she’s done it most times but I have to keep taking her outside, doesn’t help that she doesn’t like being outside thoough…don’t know if it helps, but Millie (Fairy) had a cat collar on when I got her and there is a bell on it…it’s driving me nuts but it’s actually good because if she’s on the move I can hear the bell going so I know she is sniffing and I take her out and spend endless hours….. :roll: :D


    For a little doggy – this lady could p**p for Ireland. Have cleaned up 5 (yes, 5) accidents today already. She must have been "holding it all in" until she got home…………I’ll definitely try Bronte’s bell idea and see how I get on. Oh! and the little minx has figured out how to use the cat flap too. :shock:

    If anyone hears of special deals on kitchen roll and mops, please let me know.


    Just wanted to give an update on Fiona (aka Cody). She had surgery 10 days ago to remove an aural haemetoma which unfortunately was not successful and had to be repeated again today. Her poor ear looks like a patchwork quilt with all the stitches in it. :(

    She’s definitely feeling sorry for herself today so we are keeping all fingers, toes and paws crossed that this operation works. She has all the staff at our vets twirled around her little paw – they are all smitten! Her tail is still wagging constantly though….poor love.

    She’s curled up in her bed now with a belly full of chicken (organic too ;) ) and can’t keep her eyes open any longer so hopefully she will sleep off the effects of the anaesthetic. She’s such a happy little doggy we really hope she’s on the mend now.


    Such a heartwarming story. Hope Fiona feels better soon after her op.


    Hi – it’s Cody here.

    I have a new (younger!) sister called Dinky who seems to be getting a lot of attention on this forum so I just asked Mum to upload a recent photo of ME!! This one was taken two hours ago so as you can all see I am still the most loveable, gorgeous girl on the planet. :D

    I am totally blind now and can hear only very high-pitched sounds (Mum is hoarse sometimes from trying to get my attention) but I am VERY happy with my life and do a lot of tail-wagging to let everybody know that. I jump up on the sofa sometimes and get the fright of my life when I land on top of either Dinky or one of the cats – wouldn’t you think they would realise that I can’t see them?????!!!!!

    Anyway, I’m off to do some serious tail-wagging. See you soon.

    Cody xxx
    Dinky Update 045.JPG


    Ahh… she looks fantastic…well done ;)


    What a sweet sweet face


    She is truly beautiful! Well done for giving her such a great home.


    Thanks for all the good wishes. She IS gorgeous and I have to confess that we are all a little bit obsessed with her ;) She is just such a brave, big hearted, affectionate, courageous, happy little doggy. Everybody who meets her is totally smitten with her. She doesn’t get put out by anything and has welcomed Dinky with open paws. We really are so, so lucky to have her and I would have to encourage people to give the older dogs a chance. We have all benefitted enormously from having her in our lives since March.

    No doubt I will drive you all mad with more photos of her gorgeousness for years to come. :D


    There can never be too many photos ;)


    Golden oldies are the best! It’s such a pity they are often looked over when it comes to rehoming – they appreciate everything that is done for them and give back 10 times what they get in love! She’s so beautiful and there is no such thing as too many photos :)

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