Finch – Terrier X – approx. 18mts *HOMED*

Finch – Terrier X – approx. 18mts *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Finch – Terrier X – approx. 18mts *HOMED*

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    In foster :D


    Thanks a million to Ruth for taking photos at a moments notice ;)

    She’s a wire haired terrier, quite tall, and beautiful temperament. She hasn’t let being in a kennel get her down, and she’s very playful!


    This is lovely Finch. We got her from the pound just over 2 weeks ago and the poor thing was terrified. She didn’t eat for a whole day so we gave her a nice warm shower and after a good night sleep she came bounding out of herself. She had not name so we called her Nicki Minaj as she has a big old butt and lots of personality! Roll on a few weeks and she’s a new dog, loves running in the park, taking short swims and napping ;-)..She a real sociable dog and very passive and playful with other dogs incl our own, Boom. The vet thinks she’s 2-3 years but I think she’d be perfect for an older couple or person as she’s really not that high maintenance but that’s only my own humble(untrained)opinion, I’m sure DID will know better. She will be representing at Cathy Davey’s launch in Terenure next Thursday the 6th so you can all meet her then. In the meantime enjoy the lovely pics !


    What a transformation from her picture in the pound, she is a real beauty, such gorgeous colours. Really she should be a ‘Calendar Girl’, here’s hoping she will soon find her own special family. Congratulations on a wonderful job. :)


    Our little buddy headed to the vet this morning to get neutered – I was hoping to bring her along tomorrow night at the exhibition or even next Thursday at the album launch but she’ll be lying low for a while (getting pampered and fussed over ;-) :P

    Well update again soon


    Thanks a million for taking such good care of her…she should be fine for the one on the 6th ;)


    [attachment=0]1.jpg Just a little update on the lovely Finch…she’s doing fanyastic, ofcourse! She went through a strange few days of chewing that came out of nowhere and resuted in the loss of a few remote controls but it’s passed now- thank goodness and there’s no real harm done. She now answers to sit and gives the cutest paw when she needs to get to the kitchen for water..very clever little lady..We had a full house for Christmas and she kept everyone fully entertained..Such a friendly, sociable and placid pooch ;-) This is her catching some rays outside a few days ago with our own dog "Boom" they get on so well x
    Oh, we have also discovered that she likes to forage in the bush and when we walk the park she likes to take the route through the hedges and she loves it but always comes when she’s called- she really is no trouble x


    hope finch is well recovered now :) and hopefully he will find a forever home real soon :)


    Aw, the lovely Finch…..We had been calling her Nicky for so long that she started reponding to it…She headed off to her happy ever after home today with Rena and her lovely family in Malahide.. She was a ball of (great) energy and she was constantly running around in circles and on the move..Her little nails used to tap around on the wooden floors like she was wearing heels! But, when Rena and co. came to visit last week she just seemed to stop and lay at her feet- it was the strangest and sweetest thing I think I have ever seen…It was almost like she was waiting for her…We feel such a sense of accomplishment when our beautiful fosters finds their well deserved happy ever after home and it fills your heart with pure joy! :P They will never know how much they give to us and how much they enrich our lives :) ..Nicky, I know you’ll be great with the Rawluk family and you’re always in you’ll always have your red chair here …xxx


    A little over 2 weeks ago, we welcomed Finch into her forever home and she has quickly settled into her new life. She has a wonderful little personality , very loving, inquisitive and at times a little cheeky. She’s up on the sofa like a shot as soon as she knows the coast is clear & always on the lookout for a stray treat! But she has been an absolute joy since joining our family.

    She loves her walks up in the park every day , meeting other dogs & sticking her head down rabbit holes for a good sniff. She certainly has a hunter instinct in her , she spends her time in the garden on the trail left by our nocturnal visitors – the foxes! She is also fascinated by our cat Monty , initial introductions were a bit tense so we are taking things slowly.

    We could not have asked for a better new addition to our family & I am sure she will bring us many years of joy. We would also like to thank her foster parent Myra & John who gave Finch a fantastic start to her new life!


    Pictures from my New Home!

    DID Rescue

    Great to hear you are settling in so well.
    Love the new bed, that type are great I have them too.
    Finch you have a real Irish Terrier face deffo in your DNA.
    Thank you for the update ;)


    Awwwwwwww, Rena Finch looks soooo happy! And, pride of place right next to the radiator! And, she’s kept her cushion ……..thrilled! Keep up the good work :D


    ~-~ Happy 2nd Adoption Day Finch ~-~

    It’s been 2 years since we adopted Finch & we thought a little update was in order. She’s settled well & is a happy, content little dog. She’s had a few upsets along the way – Introduction to the cat didn’t go to plan, resulting in a torn ear & a few staples! A bowel obstruction followed , possibly from eating a pine cone / beech nuts in the garden, requiring surgery. However she has bounced back to full health & has never looked back. She loves her walks, playing ball , going to the beach & is a great addition to our family ! We’ve enclosed a few pictures of her over the past few years.


    Some more pictures

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