Fawn – 1yr old Yorkshire Terrier X – HOMED

Fawn – 1yr old Yorkshire Terrier X – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Fawn – 1yr old Yorkshire Terrier X – HOMED

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    This little lady is in foster with Esma, who will update soon ;)
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    This lil girl is a sweetheart,loves to go on her walks she does not pull on the lead,loves her food,sleeps all night.

    Fawn is toilet trained,but still needs to be watched,she did not know what a kiss n cuddle were and wriggled in my arm when i picked her up,Now she loves them.

    I think Fawn would be vey happy in a home with another dog,or with someone that would be home with her most of the time Esma


    I have just given Fawn her dinner, I put my hand in her bowl and no reaction. Yesterday we went for a drive in the car, she was delighted and very good. She likes nothing better than to play with Sindy ,tug of war ,and then flop on the sofa for a sleep.
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    A friend came over with her dog Jake last night. Well we had such a laugh :lol:

    Fawn was not sure about him ,as he is a big dog,so she barked and backed away from him. But 5 mins later ,poor Jake :roll: she wanted him to play but he is old and was hoving none of it :lol: so Fawn decided ok ,i will follow you and smell every inch of you,so her sis decided to help.
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    Aw, what a sweet little face! She looks bright as a button! I’ll bet she won’t be with you too long, Esma. There will be folks beating down the door for her! :D


    Thanks Sarah she has a beautiful face,and a beautiful nature.We had a great day yesterday,sun shining,no wind,so out the back garden, the girls got their hair trimmed,brushed,n brushed.So I decided we will go hiking for the day.

    Fawn is great off the lead,she does not go out of sight,comes first time she is called.
    Fawn thought all her birthdays had arrived together,when we got there, she was in the river, up the side of hills down and back up again, all the smells of the foxes and badgers.
    She kept running back excited to tell me , they had a wonderful time and so did I.
    we arrived home at 4pm. had our dinner,and curled up on the sofa for the rest of the day.


    :D This lil girl is doing great,love hugs and kissses,she will need to be walked every day as she is active.

    She loves her toys,and plays a lot with my dog,and loves to curl up on the sofa. She is a beautiful lil girl,I will update again soon.
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    Had some friends and family over today,they were amazed how calm and good Fawn is ,they had not seen her for a week or more. She is so cute a real lil girl,loves both men and women,other dogs,and children. She loves attention,cuddles,hugs,kisses and she sleeps the night ,so in other words she is a lil sweetheart.

    As i said before she will need to be walked every day, as she loves her walks. Fawn is one very special lil girl,and will give a lot of love back to her new forever family.


    :D This lil girl is getting spayed and microchiped on Wed. She is so cute ,and so good. Her perfect home i feel would be with another dog or someone that could take her out on a nice walk every day and have time to spend with her as she loves interaction :D .

    Fawn loves getting her hair brushed,cuddles,kisses and is now toilet trained. She has no fears ,ie hoover or
    traffic.Fawn has given us here a lot of laughs, and a lot of love. She will return all the love and more ,that her forever family give her.


    This lil girl is doing great, she had her operation and got microchiped yesterday.

    She is so good,cute,and loving. She is a wonderful lil pet. I hope she will get a truly wonderful forever family,because she deserves it.


    Fawn is doing very well and will have her stitches out on friday,she is a very happy active lil girl and loves to lie across your lap while watching tv.She also loves her treat ,last thing at night when she goes to bed.

    She sleeps all night not a peep out of her. :D she loves to hear you getting up in the mornings and she runs around barks,gives kisses,full of the joys.


    Poor Fawn did not hear us getting up this morning,when we arrived in and put the light on, she was blinking her eyes, :D then started to Yawn out loud,it was so funny ,and it is a great way to start the day with a good laugh :lol: This lil girl is a lil star :o (most of the time) :roll:


    Fawn is a fab little dog! Hope her stitches get sorted okay! ;) Also hope Sindy feels better soon.


    Poor Fawn is back in the vets,she is having another operation as she has a problem with her stitches inside,the vet said she thinks it is because she is so active,we hope to have her home later on today all going well.I will update when i know more.


    Sorry to hear about poor Fawn.
    Hopefully she will be back in her own bed tonight,then she will have to take it easy.
    Wishing her a speedy recovery this time.

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