Fairy – Chihuahua

Fairy – Chihuahua

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Fairy – Chihuahua

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    I am so sorry – run free little angel :(

    Joan Kirwan

    HI Bronte ….. So sorry to here about Millie . but atleast she enjoyed the last of her days with you knowing she was loved so much…

    RIP little one …. Joan


    Thanks so much for all the love you gave Millie ,she had a fantastic life with you , I am sorry for your loss, Marese


    hi bronte, so sorry to hear your news R.I.P little girl


    Siobhan fell in love with Millie (Fairy) the minute she saw her in the Pound. She took her home to live with her two "girls" and Millie had a wonderful – sadly if short – life since then. Who would have thought this little girl would go from being very frightened in the Pound – in bad condition to chasing deer the Phoenix Park and more recently herding sheep on a farm – she has had a wonderful time right up to the end. She was so tiny but what a personality.

    Thanks to Siobhan for giving this terrific little dog a warm safe home with lots of love and TLC.

    Rainbow Bridge has a new occupant today :)


    :( Im so sorry to hear about this tiny lady. Im sure in the few months you had her it was the happiest of her life. Run free little one!


    Thanks so much everyone for your kind words…they are comforting…I would do it all again in a heartbeat despite the grief and loss I feel…all credit goes to Millie and how wonderful she was, despite her condition and what her life was like before…..anyone who takes a dog from the pound will only get the same love and devotion I got from my little fairy….


    so sorry to hear this, it was so obvious from your posts how much she meant to you and how lovely for Millie to have known such a happy few months with you.

    Run free little Millie


    Sorry to hear of the loss of your little Fairy…..sounds like her little life had kept the best chapter till last….she is probably hearding the clouds up at Rainbows Bridge keeping the sun shinning on all who are with her…..


    Millie had a wonderful time with you and would not have lived so long without the love and care you showered on her. I am so sorry for your loss Siobhan.


    R.I.P Little Fairy :(


    Bronte I am so, so sorry to hear this. Fairy/Millie had a wonderful few months whilst she was with you. I have no doubt she is at Rainbow Bridge right now waiting for her sausage in return for "peeing" in the right place…. ;) Hold on to the happy memories.


    Sorry to hear of your loss!! At least she had a few months of love and attention with you! RIP Millie!


    :( Just read about your awful loss, but you know, she will always be with you. Obviously not in the physical sense but her spirit will be with you every single time you think of her. She is yours for ever. What a happy time you gave her. As for herding sheep and chasing birds, fantastic! Well done.


    Hi,your dog is so cute,i think she\he is nice too.I like your dog i hope someday i have a dog like yours.

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