Ernie – jrt – 10wks old *HOMED*

Ernie – jrt – 10wks old *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ernie – jrt – 10wks old *HOMED*

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    Well little endearing Ernie meet his happy ending family this evening ….they are head over heels about him and who wouldn’t be.
    Will be watching eagerly to see this little titch grow if only a little.
    Be happy Ernie the fastest mini man


    Well my little baby met his new forever family last night and what a wonderful family he will be going to, I could not wish for better and he will be the only dog so will be spoiled rotten, they are collecting him on Friday and I have such a heavy heart at the moment got very little sleep last night. I know he will have a wonderful life, and hopefully it wont be last I see off him. The only thing that is keeping me going is wondering what dog I will be getting next. My Bichon is going to miss him terrible to they have become real buddies.


    Letting go of the fosters is very tough and your first is a nightmare. Our first foster – that I let go!!! – was Pumpkin and I still miss her. But recently, we lost little Duchess and I cried for days – we all did. Some of them just melt your heart. Now, though, with Erin and Errol to keep us occupied, the pain is a little easier. So you are right to look to your next foster baby. Fostering is such a vital cog in the wheel for these poor dogs. Well done and I will be thinking of you. :)


    Thanks for the kind words, not looking forward to tomorrow, thankfully I am working and my husband will be there when he is going as I don’t think I would be able to watch him go out the door, and I told him to have all his bits put away by the time I get home, have not selpt for the past two nights, and last night he was all curled up on my knee so safe and secure, my only saving grace is that he could not be going to a nicer family so I know that he is going to have a really happy life, and they have told me that they will stay in touch with me to let me know how he is getting on.


    Well said goodbye to my little man this morning before I left for work and then cried to whole way in, I think he must off sensed something because he chased me all the way out to the front door as if he knew. It will be very strange when I go home and he is not there.


    Oh you poor thing. I don’t think there is any easy way, but you have to think of the great life he has ahead of him because you gave him the chance.


    :cry: I am right with you, I really couldn’t foster for they very reason you find yourself in. Its such an important thing to do and fosterers all over the world fostering everything from dogs, cats to children are so very vital. What a good person you are. You will never really lose touch, I am sure Ernie’s family will stay in touch with you (and hopefully the rest of us) because they will be so pround by every little thing he does that they will want to share with everyone, especially you. Happy thoughts to you, just remember, you are very important in the great DID machine.


    Ernie forever family have been on to say that he had a wonderful first night in his forever home. He got up this morning and went straight outside and did his business…They are mad about him and he has taken to his new dad in particular. Ernie is very happy and they are going to stay in touch.


    Hi to all in DID. Just to let you know Ernie is settling in very well with us. He seems extremely content. Toilet training is going well. Thanks to all in DID particulary Catherine & John and Audrey. He loves playing with our children chasing his ball etc. Crate training going well, a credit to Catherine. He’s sleeping all night till 7.30 when he goes straight out the back garden to go to the loo. We will stay in touch and update you regulary.

    Regards and thanks again,

    Ernie’s family.
    Ernie 2.JPG


    so happy for you all, the kids look so happy too!
    and the lucky ernie has definetly landed on all his lil four paws with you all :D :D


    This is truely a happy ending to my first foster dog, you are right he has definitely landed on his four paws.


    Ernie has well and truly landed firmly on all paws! Your family is complete now! :D


    I had the pleasure of bumping in to Ernies new family (some of them anyway!) on Saturday whilst manning the DID stand at Maxi Zoo in Tallaght and I have to say what really lovely people they are and so very very excited about having Ernie in their lives. :D Couldn’t help noticing them leaving the shop later with about 20 times Ernies body weight in toys and goodies for him. :lol: :lol: :lol: Ernie has definitely landed very firmly on all four paws there!!! ;)


    Enjoying the snow :D
    oct pups 714.jpg


    Wow he is gone so big and handsome, still hold a little tourch in my heart for him, it is great to get a picture to see what a lovely dog he is turning into.

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