Erin – 4mt old jrt x puppy

Erin – 4mt old jrt x puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Erin – 4mt old jrt x puppy

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    Thanks a million to June for collecting this baby and thanks to Jenny for taking her into foster :D


    Hi Kay any idea of what they might be crossed with?


    Oh, these two are the sweetest, most entertaining little girls. They look very alike, but we’re learning that Erin is the laidback lovey lapdog while Ellie is the bouncy, playful ball of fun. They race around our very small garden as if it were a track, and are awestruck by the neighbour’s cat on the wall. They are great little watchdogs, barking at disturbances, but settling again happily.
    Equally, they’re happy to just hang about indoors, interested in what’s happening but well behaved and mannerly, coming when called, but staying in the kitchen with sad faces but without complaint when we go out.
    Neither are any trouble at all so far. Their housetraining is going pretty well, and they’re very good at going to bed at night, quickly settling down and sleeping through with no disturbance. They love mealtimes, playtimes, sleeptimes, walktimes, anytimes, and are delighted to meet everyone, befriending human and animal very quickly.
    Today we took them to Phoenix Park and they were delighted by the fields and fresh air, racing along with their trademark energy and enthusiasm.
    They have the feistiness of Jack Russells, but are very gentle, sweet and loving too, liking nothing more than claiming a cosy place on the couch during TV time, or jumping onto the lap of anyone who might need some Erin-and-Ellie love.
    They’re healthy and happy, perfect for a family, a singleton, a small garden, a farm… I’ll be very sad to say goodbye, but delighted for the family/ies lucky enough to get these biscuit-coloured twins.
    And they’re a great pair. As a man in Phoenix Park declared enthusiastically: "What beautiful dogs!"



    I can not believe these two are still available .They are the most adorable little things with the sweetest of faces and lovely colouring how can anyone resist?


    could we come and visit Erin and find out if she likes our staffie pup :)


    Hi id like to come see these two beautiful pups and hope to maybe be taking one home in the near future. I have a cross lab pointer already who would love company. :)


    Today both Erin and her sister Ellie went to their new homes. Both are with energetic, youthful families, each with three delighted children, so hopefully they’ll be as spoilt and adored as they were in our home… oh, apart from the chewing of the cellphone, shredding of the newspaper, eating of the rosebush, death of the daffodils… ha-ha.
    Seriously, they were such a pleasure. Erin was really cuddly and gentle, and was happy to be petted and picked up by everyone, a real snuggle-bunny. She loved having a rollabout with her sister, so it’s good that she has a young family to play with. We will miss her, but are very happy for her, and her new folks.

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