Eric – collie x springer spaniel *HOMED*

Eric – collie x springer spaniel *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Eric – collie x springer spaniel *HOMED*

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    Eric is approx. 18mths old. He is wormed, vaccinated, microchipped & neutered, he would be a great second dog who is full of personality and needs regular excercise :D


    Well if I didn’t know better I would guess that this guy has greyhound blood in him……The evervescent Eric has spurts of energy which last about 15mins and then when the burn off is over he is so happy to jump up on the couch and either cover you like a blanket or just curl up beside you with his head on your lap…..His coat you would never tire of petting as it so smooth and glossy too. We thought we would make him feel at home …..

    not sure Rossi and Tess were impressed but sure it was only for the photo shoot.

    Then we did a Blue Peter on it to try and make him feel more comfortable as the lampshade of shame was making him feel very uneasy….but he is a bendy boy and therefore was seen modeling the lastest in doggie bedwear!

    He is a super boy with a terriffic tempermanent he loves both human and canine company and is a very easy going boy ….can’t wait to get his stitches out……as Im tired of being referee between him and Tess (the looks I get when I break up the bouts of fun coz Im concerned with his recovery) He is only a small slight medium dog I imagine he is only 14-16kg and only 22 inches in height.

    If you feel you are this boy’s well deserved forever family download an adoption application and if you are home approved then he might just be the new family member you are looking for!!!!
    2010-11 Foster 12 Eric 003.JPG
    2010-11 Foster 12 Eric 001.JPG
    2010-11 Foster 12 Eric 002.JPG


    This little man is coming along great …..he has the command sit perfect now ….and even though excited to see his lead he sits till he is hooked up.

    I am very handsome….don’t you think!

    My big foster bro is teaching me the right way to beg from Audrey using my heart melting eyes….how can she resist!

    Tess and I play wrestle but we do like the same toys too…..sharing is caring

    I have lots of energy but I do have down time and I love getting a massage that sends me off to sleepy slumberland….bliss

    2010-11 Eric 001.JPG
    2010-11 Eric 003.JPG
    2010-11 Eric 004.JPG
    2010-11 Eric 005.JPG


    Well Eric is having a very merry christmas….no he didn’t get drunk but I wouldn’t put any antics past this character…here are some snaps of the silly season.

    Eric "I’m tired of waiting for Santa! Is he here yet

    He is looking for the Partridge but I kept telling him it wasn’t a pear tree!

    Eric the white nosed spaniel had a very frozen nose

    2010-12 White Christmas 002.JPG
    2010-12 White Christmas 004.JPG
    2010-12 White Christmas 012.JPG


    Christmas Day……

    Eric got an old fashioned bear from Santa!

    Rossi got an orange Moose which Eric promptly stole!

    However Tess was willing to put up a fight to keep her football!

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    2010-12 White Christmas 014.JPG
    2010-12 White Christmas 019.JPG


    Silence is golden ……well only when they are eating and they loved their christmas breakie

    Can we open a selection box we promise to eat our dinner

    We are stuffed!

    2010-12 White Christmas 018.JPG
    2010-12 White Christmas 016.JPG
    2010-12 White Christmas 017.JPG


    Eric worked off his breakfast and he began to play

    Play continued after he consumed his selection box

    Play finished – And this is what the livingroom looked like!

    2010-12 White Christmas 015.JPG
    2010-12 White Christmas 021.JPG
    2010-12 White Christmas 022.JPG


    Eric makes me laugh when you think its quiet….I never have to worry he is doing something he shouldn’t ….well in his mind he is just taking time out…..even though he isn’t allowed on the couch or up on the bed unless invited thats where he goes for time out of his own accord….he makes me laugh and when hes discovered he gives me a look as if to say are you here for some down time too!

    Im usually found either here……

    Or a close second is here……

    Tess is my wrestling partner and Rossi is always there to lend a very big brother paw

    Oh Audrey frightened the life out of me and put me in this big white thing with warm water and it was very scary but Rossi was there and Audrey never let go of me …well she hadn’t got a choice in the matter I had my front paws wrapped around her arm… wasn’t all that bad but when I was finished we had great fun playing while I was suppose to be getting towelled dry…..I smelled lovely too and you can nearly see yourself in my super shinny coat…

    I like to give Rossi a hug before I go to bed…..he’s a big brother I look up to.

    2011-01 Eric 003.JPG
    2011-01 Eric 004.JPG
    2011-01 Eric 001.JPG
    2011-01 Eric 005.JPG
    2011-01 Eric 010.JPG

    DID Rescue

    Great photos , well done getting all three looking so poised and relaxed, and I see what you mean about the shine……..oh to have hair like that, maybe I need to go on Royal Canin …….HA ..HA.
    He really loves Rossie, talk about having a bog bro and then still lucky enough to have Tess to play and keep him in check.
    Well done he looks fantastic :)

    Its hard to credit that his forever home has not happened yet. :cry:

    I don’t know what people in general are looking for in a dog these days.

    This boy is young, good looking, good with other dogs, playful, housetrained etc etc……….all he needs is somebody who will give him the required amount of excercise daily, a friend to play with, an enclosed garden and lots of love.

    Don’t worry Eric your home is out there somewhere and will enjoy having you and will enjoy realising your potential. :)


    My trip to wexford…….I was so excited

    There were so many smells that I was mostly in the position of nose down tail up…..

    Rossi and Tess showed me how to dig a big hole …..well Tess did me and Rossi just watched….

    But I looked away for a second and they were gone so I thought they had gone down the hole and we were now playing hide and seek!

    I chased everything from the foam on the sea to feathers on the wind to the birds in the sky….I even thought I could fly too with the wind it nearly took me away…

    Audrey took lots of photos of me but this one is her favourite….

    2011-02 Eric 001.JPG
    2011-02 Eric 008.JPG
    2011-02 Eric 007.JPG
    2011-02 Eric 010.JPG
    2011-02 Eric 004.JPG


    Eric my mighty little man spent most of the day with my folks yesterday without me and he was very good for them ….when dogs are longer in foster than we would wish for them its always a worry that they get so attached that it will take them a while to settle in and that is why we ask new forever families to be patient that this process can take up to 3weeks…
    The effort and love you put into a dog you get back 10 fold and that is especially the case for Eric….when he arrived he didn’t know that cuddles and kisses were a nice thing and used to run to a corner to stay away from that close affection ….Now however its a different story ….when anyone is getting any sort of attention Eric barges his way to the top of the queue!!! He plonks himself on your feet in floppy mode for a belly rub then when your finished gets up and gives you a kiss of thanks….I do love this guy and would be so happy to see him with an equally love giving family of his very own.


    I cannot believe Eric has not found his forever home. For the short time we had him he was a gorgeous little man. It is great to see Eric looks for rubs/kisses/hugs as I do remember him running away from them in the beginning :). He is a lovely dog, hopefully he will find a home soon.


    Eric our D.I.D star of the month has charmed his way into the heart of his new forever mum….and what a lucky boy he is going to be….lots of love, walks, massage and reiki (wonder if Yvonne would adopt me Rossi and Tess too!) There is even talk of agility … such an intelligent boy……I am so proud of where he has come to now…..a dog who loves to be loved and loves you tenfold in return. I am so sad and yet so happy for my little chappie who never failed to keep me entertained with his antics…..he has been such a huge part of life for the last 6mths that parting is such sweet sorrow. He gets adopted in the next couple of days and I know he has finally found a place he can call home.

    Miss and Love you lots Audrey Rossi and Tess xoxox


    Fantastic news :D


    Great news Audrey. He waited a long time for the right home to come along, but it sounds like its the perfect home for Eric. :D.

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