Eoin – yorkie x puppy – RESERVED

Eoin – yorkie x puppy – RESERVED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Eoin – yorkie x puppy – RESERVED

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    :o What an absolute little cracker. How I laughed when I saw the photos of him and his ‘best buddy’? Its sooooo nice that he has managed to bounce back to be everything a puppy should be. Lucky, lucky people to adopt him – whoever they are. Great respect (as usual) to all who have managed to get this puppy dog off on his path to his very own family. I hope his new family will stay in touch with DID so creatures like me can see and hear about how he is getting along. I was having a nice day anyway but the photos made my day ever better, thank you.


    well my lovely little man is now 100% better :D and should be going to his new home in the next few days.he can finally get his vax and play with all the other dogs but he seems to prefer the cats.he gets on great with bandit as you can see and they have been friends since the start(bandit thinks he is a dog).hopefully whoever the lucky people are that are getting my baby will keep us all updated on him.



    :D What a busy boy you are. You have subdued another puppy-dog, killed a bear and finally you are in charge of the gate. You are like a night club door dog, only its a gate and during the day, but we all have to start somewhere. I wouldn’t tangle with you!!!


    he is gorgeous , whoever gets him is very lucky please let us know who you are.


    well my little man went off to his new home on sat,they fell in love with him{but who wouldnt}.they have promised my lots of updates and photos and i think he will be so happy and spoiled.best of luck :D


    The mystery continues as to who got Eoin. I hope they have many happy years with the little fella

    DID Rescue

    Eoin is gone to live in the West of Ireland and hopefully the family will keep us updated with his progress.
    Thanks to Julie for fostering him and getting him back healthy again as he was in very bad condition.
    This is an update we deserve and need to know.
    Adoptive familys need to appreciate the work that goes into these pups/dogs and all we ask for is an update. Its good for the foster family and good for everyone to read another happy ending ,hopefully. :roll:


    Hi all, Eoin (now Brad) is an absolute star. We have him now for just over a week and he is doing brilliantly. He cried a little the first night away from Julie and her family, but he as settled in really well here in Galway and seems very content, and is eating all around him. He as a great personality and we are soooo grateful to have him chasing around the house and causing mayhem, he’s such good fun, he usually as a mad couple of hours in the evening before he throws himself onto the nearest lap. A massive massive thank you to Julie for doing such a wonderful job looking after him when he really needed it, and to Gwen and all in DID. I will try to post photos later today and keep all updated. Pp


    Photos as promised…


    Well this much sought after fella looks like he is quite at home. What a gorgeous little face. Thanks for the photos and the update


    :D The first photo (of the most recent images of Brad, love his new name) I think he is saying, "now I have told you once and I will tell you again, this rug is mine, you can look but don’t touch. My next favourite is Brad sleeping on his very comfortable human bed. Great to see his family have started off on the right foot, e.g. Brad does what he likes, so his new family are just like the rest of us, great images.

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