ELVIS – right at home…

ELVIS – right at home…

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings ELVIS – right at home…

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    Hey Juno come and help me destroy the evil torture cone :evil:


    Handsome or what


    Elvis is back with us after a weeks holidays with another foster mum cos we were away. He is in great form and himself and Juno are reestablishing the pecking order in the house. Elvis has lost his timid ways and is a confident dog now. :)


    Elvis perched on the couch despite my best efforts to keep him off with the clothes horse :D


    Great news for Elvis…he is packing up his bag and getting ready to join his forever family later this week. It will be hard for us to let him go and Juno will have no one to play round and round the kitchen table with ( unless she persuades me to ! ) anymore. We wish Elvis and his new family all the best for the future and we look forward to seeing his story move to the Happy Endings Forum. It has been a great experience for us to foster a dog and Elvis was our first but won’t be our last :) :)


    Hi everyone :D

    Elvis arrived in his Forever Home with us yesterday! He is settling in really well, and has slipped easily into a role of ‘the lord of the manor’. He found his food and drink bowels straight away and cleaned them out without hesitation. It took him a little longer to get into his new bed. However, a couple of hours after he took the plunge. He slept in it last night, and was as good as gold.

    He follows me everywhere, and we’re having great fun!! We’ve already been on a few walks in the parks near by and around our estate. Today we might go to the beach for some fun!!

    His favorite thing to do is lie on my lap and be rubbed, especially under his chin.

    He’s currently relaxing on the couch beside me, and he’s very relaxed.

    To Lizzie, Claire, and the rest of his foster family, I’d like to say on behalf of Elvis, Thank you SO much for giving him such a great home previous to this! We are very grateful!!!!!! And we are thinking of you :-)

    And thanks to everyone who was involved with Elvis over the last few months!!!

    Best Wishes,

    Elvis, Jenny & Stephen :-)


    :D :D He looks so happy :D :D


    Hey Everyone :)

    Elvis is very well settled in now and we have our little routine all sorted. He goes for a walk in the morning by the beach, then he relaxes for a while usually sleeping in one of his ‘many’ favorite spots which you will see below :D

    Elvis then goes for another big walk in the late afternoon around the fields or in the castle with my husband for a bit of male bonding!

    He loves to play! He loves chasing after a skipping rope on the ground and wrestling it from me. He also likes chasing balls and enjoys me tackling him for them. He met my nieces and nephews yesterday, and he was so good about it. Although he burst a couple of their balls when playing :) You will see the burst ball in the pic below where he is sussing out his new frisby that my Mother bought him.

    Elvis LOVES his bone, and he likes to carry it around with him until he feels like devouring it. He also loves his dental stick, and he is very quick at getting it out of the kong. I need to get more challenging things to stick in it.

    Hi to Lizzy, Sarah and the rest of his foster family :) And to all the volunteers who helped Elvis along the way. Have a lovely sunny weekend everyone!!!

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