Elvis – Cairn Terrier

Elvis – Cairn Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Elvis – Cairn Terrier

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    Elvis and Carly are brother and sister (we think) Both were left stranded in the pound after the owner failed to come and get them even though they knew they were there since last Tuesday. :twisted: Well there loss is another families gain.
    Elvis ( a name change may be on the way) has gone into foster with Robyn.


    What a little dote! Please post more details about him. The previous entries seem to have been removed. Any idea what age he is?


    Elvis came into foster with us on Wednesday night and he’s really a lovely little chap. He’s very, very friendly and just wants loads of cuddles and attention. He gets on brilliantly with my kids so is a real winner in our household! He gets on grand with Scooby, my little yorkie, but poor little Scoobs is feeling a little bit miffed as to why this other fellow is in his house!

    Elvis is great on the lead, I had him down at the beach yesterday and this morning and he’s great, he doesn’t pull or drag and he just walks at a nice pace. He’s only six months old or thereabouts so his house training needs a little attention but if you remember to open the door for him, he will go to the loo outside.

    All in all he’s a great little dog who will make a really lovely family pet for some very lucky family out there. He deserves it and he has so much love to give back ;)


    Hi Robyn
    He is just gorgeous. I am really interested in applying to be his forever family. Can you PM me with your contact details to ask you a few questions? This is our first time adopting a dog so I’m a little unsure of the procedure!


    Just an update on this sweet little fellow, he is doing great and is just a delight to have around the house. He is so easy going and laid back, even my cat doesn’t mind! Him and Scoobs are geting on grand, they were tearing around on the beach this morning and Elvis had great fun. He’s off the lead now and he just goes wherever I go, he never runs off and he’s great with all the other dogs out walking, he just goes up, has a sniff and a little conversation and then on he goes.

    I took some photos, my camera was full so could only take two, will try and get more soon.


    Ooops, those photos were just slightly enormous, I’ll make them smaller next time now I’ve got the hang of it :mrgreen: However you do see him in all his glory :D


    I heard all about little Elvis and his sister. It’s shocking to hear that someone could so heartlessly abondon them. It’s beyond comprehension.

    Elvis sounds like a total catch for anyone who would like to home a little dog, and such a little cutie. Good with cats, other dogs, and off the lead. Full marks Elvis – you deserved better than your previous home and thanks to DID and your kind foster family – you are going to get it!


    Well, our little man Elvis left us and went to his forever home on Saturday. He has gone to a wonderful home with a wonderful new mummy! :D Best of luck little guy, I know you will have many years of love and happiness in you new home. Don’t forget us cheeky chappie, we’ll miss you xxx :D :D

    As an after thought, I just wanted to comment that Elvis was our first foster and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found it an extremely rewarding experience. The only drawback from a personal point of view was my kids’ tears after he had gone. My son Yasin who is ten was so fond of Elvis and he cried his little heart out after he left! :( But I brought them all to see Marley and Me in the cinema yesterday and that seemed to cheer everyone up. (By the way it is a fantastic movie that I really urge all DID supporters to go along and see! It was one of the most uplifting, endearing movies I’ve seen in a long time, and don’t forget to bring the tissues, it’s a bit of tearjerker….)

    Bye Elvis, we love you :D


    Just in relation to Marley and me, i would advice anyone who loves dogs to bring a box full of tissues. It is such a sweet film. I bawled my eyes out at the end. Everyone should see it, it is so lovely. But remember the tissues…


    I meet the lovely Elvis now Alli last last in his new home and has settled in very well…. I sat on the floor with him and played with a rope toy and he had great fun with it….
    Congratulation Beryl with your new addition and wish you a long and happy life together…
    Be happy little man im sure your gonna be spoilt rottenXXX


    From Elvis now Alfie’s new owners! :D

    "Hi there,
    I changed my dog’s name from Elvis to Alfie and we are getting along great. He is a wonderful little fellow, full of fun, loves his cuddles and getting into my chair! He gives me so much love and brightens up every day. We went on holiday together to Connemara, he loves the car and travels well. He is almost everybody’s friend, though he has taken exception to one or two people, but hey, we can’t like everyone. He loves other dogs and gets on well with my two daughters dogs, he hates cats. He has just graduated from his crate and he curls up on my chair if I have to go out without him. He has a basket full of toys but his favorite is still a rabbit I got when he first came to live with me, that has to go to bed with him. I would be lost without him."

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