Elsie – Tiny JRT

Elsie – Tiny JRT

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    :D Oh, what lovely photos of your canine family, :lol: when did Pixie learn to use a laptop ? Poor Ellie is doing her very best to get in on the act, isn’t she? No sign of the canine cat though, is she/he making tea in the kitchen? Stitches out for Nellabi today and I have to say for the first time she was LAST out of bed this morning and has now gone back to bed. The rest of the mutts are here in the livingroom with me, sharing toast. Has Pixie managed to get round all the agility equipment yet? Will you compete in mini agility with her? I am sure she would LOVE to perform in front of people, she is great, she knows she is great and definately has a fan club. Thank you for keeping us posted, it quite makes my day, especially after reading about the pup now In Memory, very sad news, great pity that little soul didn’t get cared for by the idiots who bred that litter of pups :evil:. THEY clearly don’t care, thank goodness for the people who do!


    Elsie came with us to agility on Saturday but was more interested in running around chasing the others than seriously thinking about jumping :roll: The lowest jumps still seem a little high for her compared to our teeny weeny ones at home. Never mind, we’ll keep practising ;). Ellie kept looking back to make sure she was ok, playing the big sister, bless her :D I have to say that Elsie was quite at home playing with the large Sheperds and Labs – she has no idea how small she really is :lol: :lol:


    Oh Elsie/Pixie sounds like great craic! She reminds me of my little Yorkie – two of them together a good idea or just a bit much? Looking for our next addition but not sure which way to go!

    another crazy or a quiet doggy?!


    Definitely crazy ha ha :lol: Loves company and can’t sit still for a minute ;). Thinks she’s a rottie or a GSD and acts accordingly ;)


    :o Two crazy dogs together, mmm, double the noise, double the mayhem, double world domination!!!


    double the fun maybe?!!


    :) Might be double the anything. Elsie is probably twice the dog of most others to start with, so who knows.


    Well we just couldn’t let her go, so Elsie has now become Pixie Ayres, the newest, teeniest and loudest member of our family :lol: :lol: Don’t tell her she’s tiny though as she is convinced she’s the biggest of us all :roll: We’ll never be bored here with her antics – Ellie and herself have become inseperable, absolute best pals and Cassius our lab has learned to tolerate the youngsters ;) The cat is still traumatised, now with 2 bold girlies to watch out for. I hope to add Pixie to the agility squad as soon as she masters some basic obedience, which we are working on so we should have great fun :lol: :lol:

    It’s a hard life you know
    Having fun in Tymon Park


    Best Pals ;)


    Oh Fidelma ….Saw Elsie aka Pixie in happy endings and was just going to send you a msg hoping you weren’t too sad letting her go … AS IF YOU DID :D Absolutely delighted for you … :D


    :D Perfect, perfect, perfect. The photo of Ellie and Pixie sleeping says it all. You have set up my weekend with that up-date and photos. :lol:


    congrats fidelma, by god she can run she is well able to keep up with the bigger dogs :lol:

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