Elsie – Tiny JRT

Elsie – Tiny JRT

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    :D She seems to be about the same size and weight as Nells bells, they would either be great buddies or would try to kill each other. Oh, I would love to but wouldn’t dare!!!


    Our little girlie is doing great. She is so confident it’s unbelieveable :lol: She’s at the top of every queue when there are treats being dispensed or when I’m cooking dinner and is not afraid to stand her ground against any of the others. Toilet training is coming along, her tummy is still a little dodgy, so she is on chicken and rice at the moment and loving it ;) Cough nearly gone too, thankfully.
    It was so funny the other night – my sister and her boyfriend visited. Elsie took a fit of barking at Christine’s handbag, and when Phil lit up a cigarette she dived on him yapping away, causing him to ask "does she not want me to smoke?" We wondered if a handbag wielding smoker was somehow involved in Elsie’s past :lol: :lol: :lol:


    :lol: Pixie is clearly meant to be in charge of the world. Once she finds her way to the Irish Parliament, then the UK Parliament, then, oh yes, the White House. Finally world domination, probably before the end of summer this year. I love hearing about her. Nells bells fell into a snow drift this morning, leapt out of it covered in snow oddly enough. She did look slightly shame-faced and came racing in looking for a bit of reassurance. She is such a sweet little dog. Be good Pixie, look forward to seeing you on the world stage.


    Elsie is becoming more confident with every day, if that’s possible. She has such a fabulous personality for one so tiny. She fights with the gas fire, barking away at it, and also with her reflection in the oven door :lol: She is everyone’s shadow – the minute you move she’s at your heels following you everywhere, and can sprint up the stairs faster than any of us :D She has treats buried all over the house- under the stairs, on the window sill and in her bed ;)
    Elsie would make a great addition to any family- would love to have someone to follow around all day and to cuddle up to when she’s tired. She loves everyone, but would probably suit a family with older children (and no cat!)because she is so lively ;)
    You have to admit, she is gorgeous isn’t she :)


    :D Well, I almost choked on my breakfast this morning when I read about Elsie/Pixie (but its really FEARLESS) fighting with the gas fire. I adore her and wish I could offer her a home – if I didn’t work …. I know what you mean about her getting everywhere first, exactly the same as Nellabi. We can all be in the same room, Nells in her bed but by the time I walk to the kitchen – she is in the kitchen, I walk to my bedroom, she is there (on the bed). Sometimes I wonder if she is actually a little spirit dog and can ‘materialise’ in different places in the blink of an eye. She and Fearless sound so alike. I am just glad Pixie/Elsie/FEARLESS is in a great place with great people. I continue to follow her story, just adore her and if I suddenly became wealthy (that means didn’t have to work) I would offer her a home in a flash. Lovely picture of her in the snow in her little coat.


    Big day for little Elsie today – poor little baby went to the vet to be neutered and is sitting cuddled up beside me as I type. She is making a great recovery so far, has had a bit of dinner, blundered her way out back for a pee and a poo :lol: :lol: Nearly put the heart across me as she galloped up and then down the stairs tripping over her lampshade :D Poor Ellie is TERRIFIED of the lampshade and everytime Elsie comes near she nearly has a heart attack and charges off in the opposite direction barking like mad :lol: :lol:


    :) Wishing you a speedy recovery little one. My equivalent to you is heading down the same road in a couple of weeks so you should be fully ‘mended’ by the time she gets her surgery. I hope you don’t have to wear your Buster collar for too long, especially if its scaring your doggy family members. You are as cute as ever.


    Well our little Elsie is making a remarkable recovery from her surgery ;) She is due to return to the vets on Saturday to have her stitches out- everything seems to be doing fine. She sees her "lampshade" as merely an extension of herself, it makes a great battering ram when you want to knock on the door to get inside :lol: She positively bounds around the house and garden, happy as larry, chasing Ellie whenever she gets a chance and has endless energy. The two of them are best pals. Martin has christened her "Linford Christie" as she can sprint up the stairs faster than anyone. :lol: This little lady has bags of personality and will keep you entertained with her antics. If you’re looking for a little lively doggy, look no further. You will never be bored.Toilet training is coming along nicely too.


    :) Just wondered how (Fearless) Pixie behaved during her stitch removal appointment. How far from the vet practice did you have to park? Were you all made to wait in the car park? Is she still in "good voice"? Its this coming Friday (29th) for the Nells bells. I just want to get the surgery over and done with. They would make a great pair you know – or not. Would be interesting to see how they got on. I have wandered into fantasy land again so will stop now.


    Everything went well yesterday when we went back to the vet for Elsie’s stitches to be removed. Thankfully we were alone in the waiting room, no fellow patients to terrorize :lol: She managed to Pee AND Poo in the waiting room, it’s the stress of it all, you understand :lol: The vet was really pleased with her, she now weighs in at a whopping 3.2kg, a huge step up from 2.45kg 10 days ago when she went in for surgery. She has really filled out nicely, loves playing with Ellie and Cassius and is a great little cuddler who loves to sit on your knee while you watch tv. A little slow with toilet training but is paper trained – just forgets to let us know when she needs to go out back for a pee sometimes :roll: Best of luck to Nells – her big day approaching. She’ll be fine, you’ll see.


    Hi, can you tell me please if Elsie has found her new home yet?

    If not, is she good with small children? We have a 2yo girl and a 6yo boy.

    Thanks so much. She is the cutest little thing I have ever seen!


    Hi Daisy, Elsie is still in foster with us and is doing great. Although she is very tiny she is so lively she would not be suitable for a home with small children. She is used to rough and tumble with our dogs here and tends to puppy play bite quite a lot so I would definitely say that she would be better with older kids.


    Elsie (Pixie)has been with us for 6 weeks now and it’s like she has always been here. She has settled into our routine and trots around with Cassius and Ellie wherever they go. She never ceases to amaze us with her energy, she seems to have a mad hour every night where she sprints around the house like a mad thing leaping up on the couch and jumping from chair to chair :lol: Her favourite toy is her ball on a rope, with a little bell inside the ball. She drags it up and down the stairs, jingling away, growling to herself as she flies along, daring the others to chase her for it and will play tug of war with Ellie who will drag her around the house, while she holds on for dear life, and will never let go :lol: She is afraid of NOTHING at all! I have lowered all Ellie’s agility jumps in the back garden and have started "training" Pixie to jump over them. She’ll happily jump over 3 jumps in a row, then Ellie catches up with her and it ends with them wrestling each other to the ground :lol: We’re working on the weave poles now- won’t be long before she picks that up- methinks we have a little agility champ here. Who knows where it will all end :D


    :D I love Pixie’s up-dates. I can picture her tearing about with her ball on a rope toy and the growling away to herself made me smile. My BT runs around at 10.00ish most nights, only last for 5 minutes or so. I often hear my father saying to him, as Dudley rushes round his chair before running out the room, "are you having your mad turn". I bet Pixie will be great at agility, she is a fantastic little dog. My agility equipment consists of the hoop, sadly that is it. I had some plastic milk cartons as ‘weaving poles’ but they are all frozen solid and will be heading for the bin when they thaw out, they never really worked that well as weaving poles. Our dog training club starts again tonight and I don’t know whether I should take Nells along to meet everyone as she still has her stitches in place but they come out next Monday. She is such a sweet little dog, doesn’t like the cold, she looks out the door, sees the snow and runs back in again. I had to go and lift her off the bed this morning and go out with her but she is so happy to get back in again and is now back in bed all tucked up, warm and cosy. Pixie is a grand little dog and I don’t know why, but she has very special place in my heart. She was very lucky to have been taken in by good people, Fayres, you are exactly what she needs. I continue to enjoy reading about her life from afar, I wish it wasn’t so far but it is.


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