Elsie – Tiny JRT

Elsie – Tiny JRT

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    :( Sorry to hear Pixie is unwell but she will be well cared for at the vet surgery, they will have everything to hand and Pixie probably just wants to rest somewhere warm and quiet. She is a hardy little soul and am sure she will pick up again soon. Happy vibes to you Pixie.


    :) How is the Fearless Fairy getting on? I hope she is over her illness and back home with the family.


    :( Come on Fearless, get rid of that temperature we all want you better.


    my fingers are crossed for you little one xxx… and for all the other doggies that have been ill lately xxx


    :( Any news on Pixie? In my soul I am calling her Fearless because I think that is what she is – and only a baby. This message carries mountains of happy, healthy vibes to you Pixie. You to get better so you can go on to have a fabulous, happy life.


    Hi Indianna, according to the vet Elsie is eating well and is showing an interest in all around her. He has changed her meds and hopes that this adjustment will lower her temperature. We hope to have good news tomorrow morning, and can’t wait to have our little pixie Elsie home for the New Year ;) ;)


    Ah, Fidelma, that would be great ,
    Hopefully she will be home ,
    keep us informed


    :D So very pleased that the Fearless Fairy is on the mend. Poor pup but she is on the right road now and will hopefully be home very soon. I look forward to hearing how she is getting on.


    Our little elf Elsie came home today a new woman :). It was great to see her in such feisty form, she caused an absolute riot in the vets on her way out :D barking at a poor sick collie, a lab puppy and a yorkie, all miles bigger than her :lol: She wriggled all the way home in my arms, back to her feisty little self. She has a nasty cough but she is back eating like a horse and trotting around after Ellie and Cassius (and is terrorising the cat as I write this :lol: )We’re back to square one with the toilet training I’m afraid – there was no way she was going out in the rain for a pee this evening :lol: But we’ll be back on track in the next few days, no worries. Just great to have her home with us :D


    :D Great to see the Fearless Fairy/Elsie/Pixie back home. One of our JRTs (sadly no longer with us) used to behave exactly as you described Pixie leaving the vet surgery, but when she settled in with us she turned out to be the sweetest little dog. She welcomed various other dogs into the family during her 15 years with us. She and Pixie were very similar size- and character-wise which probably explains my interest in Pixie/Elsie. Oh, if only we had the room but Nellie has taken up the vacant space we had in our lives and is doing a grand job. I look forward to hearing about Pixie’s/Elsie’s exploits.


    Elsie is in great form, she is eating well and weighed in today in the vet’s at 2.7kg. We arrived half an hour early for our appointment but were seen fairly quickly as she proceeded to announce her arrival to all in the waiting room, terrorising the other patients (a great way to skip a queue :lol: :lol: )She still has a bad cough but is responding well to her medication and has settled back in with us as if she had never been away :lol: Her favourite place to sit is on our sitting room window sill yapping away at anyone who passes by :). She has such a hilarious personality there is never a dull moment here. ;) Have a look at my 3 in action- she is convinced she is a Rottie and is afraid of no one :lol:


    Greetings from Lanzarote…just popped in for minute and saw Elsie not well :o but glad she is on the mend..I’m still jealous. :? :D ……Happy New Year all…


    That is great that she is on the mend :)
    Hopefully she will be 100% soon


    :lol: Just watched Fearless ‘taking care of things’, by jings she really isn’t afraid of anything is she? Super little dog, wish we had the room!


    Elsie really is a super little dog with a huge personality. She will follow you around wherever you go and certainly isn’t afraid to voice her opinion (every waking moment :lol: :lol: ). We just see it as being part of her unique character and don’t mind the constant racket :lol: :lol: (she has 2 volumes, loud and extra loud :D ) Elsie will make a super family dog, she loves to get involved in everything around her, loves playing with our other dogs, and when she’s tired she loves to cuddle up on your lap.
    We’re making progress with the toilet training too – she is such a smart little madam ;)

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