Elmo – 9wk old Samoyed x Collie

Elmo – 9wk old Samoyed x Collie

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Elmo – 9wk old Samoyed x Collie

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    Sandra Im so so sorry to hear the sad news :( . Having lost Floss (Bella) this weekend I understand a little of how you’re feeling. Please take some comfort in the knowledge that you gave him so much love and did everything you could for him. Thank you so much for taking such great care of him.
    Sleep well little Elmo xxxx


    I am just devastated at the loss of this baby, i loved going to visit him and giving him cuddles.

    Sandra and her family gave this boy a fantastic month, as usual they never scrimped on the love they showed him. He really knew the joy of a family life thanks to them.
    He was happy as a pig in muck every time i saw him. He adored everyone and everyone adored him, he was content and secure that he had landed on his 4 paws in that foster home.

    I know his family who were patiently waiting on him have been watching the forum and were so happy to see all the well wishers on here rooting for Elmo. So there are a lot of heart broken people out there today looking for some small words of encouragement.

    Run fast and free up in heaven little man, miss your cuddles already.


    So sorry to read of the loss of the wonderful Elmo.
    No one knows what life has in store for us but you can have peace in your hearts knowing that Elmo was much loved and had a second chance of life,sad it was so short.

    Dianne,Timmy,Ben ,Zac,Max and Zoe.
    the rainbow bridge.jpg


    Oh Sandie, I am just heartbroken for you and little Elmo. :( :( :( I can only begin to imagine how you are feeling today and I know there is precious little I can say to make things any better for you or your family. But what I WILL say is that Elmo had a fantastic time with you – you are one AMAZING fosterer and you give all your foster puppies SO, SO much while they are with you – PLEASE let that thought be of some comfort to you today. :D :D Be at peace, little Elmo! :( :( :(


    :( Another terrible day for DID and the foster families. At least he was safe, being cared for and had a family waiting for him and he was known to us all.


    Very sadden to hear of another loss…like all the preivous posts have said he knew nothing but the best in is final weeks.

    Rainbow’s Bridge has another little new angel running free.


    poor baby, I am in shock. I have been following this lil guy because I thought he was adorable. I thought I must have been on the wrong page when I saw in "In loving memory". look after urself little man :cry:


    Thanks everyone for the lovely posts , Elmo was a fantastic foster dearly loved here by everyone , we are still very shocked here and miss him so much. :( .


    So very sorry to hear the news about lovely Elmo, such a short little life, however he had simply loads of love and everything done for him. Poor little darling boy. Love and sympathy to his foster family.


    Wanted to add my condolences to Sandra and everyone involved in the rescue process for this lovely pup, and to the poor family who wanted to adopt him. Such sad news.

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