Elllie –

Elllie –

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    The lovely Ellie is currently sprawled out asleep on the floor here :D She assisted in 2 home visits today, and was on her best behaviour. However when we went to agility class she was a bold girl today, and was fighting with her class mates :lol: :lol: We have an agility competition tomorrow in Cloghran- can’t wait, should be great fun ;) I see Sam and Tigra are looking fabulous (can’t believe how big Sam’s grown) and you are proving to be great foster parents too :lol: Hope we meet up some day in Tymon Park ;)


    Fidelma and Ellie are fantastic volunteers and a great representitive of Dogs in Distress. Ellie knows how great she is but sometimes I feel maybe Fidelma does not realise how we miss her when she goes away, even just for a weekend. Fidelma ( and Ellie ) are out almost everyday doing home visits. Without Fidelma and Ellie I think I can safely say that 50% of the pups that were homed this year would not have been homed as quickly. As soon as a home visit goes up on the board Fidelma is straight in offering to help out. I love reading "Ellie’s " reaction to the homes, she gets spoilt rotten with all her antics :lol: I think Fidelma hould write a book called the recollections of a mad collie and the homes she raided !!!! :lol: :lol: I just have a few of these but i love those, they really show how happy these pair are to be together!. xxx


    hear hear!!! I second that !!!!

    Don’t know what we would do without these lovely ladies!!! Ellie and Fidelma THANK YOU!!!


    Awh bless! your home visits would not be complete with out her would they!
    Sam is really big now yeah!
    He almost reaches our shoulders when he jumps up :o


    Thanks for your lovely comments but sure we both enjoy every minute of every home visit, and Ellie loves being the centre of attention. Ellie’s idea of home visit heaven is a house with kids and a football, a garden with a big goal post, or failing that, some nice grass to dig up :lol: :lol: It’s hilarious to see people’s reaction when she’s squeaking her ball non stop for an hour :D
    Ellie and I had a great day today at the show in Cloghran. In her agility competitions she had 2 clear rounds and won second prize. She is such a good girl when we do agility and she watches every command I give. I settled her into the back seat of the car for a nap while the other competitions were going on and when I returned she was sitting in the driving seat fast asleep with muck all over the place :lol: I drove home with her rosette pinned to my jacket, I was that proud. I would recommend agility classes to all active dog owners, it’s just the best thing ever, and it’s really so enjoyable for both dogs and owners.


    Ellie is a complete beauty having met her at the sponsored walk you couldnt but love her and see how happy she is she is a proper calender girl! She is very like the border collie we have in foster at the moment Dancer! They are such a beautiful breed!


    Such a gorgeous girlie. So pleased you found one another. Really interested to hear about her agility and well done for the clear rounds and rosettes!! I have a GSD x and a collie here in England with me – both Irish resues and got my first clear round with one of my dogs in August and it was better than winning the lottery for me. Its great fun and I’ve done it with several dogs over the years and think it helps build a bond with your dog as you are working as a partnership when you do agility. Well done Ellie!!


    Guess what we got from Santa this year? A foster sister called Elsie :o She’s a total pipsqueak and she sure makes a lot of noise. Never shuts up yapping away, a girl can’t get her beauty sleep around here :roll: :roll: Seriously though it’s been great this Christmas, there’s loads of frost in the park, and some parts of the lake are frozen over. I quite like a quick refreshing dip in the icy river after a long run with my mam.
    A couple of weeks ago I did my Good Citizen Test and passed!!!!! So did my friends Duke, Annie, Izzy, Polly, Murph, Molly, Suzie and Shar. We will be getting our certificates in January. Being a Good Citizen means that we can walk in the park and meet other dogs without fighting, we come back when we are called and we generally do what we are told when we are out and about. It’s easy to be good when you know that you get loads of treats when you’re a good girl :D Sometimes I can be a bit naughty but if I cuddle up to my mam she forgives me :lol:


    We had a great time today at the WTCI Agility show. I competed in 3 competitions and guess what? I won a rosette :D :D My friends Lilly, Mollie, Cosmo, Tante, Murph, Poppy, Shar and Katie won rosettes too. We had a great day – I’m relaxing by the fire now – Mam says I’m a great girl :)


    Well Liz now that you mention it Elsie came with us to agility yesterday – had a great time running around with the dogs, not quite able for the jumps yet though. Our jumps at home have been adjusted to teeny weeny height to suit her :lol:


    Well done to you and Ellie today! What a beautiful collie girl :) Although I am a little biased :))) She is a stunner, congrads on her placing today, you guys deserved it!
    We got our first clear rounds today and our first, first placing so triple hugs and kisses tonight for all our hardworking agility babes :)


    :D Another lovely photograph and very well done Ellie, you suit your rosette, first of many I have no doubt. Your mother must be as fit as a flea with all the running around she does, I think she should have a rosette too. Elsie also looks very pleased for her big sister’s success. Well done.


    Well done Fidelma (and of course, Ellie!) on all your achievements – Ellie is a stunner! :)

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