Elllie –

Elllie –

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Elllie –

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    Ellie here – well I’m having a great time in my new home, I’ve a lovely Mammy and Daddy who give me loads of cuddles, 3 big brothers who play football with me, a doggy brother, Cassius who’s 8, but can still chase me around the park every day, and a sister, Chloe, who’s a really old cat, 14 my mam says. Sometimes I’m a little bit naughty and chase Chloe around the kitchen, but i’m trying really hard to be good and not to nip at her (well not when mammy’s looking anyway!) It’s great fun here – Mammy takes me to obedience training on Mondays and agility on Saturdays where I’m learning to jump over fences and stuff – it’s brilliant. John, the teacher calls me "Gorgeous" and "Sweetheart" and says I’m a great girl when I work with Mammy off the lead. Sometimes I’m a bit scared especially when I see the big boys in my class but Mammy says I’m safe now and don’t have to be afraid anymore cos I’m her little Princess. I love doing my Wait and my Stay and About Turns -You see, every time you do what you’re asked you get a lovely bikkie or choccy drop.
    Every Friday Mammy takes us out for an extra long run in the park while she’s jogging and we have great fun chasing rabbits and seagulls and sniffing in the woods. I always come back when I’m called and yesterday I didn’t even sniff that dead rat. That earned me a nice tasy bikkie for being good.
    Here are some photos of us at home. Daddy says it’s hard to get photos of me and Cass playing as we never stay still for long. Bye for now"


    Hi Ellie
    It great to see how well your doing. You are such a lucky lady to have found a brilliant home nothing more then you deserve. BEST OF LUCK
    from Buster and the Archies and tell your mam and dad is was lovely to meet them at the Monday night classes :D


    So very pleased you are enjoying your new home little girl.


    Ellie enjoying the snow!


    Why are you wearing your slippers Mum???

    Hurry up, I’m getting buried here!!!


    Hi Folks, it’s all go here – I’m having a ball. It’s end to end activity in our house. My mam’s taking me to flyball on Wednesday nights. It’s brilliant – racing to the box to get the ball, then racing back, running away with the ball if i can get away with it!! Agility is great fun too – I competed in my first show in Athy last weekend – a bit scary but great fun. Mam tells me which way to go and I follow. I love the high jumps and the see saw and the tunnels, and I’m trying really hard not to get too impatient but it’s soooo much fun that I can’t contain myself. All my friends were there last weekend – Lily, my JRT best friend, Murph the Yorkie, Cosmo and Sasha the boxers, Molly & Polly the collies and Whippy the whippet. On the way home I was exhausted and just conked out in the back seat of the car. My next competition will be in Tymon Park on June 21 and I can’t wait!

    My brother Cassius had an operation last week and has stitches in his tummy so he can’t go for walks for a week, so that means I get to go on my own with my Daddy every day to the park – happy days!! I love sniffing in the woods and when I discover rabbit holes I can put my head right down inside them and have a right old root around. There are some really dirty pools in the park and it’s great fun jumping into them but Daddy gets cross when I come out all dirty and smelly.

    Here’s a photo of me in the Athy show. Mammy says I’m her little princess and it doesn’t matter if we get eliminated in the competition, once we have fun, that’s the main thing.

    Bye for now, Ellie

    Thanks to John Higgins at Black Blur Photography for giving us permission to use this photo!!!


    Ellie has brought so much to us – all you collie owners know how much energy a collie has. She is always on the go, wanting to play football, frisbee, tug of war, you name it :) When I’m rushing to get ready for work in the morning at 7 o’clock and I hear the dreaded sound of a tennis ball being bounced I know I’m not going to get out of the house without a couple of games, back and forward, back and forward. :) When we’re all wrecked and chilling on the sofa in front of the tv Ellie wants to start messing, squeaking her plastic hamburger non stop until she gets your attention :lol: When the cat wants to have her dinner, up pops Ellie to torment her :D And when her poor brother Cassius wants to have a snooze, guess who’s going to jump up on top of him for a game of fighting? :P
    But when I’m feeling low and down in the dumps I can always count on my little darling to cuddle up with me with her little nose giving me kisses- she comes everywhere with me in the car and is my absolute best pal. In her first agility competition last week I was so proud when Ellie waited when I told her, and jumped all the fences and obstacles without any fear when I asked her.
    She has really made our lives complete – we thank her. Here’s to many years together, Ellie :D


    Wow Fabulous shot of Ellie in agility :!: :!: :!:


    oh what a stunning dog ellie really is. just goest to show the hard work pays off when it comes to this breed! i pmd you there Fidelma anyway. keep up the good work both of you xx


    What a great pic of Ellie! She is gorgeous!


    So fantastic to hear how this gorgeous girlie is doing and what a fab pic too. My two (both rescued from Ireland and here now in England) do agility and flyball and my Quinn did his first competition the other weekend. So pleased she is doing so well and thank you for giving her such a wonderful home – the type all collies need!


    Hey there! We had a great day on Sunday in Tymon Park at the agility show. Mam and I took part in 3 competitions and had great fun. There were loads of dogs there including all my pals. My friend Cosmo won first prize and got a gorgeous rosette :) I had a great time watching all the brilliant doggies who are way better than me but are still real friendly :) I Loved the jumping and the tunnels and stuff-it was my first time to do the long jump and Mam said I did great even though we were eliminated cos I jumped back over a jump I wasn’t supposed to :lol:
    There is a new puppy in my obedience class called Izzy, she is a collie like me but she’s only 14wks and she squeals a lot – we play together and have a great time every Monday. ;) There are horses in the next field and they look over the fence at us doing our heelwork and our waits and stays. They probably think we’re mad :lol:
    My brother Cassius had an operation on his tummy and had to wear a funny thing around his head – he wasn’t in the humour for playing with me cos he didn’t feel well but he’s better now. He doesn’t really like the hot weather and likes to stay in the house to keep cool. Daddy bought us a swimming pool and i have great fun splashing around in it. I like dropping my Kong in the water and then putting my head right down inside to look for it and fish it out :D
    Here are a few links to photos from Sunday’s show
    http://www.blackblurphotography.com/pho … html#photo
    http://www.blackblurphotography.com/pho … html#photo
    http://www.blackblurphotography.com/pho … html#photo
    http://www.blackblurphotography.com/pho … html#photo

    See you soon, guys
    Ellie :)


    wow,doesnt she look like a little pro!! well done ellie :D
    we totally forgot about the tymon show. im sure bailey would have loved to see ellie again,mind you he might have been a distraction!!! they could have done laps of tymon instead of my house like the day they met :lol:


    Fabulous photos!! She’s such a gorgeous dog!


    We met the lovely Ellie over the summer when Fidelma did our hoome visit! She was absolutely beautiful! And Very clever ;)😉
    She loved showing off all her tricks !!

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