Ellie (Sheba) Japanese Spitz

Ellie (Sheba) Japanese Spitz

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Ellie (Sheba) Japanese Spitz

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    R.I.P Little Ellie :(

    pegleg peggy

    Oh, Muireann, I am so sorry. I am only just catching up now. I followed Ellie’s progress with great interest and lost my heart to her completely when I saw the photo of her sitting at demurely at the door with your other dogs. The final photo you have posted of her shows us all the transforming power of love. My heart goes out to you, her new owner, and all who loved and cared for her, and my prayers are with Ellie at the bridge.

    Run free and play, little Spitz girl.

    Love, Peg

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