Ellie – 2yr old Pom x Ckc – HOMED

Ellie – 2yr old Pom x Ckc – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ellie – 2yr old Pom x Ckc – HOMED

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    This tiny little lady was taken into foster by Mary yesterday but became unwell. She in now in the vets on a drip..please can everyone say a prayer that she gets well soon ;)


    I collected poor Ellie on Tuesday morning. She’s a very gentle soul but I knew when I got her home that she wasn’t well. She wouldn’t drink or eat anything not even cooked chicken. Her coat was very matted and disguised just how thin she was. She only weighs 5 kilos and is just skin and bone.

    Thankfully the wonderful staff in Terenure Veterinary Hospital took her in and put her on a drip. She had a good night but didn’t eaten for them either. They did blood tests and they all came back clear. It’s just purely neglect that she is suffering from. They expect her to make a full recovery. They have decided to keep her for a day or two and once she is hydrated and eats for them, I can take her home. For the few short hours I had her with me she was a lovely dog and had no problems meeting Ollie. Of course, he did his usual thing of ignoring her which, in the circumstances, was probably for the best.

    I have no doubt that once she is given love, food and a warm and caring home, she will make a full recovery and will make a wonderful pet for someone. Fingers crossed and keep the prayers up.


    A quick update on Miss Ellie. Unfortunately, she is not doing as well today and is still on a drip :cry: :cry: . The wonderful kind people in Terenure Veterinary Hospital are looking after her and have commentated on what a lovely natured dog she is. Hopefully the next update will contain better news.


    I’m afraid the news today isn’t any better on Miss Ellie. She is still very sick and the Vet is continuing with her treatment for the weekend. The sad and infuriating thing is, had she been seen by a Vet, prior to being taken into the care of DID, she may not be in the predicament that she is in now. :x :x :x :x Thank God for DID and their compassion for dogs. Please keep up the prayers and positive thoughts for her.


    I went to see Miss Ellie this evening. Sad to say there is no improvement. She is still on a drip. The poor little mite is very low and there is a question over whether or not she will make it through the weekend. Again, I have to say that Terenure Veterinary Hospital are looking after her with great kindness and compassion. She is being kept very comfortable and is lying on a lovely soft warm fleece and everything possible is being done for her. She is not in any pain or discomfort but is very very weak. I took pictures of her and they still don’t reflect just how terribly thin she is. She is just skin and bone but because she has thick fur it makes her look a lot better than she actually is. It’s in the lap of the God’s now.


    Ellie so sad to see you like this,please dont give up ,sending lots of hugs to you


    Just off the phone from the Vet. Happy to say there’s a slight improvement in Ellie today. Hopefully she’ll now turn a corner and start to recover. Will keep you posted.


    Little Ellie continues to slowly improve so keep up the good wishes :)


    Great news today. Ellie has finally started to eat and the Vet says she has turned the corner. :D :D :D They are keeping her for another few days just to build up her strength. I’m off to see her later and will update again. Unfortunately, as I am away next week, it has been decided that when she is better, she will go to another foster as it wouldn’t be fair on her to have to move from one foster to another after being through what she has been through. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. They have paid off. :P


    Please take this "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" in the nicest possible way. :D :D Terenure vets are miracle workers in my opinion – they have hauled several of ours back from the brink. :D Thrilled to bits for little Ellie and equally delighted for you, Mary. I know how worrying it is to have to watch them so sick. :? :? But it’s onwards and upwards for you now, little Miss Ellie (shades of Dallas there betraying my age! :lol: :lol: :lol: ). Best of luck on your way to your happy ever after. :D


    Little mis Ellie is home and well & being given lots of TLC from Marie & Richard…thanks a million ;)


    Met this lovely girl on Saturday and you wouldn’t know she had been so ill :!: She was in great form with her foster brothers and sisters. Had been up to some ‘devilment’ :lol: :lol: :lol: from what I heard but nothing more that she deserves after being cooped up in the vets (all necessary of course :) ) She is going to be snapped up very quickly I think :D Actullay it was the poor Marie who needed the TLC most..hope you’re feeling better soon :)


    From Marie, Ellies foster mum :D

    Went to vet today for check up.Everybody were so happy to see her so well. She has already gained weight 1 Kilo. She is all activity and full of tricks……will update pictures soon :)

    DID Rescue

    Just to give everyone an idea of the costs we deal with everyday once we take a dog into our care, Ellie’s story so far………

    Ellie went into the pound and this was the first week of the Meath dogs going to Dunboyne or Blackhall Kennels.
    We offered foster spaces for five dogs at that time and she was included.
    We were told no as she had a home booked from the pound.
    Six days passed and we were asked could we take her and of course I said yes.
    She was only out a couple of hours when her foster mum was not happy with her and rightly so.
    She was brought to Terenure Vet Hospital and admitted immediately.
    You all know the progress from there but then it transpired that she was sick all the time she was in the pound.
    Pounds have a duty of care during the five day incarceration but it did not happen in her case and it is even worse when this pound is run by a vet.
    Ellie’s vet bill came to 536.86 Euros.
    Now do the maths her vet bill,food,vaccinations,microchip,worming and spay and when she finds her new home we get 150.00 adoption fee.
    I know this is not all cases but even still when you average it out she will have cost approx 850.00 Euros but in her case what do you do say no and let her die.
    She is going from strength to strength now which is great and it’s what DID is all about but if that vet had treated her on day one we would not have to absorb this bill while he ignores his contract. :evil:


    From Ellies foster mum :D

    "Ellie is fantastic, so happy & healthy..she loves her walks and is full of tricks and fun…photos to follow" ;)

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