Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

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    Hi Andrew,

    First of all thank you soo much for keeping us all updated on how this little man is doing. I can’t say enough how great it is to get updates on him. When I think of the state of this poor little man when he came to me the first day, and to look at him now would just completely warm your heart. And of course, the lovely Mary, his second foster mammy did brilaint work with him too! Thank you soo much for giving him a great home and for loving him as much as you and your family obviously do! The youtube video gave me such a laugh, he is a gas little man, he really mustn’t know himself these days, but it just goes to show what great companions (and cheecky chancers :lol: ) these dogs can be when given a chance ;) . It is brillaint to hear that his eyes are on the mend and that he is finally able to see! He couldnt see a thing when I got him first so Id say he can’t believe his luck!!

    Thanks again for the update and I look forward to hearing about this little rascal soon :D
    ps – does he still ahve his red blanket with white paws on it?? .. he claimed that the first day in my house and was fairly attached to it :D


    Hi all, thanks for your kind words, yep, Benny still has his blanket and woe betide anybody who tries to take it away from him :lol:

    When he’s in a playful mood he’ll pull the blanket out of his bed and give it a good thrashing.
    I came in from work at 4 this morning and found little puddles on the floor, he hasn’t done this in a long time so hopefully he was just caught short. :o



    Hi all, just a quickie before I go back out to work! Benny is just lying on the kitchen floor soaking up the last of the sun before it disappears around the side of the house. Everybody here has said "how lucky" Benny is to have been adopted by us, I would just like to say that Benny has given back 100 times the love that we’ve given him and it’s US who are the lucky ones! He brightens up all our lives.


    Hi Andrew and Family,

    Well little Benny came to visit on sunday last and what a lovely little guy he has turned out to be. He has been in his forever home for 3 months now and looks so well. He has put on weight and his spine and ribs are no longer sticking out, and his eyes look so bright and much clearer. He was as chilled out as anything and put Abby in her place when she got too close a couple of times. :D :D

    We are delighted to say that Benny will be coming to stay for two weeks in August while his folks go on holidays and we really look forward to having the cheeky chap stay. Its so true what Andrew said, given the love these doggies give so much back.
    benny 001.JPG


    Hi all, I know its been a while but we’re all just busy staying alive etc, plus my internet connection is very slow for uploading vids etc.
    Back to Benny! he’s fine, bold as ever and goes absolutely mental at the postman or anyone else walking up the driveway that he doesn’t recognise (which is practically everyone because of his eyesight!).
    He’s off to the groomers tomorrow for a trim of his face and feet and a bit of a tidy up.
    Here’s a little vid of him ragging his blanket after it’s been washed and dried.[url:59dh370j]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcWL6vq1JkY[/url:59dh370j]


    Hi there,
    lovely to see Benny looking so well. I see he is growing his winter coat, as the last time we saw him was in august when he had just had a summer trim. Lovely to see his tail all full again, and of course that cute cheeky little face at the end. Lovely

    Mary Gerry and Abby :lol:


    Hi all, brought Ben to the groomers on Saturday, a new one, not because I didn’t like the old one but this one is closer and allows me stay with Ben while she works her magic, it was a real pleasure being there watching (and reassuring your pal while she clipped his nails etc) what was going on instead of sitting at home wondering if your dog is ok! most of her time was taken up with Benny’s paws which get matted very quickly but she was also very thorough with his ears, glands etc. I don’t know the rules here about naming groomers but if anyone wants a recommendation for one they can email me on andellanna1@hotmail.com. Benny will be going back to this girl in December for a christmas clip.


    A question on Ben’s age. We decided on Sunday that Benny was 18ish months old when rescued back in March which makes him approx 2 yrs old now in October 2010. However, reading back to the start of Elijah’s thread would make him 2yrs old in May 2011. My vet has not helped matters by saying he’s (Benny, not the vet!) between 18 and 24 mths old. We’ve agreed its important to give Ben a "birth date" but I suspect the 2 females in my house will actually give him a birthday, cake and all. Any ideas??


    Hi all, it’s christmas week and it’s snowing again, poor little man seems to have the sniffles so he’s wrapped up in his Brats blanket and sitting on the couch beside Ellen. Happy christmas to you all.
    http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1 … 1907372150



    Ben has been with us a year now (yesterday) and it has absolutely flown by, he’s not the most obedient of dogs (he just does his own thing and ignores you if your request doesn’t fit in with his plans :D ), he’s spoilt rotten and has the run of the house but he is so much fun and such a pleasure to have around that we just couldn’t imagine the house without him now. his eyes still require constant attention but he’s so used to it now that’s it’s not even a chore anymore. He was meant for us and us for him. Rock on Ben!


    gosh how quick the year goes…. We have had Simba (another spoilt Shih Tsu) a year since Jan.. wonderful to see how Benny has come on… lots of love and attention… great to see..

    Best wishes to all in your house



    Indeed that year has passed so quickly. Benny looks great. Such a lovely fluffy chap, with that cheeky little face. Im not surprised about his lack of obedience, he was a stubborn little fella when we had him. But as you say, you got to love him. He certainly landed on all four paws when he found his forever family. Hugs to you Benny from your foster people . ;) :) :)


    Hi folks, Benny (elijah) here. I am on my holidays at the moment with my foster people while my folks took to the sky in one of those huge big birds !!! Dunno why I couldn’t go but they said it was too hot. Anyway I am here with Abby and we are having great fun :D :D :D

    Mary my foster Mum says I am a good boy except when I start barking, I just dont know when to stop. Thats abby’s fault cos she starts me off !!! We tear around and play with all her toys, its great fun. Sometimes she is bold and I have to nip her ears or hang out of her cheeks , she doesn’t like when I do that,but sometimes she makes me mad and I get carried away. At least thats what Mary says.
    We have great games in the evening before we sleep, its like musical chairs. I sit on the couch with Gerry but Abby doesnt like that, so she gets into my bed and she stares at me. Im only little and so is my bed, she is much too big for it. then I try her bed, or the armchair. I usually fall asleep and someone puts my red blanket with me and Im happy for the night. Thats my favourite blanket that my first foster Mum Niamh gave me. My mum keeps washing it when its all nice and smelly :? :? :?

    I still have to have ointment and stuff in my eyes twice a day, its a bit yuk, but I get a treat afterwards so I am good ;) ;)

    We had a nice walk today with Gerry. Abby goes mad chasing a ball for ages, while I Potter about and smell everything. I have to stay on the lead because I have not learnt to come back when im called. Its hard cos there is always something interesting to smell !!

    Well anyway thats me for today. I just thought I would say hi to all the DID folk cos they got me my special forever home.

    Benny, Abby, Mary& Gerry
    ben bed.JPG
    tug of teddy.JPG


    Great photo’s Mary of our little chap, he was miserable last night, I reckon he was missing Abby! Thanks a million for minding him so well, it’s great to know he’s in safe hands when we’re not here.


    Happy New Year..this fab little man is wearing his Xmas prezzie from his foster mum :D :D
    Picture 654.jpg

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