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April 22, 2010 at 11:30 am #97214
MemberAwe would ye look at him
. he is soo cute!! And you’re right Mry .. that face .. it just cracks me up every time!!! Andrew I notice he seems attached to that blanket .. I love seeing him lie on it as it was the first blanket he perched his little bum on in my house and he loved it soo much
. Honestly, words dont describe how great it is to see such a massive happy ending for this lil man. If ever there was a cheeky chappie who deservesd it its him. Well done Andrew and family and pleeease keep the updates coming!! Hugs to Bennyboy…you look fab
May 6, 2010 at 7:01 am #97818Andrew33
MemberA little vid of Benny being "Benny".
Unfortunately, Anna Maries father passed away suddenly on Sunday so its tough times at the moment but I know Benny has given Anna Marie a few laughs in the last few days and taken her mind of things for a few minutes, go Benny
You just can’t stay mad at him for more than a couple of seconds when he gets up to mischief and believe me he knows what mischief is
He dives tru the doorway and skids across the floor until he can get enough traction to change direction and I think he enjoys doing it cos otherwise he’d be more cautious coming tru!
He slid straight into me in vid and stood there grinning at me! 7, 2010 at 7:42 am #97851MARYMAC
MemberHi there,
Love the little video of Benny, he is so cute flying along the floor. He looks very smart with his lovely hair cut. Glad to hear he is bringing smles to everyone,
Smiling here just looking at him. He looks so happy. How are his eyes ?
June 3, 2010 at 10:51 am #96640andrew
MemberHi all, just a quick update on Benny, I took him to the eye specialist out in Dun Laoire last week to try and resolve the eye issue.
Benny has severe dry eye and some permanent damage (which we all knew anyway),he tested benny’s tear production and his right eye only managed a 1 on the chart and his left eye a 5, it should be between 15-20. but its manageable now that we have Ben accepting that the ointment has got to go in his eyes. First few days were murder with Benny wriggling and snapping and giving it the full monty (he should be on the stage!) The specialist explained in great detail what was going on and what options are available, my own vet said "he has dry eye, put this cream in his eyes" but didn’t really explain anything so it was the right thing to take Ben to the specialist. Shih Tzu’s have a poor blink rate and their eylids don’t always meet when closed so the eyes get dust and dirt in quite easily. One option is to operate and re-route a saliva gland up to his eyes but I don’t really want to put him tru that. But he’s in great form and I’ve to take him back to the specialist next week for another check up.June 3, 2010 at 6:13 pm #91647MARYMAC
glad to hear Benny is well and that you now know that there is nothing more sinister wrong with his eyes. Glad to hear he is improving about getting the ointment in. Love to see some recent pics if you have them of the cheeky chap. I miss his funny little face and look forward to seeeing him again
June 4, 2010 at 2:31 pm #91420andrew
MemberThis is the latest pic I have of the wee man, he would melt a snowmans heart when he looks at you like that.
June 4, 2010 at 3:24 pm #91377sineadhh
MemberWell done! This little man has come on so much in such a short time! I remember picking him up in the pound and when we got home I sat in the garden and cried my eyes out for him!
I am absolutely thrilled that he has found such a WONDERFUL family!!
Keep the updates coming!
June 4, 2010 at 6:40 pm #91362MARYMAC
MemberThanks for putting up the photo Andrew, he has indeed got the cutest little face. Cheeky and full of mischief
Give him a cuddle from us all.
June 14, 2010 at 12:40 pm #92248andrew
MemberWhat can I say? cheeky little monkey! I thought I’d left the door open a couple of times when I came home and found him sitting on the armchair.
[url:23ptcc8v][/url:23ptcc8v]June 14, 2010 at 7:09 pm #90462MARYMAC
MemberHa ha, go Benny
What a clever little chap !!!
July 5, 2010 at 2:05 pm #98801andrew
MemberHi all, I had Benny back to the specialist a couple of weeks ago for his follow up.
His right eye has gone from a 1 to a 7 and his left eye from a 5 to a 7-8
so huge improvement in his eyesight and overall comfort.
He has gone from severe dryeye to merely moderate.
His eyesight has improved immensely and he’ll now run after a thrown object because he can see it! and more importantly he can see where he’s going. No more bumping into doors and furniture for this guy.
July 5, 2010 at 2:44 pm #98807buzzsmom
Memberthat is great news, who would have thought this little guy would come on so well . He looks fab i have only just seen the door opening , very funny
July 5, 2010 at 7:02 pm #98815LuvMyFurKids
MemberGreat news about his eyesight and just watched his uTube clip ….what a clever little chap
July 8, 2010 at 1:41 am #98897DID Rescue
KeymasterHe looks fantastic……….well done new parent.
The video is really great, maybe he is saying….. I’m a celebrity let me out of here.
Most important the improvment in the eyes and I am sure he cant believe whats happening either being able to see things and get involved, all the stuff he has missed out on before.
Please keep the updates coming we really appreciate them, it’s what keeps us motivated and positive on the bad days.
Thanks.July 8, 2010 at 7:38 am #98898Niamh
MemberHe is such a stunning dog and my heart broke reading the start of this post and throughout. Thank god he came into your arms and has now been given the chance to know love and respect. Bless you
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