Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

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    What are they like with the matching bandanas???
    And he really is a man’s man liking his space in the bed….

    He’ll need his wellies today to go outside. Abby’s toys are getting a good tugging.

    Talk soon.


    Today was an early call at 5am when I woke up to a strange noise in the darkness. Not sure what it was until I focused my eyes on the little lampshade looking up at me beside the bed !!! The little monkey had obviously decided he was lonely and came up for a cuddle. Then I felt bad as he seemed very cold so of course up on the bed and he curled up in a ball and went fast asleep.
    As it was such a horrible morning everyone was sleepy so he just lounged around and slept a lot.
    My nephew rang to say he would call around in the afternoon with Bruce abby’s boyfriend :D I was a bit concerned as Bruce is a huge big gentle giant and wasnt sure how the 3 would behave together but only one way to find out !
    They arrived in and as soon as Benny saw Bruce he started to bark. I was holding him on my lap and he just gave out and gave out. We just ignored him as Abby and Bruce went out the back to play. Benny was watching everyting with a keen eye and was very interested . We put him out for a bit and as Bruce and Abby were busy playing he just sort of sniffed around them and Bruce around him. After a few trips in and out of the house Benny was completely at ease and very brave , tail wagging and wanting to play. It was very funny to watch the size of him with these two bigger dogs, he had no problem at all adn if things got a bit rough he just dashed back into the house.
    We were all in stitches at the 3 of them sorting each other out and the only problem was his size against their big large playful slaps of the paws like boxers !! Mind you he had a go himself no problem to him and Bruce actually became quite wary of him after a while, the little monkey. But all in all lovely to see him so confident in himself after a short time and well able and willing to play :D :D :D In fact he was the last to give in when the other two were exhausted.

    I feel very confident that Benny would make a great addition to any family with no small children. He loves company and enjoys playing and giving his cheek , He really has turned into a real character and while we would miss him so much we would truly love to see him going to a forever home where he will be equally loved and spoilt :) :) :) :)

    some pics of today, hopefully there will be no visits tonight or early morning.

    They told me you were big, but your huge !!

    Hey Big fella Im Benny

    One more little play while Abby is asleep ;)

    Stitches coming out in the morning :D


    Oh my god the size of him with the big dog. Gullivers travels eat your heart out….

    Oh I’m waiting anxiously for my phone call or e-mail but still no sign. I would love to be his new mammy and offer this cutie a forever home.

    He is such a brave little soldier and a fighter.

    I’ll keep checking in.


    Our little trooper got his stitches out this morning and not a bother, he was very good. No more mad head gear for him !! :)
    The vet checked his eyes and has given us drops instead of ointment which will be a lot easier to put in, a quick drop and its done.

    He sat at the back door today and looked to go out for the first time, we were so delighted, so the 2 hourly trips outside seem to have done the trick and he seems to get the message. Such a clever little boy he is :) :)
    His coat is beginning to grow quite a lot now and is thickening out and is just so so fluffy, he is gorgeous and so cuddely, he feels like a little fleece :)
    this guy has really come on so much, happy to go outside, when its not raining and potter around the garden and sniff and pee, and do the normal doggy things. He saw a cat today on the garden wall and barked because Abby barked, but wasnt much bothered with him really.
    Lots of fun and play with Abby today and sleep in between.
    I laughed so much tonight as Gerry went upstairs to watch some football, Abby followed as always, then Benny followed. I went up a while later and there were the 3 of them asleep on the bed, sadly no camera or phone to hand. It was so funny, total contentment.

    I think I will give the little monkey a wash tomorrow now his stitches are out and see how that goes.

    Happy Easter Everyone
    Mary, Gerry, Abby and Benny.


    Delighted to see he got the stiches out and the lampshade off. I’d say its great to give him the drops instead of the ointment at least you know its going in the eye.

    Isn’t he a clever boy to know about the "back door" = "toilet"

    You have to have a camera with you tomorrow for the "wash" as I’d say it will be comical to see his reaction.
    Looking forward to the update tomorrow.


    This little guy seems to be getting more confident by the day, and cheeky with it. Yesterday he decided to take off with my slipper as I suppose to him it was the same as some of the soft toys he has come to love playing with little devil :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Oh another fluffy toy to play with !!

    His toilet training seems to be nearly there and now goes to the door when he needs to go out.
    Today we decided to wash Benny, and because we never had a "little" doggie before, we decided to do the wash in the kitchen sink ! Not a great idea but thought the shower would frighten him too much. Water everywhere !! But the job was done without too much hassle. He was quite good about it, but did try and jump out a few times.

    Not sure I like this too much :shock: :shock:
    (Dont worry we used lovely dog shampoo, not the wash up liquid in the picture) :) And I will definately need that wine glass later. :)

    We gave him a quick dry with the towel and then he went outside for a shake . Thankfully it was warm and dry. Then back for the finishing touches of the blow dry!! Well he just loved it. He lay there like lord muck and nearly purred , lol. He was so funny. :)
    His coat is so soft and fluffy, he feels like a lovely fleece just out of the dryer. He seemed all happy being lovely and clean then jumped up on the couch for a little nap.

    That wash stuff was very tiring !!

    Hi there

    Im just a fluffball now :)

    Yay another toy !

    As I type this now, Abby is fast asleep after her walk and her feed, Benny is also fast asleep after his feed, so 2 very happy furry’s. I can quite honestly say that I never thought I would see these two in such peace together.
    Benny is going to make some home a very happy one and will fill his new owners time with many laughs as he is quite the little monkey :)


    Oh my god the little sight of him in the sink. He looks as if he was about to jump for freedom.
    How contented he looked on the sofa….all fluffy and lovely.

    Its amazing how small he looks, but when standing looking out the door to attention he looks stretched and tall.

    Talk soon.


    Benny here tonight. Today started off well even though it was raining, i just skipped out and did my business. I like the garden now and love to just sniff around the place . I dont race back in any more cos I know they will take me in when Im ready :) They make a big fuss when I wee out here and its great fun :D Had breakie and then back for my morning nap. It was a funny old day with the man putting stuff through the box in the door and Abby going mad barking, so I decided to join in. Had a nice walk with Gerry but had to tell him "hey Im only little remember and my legs are short" !! That abby girl is much much bigger than me and loves big long steps!!
    The sun came out and the door was left open so me an Abby could just go in and out and play, thats great fun. We are bestie mates now. Saw some funny looking furries again today on the wall but they wouldnt come in and play. Abby said she doesnt let them , dunno why cos they look like they could be fun ;) ;)

    After tea Mary was on the phone telling someone how good I was and how I didnt mess the house at all, and I dont really know why but I did a wee on the rug . Oops I got in trouble, got that funny voice from them telling me I was "bold" and was put outside :o :o Dunno who Mary was talking to but hope I dont know them cos I would be very embarassed, it just happened , I think I just got all excited playing :oops: :oops:
    Then Abby and me were playing and she has such lovely silky ears I reckoned it was fun to try and catch them, then the tassles on the chairs, then the slippers, ohhhhhhh no, more trouble :? :? :?
    It was late when I decided to stop playing, Abby was asleep and all the toys had gone, so I just decided to give in and sleep. Mary wondered had I been on the coke whatever that it, but sure she knows I only drink water !!!

    How could you give out to me, Im just too cute :lol: :lol: :lol:

    See me and Abby are great mates, she even gave me Bugsy ;) ;)


    I have just been looking at Elijah,s thread having a little man like him Fletcher. If I was a betting woman i,d say they are brothers. Their markings are exactly the same, size, age about right too. What do you think? Mary


    Oh dear a little accident. At least today he can run around its so much nicer. I’ve been on to DID about my application form and I submitted it again so here’s hoping.

    I bet he didn’t like been given out to. And he’s right "how could you give out to such a cutie" lol.

    Talk soon.


    Today was a good day after the madness of yesterday, it took that little devil ages to settle last night. I think like a child he was over excited and took a while to relax, but when he did, he did !!!

    We love our morning cuddles :) :)
    Benny is so funny going around the house picking up toys, its like a kids playroom at the end of the day with stuff everywhere, but the old giraffe seems to be his favourite. I assume because he can catch him anywhere and drag him about, which he does.
    Another thing he does which is funny is collect Abby’s bits of rawhide bones and finishes them off. he could spend 2 hours chewing and then just sleeps, hes so funny.

    This guy is brilliant :D :D

    Benny loves his food and would eat and eat if you let him. I swear he nearly eats as much as Abby, who is not a great eater. If he hears the rustle of a paper or you are in the kitchen he is there looking up and waiting but is learing that NO means NO and gives up eventually.

    Maybe this time :!: :!:

    A good day with no accidents and lots of fun and games.
    I just dropped a book on the floor and little Mister downstairs let a woof out of him. He is a very good watchdog, very alert and on the ball when there is a noise.


    He really is like a baby. Of course there he is legs up in the air fast asleep making sure he has the most room.

    What a little beggar he is, Abby oblivious to the table and of course there is Benny sitting up looking for his share…..


    Little benny has been with us now for over two weeks. He has come on so much that its hard to believe he was the nervous little chap he was. To think that in just over a month out of the pound and with lots of tlc, he has become the cheeky little monkey he is :) He is so confident in himself and very relaxed about the place, just potters around and if he hears anything he is on the alert. today next door were having the outside of their house painted and this little chap was very annoyed with some of the knocking sounds and let us all know quite clearly !
    In two minutes today he found a tissue somewhere and shreaded it looking very happy with himself. So full of mischief, but so nice to see him behave like any normal dog.
    Lovely day in and out of the sun with Abby.
    I think his eyes have improved a good bit, they do seem brighter.

    Posing !

    Are you done in the shower, do I have to move ?

    Just hanging out with Abby

    Where is that noise coming from

    Oops, I could be in trouble !!


    Well this is our last night having little our little foster boy here. He will be going to his forever home tomorrow evening. :(
    Benny(Elijah) is such a funny chap and so playful and curious. Today I was upstairs and Gerry was downstairs and I noticed all was quiet. I called to Gerry to see if he was downstairs and no, he wasnt up with me and not in the garden. We looked in the back room and there he was on the bed all cosy and having a good look out the window. He had never ventured in there before, but now he is all brave is quite happy to be on his own being a nosey little guy.

    He ate like a horse as always and I think he would eat until he burst if he was let. Chewed Abby’s big rawhide bones, so no need to buy little ones for this guy.
    Will update tomorrow night .

    Some pics from today.

    Nobody told me about this bed !

    Will you miss me swinging from your ears :)

    well will you ?

    My last sleep here


    Well our little foster boy went off to his forever home this evening. He went off with not a bother the little traitor :) :) He has a lovely new family and am sure he will be spoilt rotten and be a very happy little boy.
    Good luck Benny, be a happy chap. We will miss you.

    We look forward to updates from AnnaMarie,Andrew and Ellen. Enjoy your new addition, he will keep you amused thats for sure :D :D

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