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March 23, 2010 at 1:22 am #95523
MemberWell this little rascal came to stay with us tonight. He is a funny little guy and as Niamh said quite unsure about things, dogs an humans. Himself an Abby tore around the garden like mad things, no mad aggression from either. Abby not impressed when this wee boy tried to hump her and continued to do so all night. A quick sharp NO and he stops but persists and persists. Thought abby is not impressed with this interest she does want to play and he seems up for it. He will be neutered on Wednesday so hopefully this will quieten him down a bit in that area
he tends to cower away a little when you put your hand to him to touch him at all, but on the other hand as niamh says, loves his cuddles. He can be a bit growly but Im sure thats fear rather than anything else. He just needs to know that its ok and nobody is going to do him any harm.
Abby sleeps up with us and then usually goes downstairs in the night, so to avoid any conflict or night time games she is up here and he is asleep on his bed downstairs. He is there for about an hour now and has barked a few times but only because there was barking from outside. It soon stopped so hopefully he will settle for the night.March 23, 2010 at 10:17 am #95690jojo20
MemberAw Mary Im so please you finally got your foster wish. And what a special lil man to take in. Im sure Abby will get used to her new admirer soon! His humping is also excitement and will settle itself. Our first foster was a serial humper and even table legs, men , women anything within range- he wasnt fussy. haha.
Will be looking forward to your updates. JoMarch 23, 2010 at 11:21 am #95695oneill
MemberWell I was broken hearted having to give this lil man to a new foster mammy due to other commitments
. But then I met Mary and her family and I was instantly relieved and put at rest. I was over dropping off Elijah to Mary last night and met the wonderful Abby,who is such a dote, I fell in love with her too. Mary you’re a complete star and Elijah is so lucky to be staying with your family. Thank you soo much for the updates as its great to hear how he’s getting on. I couldn’t be happier that Elijah is with you
. I just hope he gives poor Abby a break
. Thank you so much again for giving Elijah a wonderful foster home, he’s a cheeky lil man for your first foster
. Give him a hug from me and Charlie
March 23, 2010 at 11:32 am #95699MARYMAC
Well this little guy had a good first night. A few barks during the night but he stopped quickly. Went down this morning at about 8.30 and there he was sitting in the armchair looking very comfy
A couple of little wee’s but it was his first night. Him and Abby had a few rounds of the garden and then back to rest a bit. I went upstairs to shower and left them . Abby had come upstairs for a little sleep and Elijah was downstairs.
I came out of the shower and this little rascal face came in to greet me waggin his little tail in circles !!! He is so funny as last night he just sat at the end of the stairs every time Abby headed up to escape from him.
So now he is here, fast asleep and cosy. He ate a bit of food this morning but not much so will give him a little more at lunch time. The drops in the eyes were no problem, doesnt mind that at all.Tried to do the photobucket thing but failed despite the telephone assistance of Ash, will try again in a bit when I have given this little guy a brush and played with the two terrors for a while. He is really not sure what to do with toys as Abby brought him all her favourites last night and he just looked at them.. Im sure he will catch on, sure if not no harm.
he is grand Niamh and Abby is more relaxed with him today, but still runs off when he tries to hump her the little brat. So all doing good so far , thankfully.
March 23, 2010 at 1:07 pm #95705MARYMAC
MemberChecking each other out !!
March 23, 2010 at 6:38 pm #95708MARYMAC
MemberNow where am I ?
This looks interesting !!
Im so cuddly
March 24, 2010 at 8:51 am #95096MARYMAC
MemberWell this little guy has gone off to be neutered this morning. he ran up the stairs first thing when Gerry went down and looked up at me in the bed wagging his tail and being so small he could not get up. I picked him up and he just snuggled in beside me and started to snore !!!!
He slept all night without any barking, was stretched out on the armchair this morning all cosy. A few little wee’s but went out and did both business immediately.
He is a funny little guy, so loves to be cuddled but is not sure how to play or socialise with Abby at all, just doesnt know how to play with her or with toys, poor little guy. She gave him every toy she had yesterday but he didnt know what to do with "giraffe, hippo,squeaky ball", or even a tiny Elijah size rubber ring she found. She is being so good with him.
I will post later when the little terror gets back from the vet
March 25, 2010 at 1:35 am #95771MARYMAC
MemberFeeling sad
I think I will hide in Abby’s bed
Feeling better, any grub for me
This little guy went off to be neutered today and came home at about 6.30 feeling very sad and sorry for himself. He settled in to sleep for a while on his bed, then on the chair, then in Abby’s bed, little monkey
At about 8.30 he was looking for food so I gave him some mashed potato which he absolutely devoured. I never saw a dog eat so fast in my life. He raised his head when finished with a lump of potato on his nose, he looked so funny !!!
He was very good for the night and only went near abby once and she told him off seriously. He backed off for the first time, so thats a good sign. Maybe he is beginning to understand a little . He slept most of the evening while we watched a movie just moving every now and then to get comfy. Left him at about 12. and he just fell asleep and not a sound since.
The vet said all went well. He is to go back up on sat for a quick check up and then stitches out in 10 days. He is not too happy with his collar but didnt go at it too much.
This little guy certainly does grow on you and is very affectionate and loves his cuddles.
Hopefully there is someone out there who would love a little pal to cuddle and mind as he just loves company.March 25, 2010 at 8:52 am #95772oneill
MemberAh Mary would ye look at him with his lampshade .. poor little thing!! I never realised what a cheeky face he has too
. Yes mary you’re so right when you say he loves the cuddles and so a quiet household who just want a lapdog and a snuggler would love this little guy. You wouldn’t be doing any agility trials with this guy
…he loves his comfort too much and just wants to plod along beside you and then up on your lap fo the cuddles
. Mary you’re doing great with him..and Abby is a little dote aswell. Like you say he obviously hasn’t been socialised before with people or dogs .. but I suppose its only been a month since his new life began so he’s getting there
. When I got him first he didnt know what a cudde was .. he would just freeze as if to say "what are you trying to do" .. but he realised soon enough that the cuddles were great aul craic and he loves them now. Well he certainly landed on his 4 paws in your house….thank you so much for giving this guy such a loving foster family
ps – I know what you mean about the snoring … he wont do well with the ladies with that bad habit
. Give him a snuggle from me
March 25, 2010 at 12:49 pm #95779MARYMAC
It was a lovely quiet night, little Benny as he is being called slept like a baby with not a sound out of him. this morning he was in the armchair stretched out and snoringAte his food like there was never going to be any more and I put the ointment in his eyes, went out for a wee and then came up and slept on my bed for 2 hours !!! He is such a cuddely fella, just loves you to pet him and I think he would be quite happy to do that for hours and hours. A proper little lap dog.
He is trusting us more and not so fearful when approached. I am not sure if this is his vision or just fear than made him cower. but much improved today. Which would make you wonder what sort of life he had before he came to the pound poor little guy. Himself and abby are more or less just leaving each other alone. If this is not because he is quiet because of medication it would be wonderfu. Two happy doggies
I took his out the back with abby and abby raced around after her toys and things and he just sat watching, he has no idea what to do.He isnt too bothered with the collar and just seems a bit uncomfortable every now and then and gives a big big sigh !!
Stitches all look fine and healthy. So hopefully he will heal quickly.He is on the floor right now giving out to me cos he is there and not on my lap the little monkey. Hopefully there will be a home out there where he can be loved and cuddled and be a happy chap forever
March 25, 2010 at 7:36 pm #95797Andelann
MemberHi guys, I’m new to this board just looking at photos and reading about this cutie. I’ve been watching Elijah and his progress for the past couple of days. I think you are amazing people for the work that you do with all the dogs. I would be very interested in adopting Elijah, I am going to go to the pound on Saturday to set the wheels in motion. I’ll go now cuddles to Elijah and hugs to all you foster carers out there.
March 26, 2010 at 12:50 am #95823MARYMAC
MemberHi Andelann,
this little guy is not in the pound or under their care. He is under the care of Dogs in Distress and with us. If you are interested in adopting him or any other dog, please fill out an adoption form under forms and downloads on the main page and someone will get in touch with you.Today went well and Benny (Elijah) did a lot of sleeping and just lounging around. Took him out several times today to do his business but nothing happened, I began to worry but then took off his collar and hey presto !!! He cant balance properly when the collar is on and he lifts his leg, oh he just cracks me up the wee pet
So its off with the collar, on with the lead so he doesnt start to check himself out and off out in the garden.
I have to admit to becoming very fond of this little chap which I promised myself I wouldnt !! But alas he is stealing my heart as the love and affection he gives you in return for a cuddle is amazing. That a dog that seems to have been through so much can give so much. I guess us humans have a lot to learn from some of these dogs.
He eats like a thunderbolt like he will never get another piece of food and seems to like everything. Like Ash said to me about one of her dogs, he seems to just "hoover" up food , its so funny to watch. Then lashes into the water for ages. Yesterday I filled up the bowl and he just didnt either see it was full or just went too quickly and ducked his little face right in the water , it was hillarious as he looked up all confused !!!
Tonight he sat and watched Gerry eating his chicken, sat about 1 foot away and just starred. This is after he had guzzled down his own feed. No problem feeding this little guy.All quiet now and sleeping.
March 26, 2010 at 10:38 am #95806oneill
MemberHa ha
Mary I LOVE reading your updates as its all so familiar to me!! he like an older dog on young shoulders!! Its like he’s adapting to being loved and always having a comfy bed and anough to eat! Mary I know I keep saying it but Im sooo glad he’s with you
. For anyone who likes this guy I would say go for it .. he is worth it!! He is like a 24 hour snuggler who wants the easy life .. (dont we all!!). be good Benny (Mary and I both think he’s more like a little Benny than an Elijah
.. the name Elijah is too posh for this guy
…ah sorry lil man .. only joking with ya!!!) .. Love ye lots funny man
and well done again to you Mary .. you’re soo good!!
March 26, 2010 at 5:53 pm #95794Andelann
MemberHi Mary, Thanks for the reply , I have to say you should start book writing its so interesting reading your posts. I will fill out that form and submit it this evening.
Its great to see how great Elijah is getting on and how much he’s come on. About his name, looking at the first photo of him with his head turned sideways after getting his makeover he looks so mischievious and more like a gremlin lol.
Talk soon.March 26, 2010 at 7:15 pm #95844hazie
MemberGod this little man looks sooooo much better then he did and i am so happy to hear he’s improving daily! It’s all down to the WONDERFUL work of his wonderful foster parents and Dogs in Distress…well done!! I’m sure Elijah / Benny would say THE biggest thank you too if he could
I’m still awaiting a home visit (it’s a hard life living in the sticks (Westmeath)
) and hopefully somebody would be able to visit soon. In the meantime I look forward to seeing this little guy improve and would love to give him a forever home…altho I cannot imagine finding him one would be too hard he’s adorable!!! But keep me in mind please! He would make a great play mate for my neighbours Shih Tzu
Thanks for all the updates, they’re wonderful to read
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