Eliah – Collie x

Eliah – Collie x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Eliah – Collie x

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    Name: Eliah

    Reference Number: DLR164

    Sex: To Be Confirmed

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: To Be Confirmed

    Date Out: To Be Confirmed


    The way her body language in the photos is was exactly the way she was with me today.She is very timid but friendly and loves to be made a fuss of.Her eyes are very sad and say it all :( At first she didnt want to come out with me but once out she was delighted.Brilliant on the lead and great with other dogs.I hope someone is looking for her.Lovely girl :D


    I would still like to offer fostering for this girl if she needs even if we have to wait for the all clear from the pound staff for her to leave. I have been offered help with transport thank you to all who offered ;) you know who you are ;) .


    Eliah didnt seem to be there today so hopefully she was reunited/rehomed :roll:


    Eliah is still in the Pound she came for a walk with me today. She is slowly coming out of her shell but definitely didn’t want to go back to her kennell.


    Ruby stayed with Anna (Ashton Pound Staff) over Christmas. Rather than take her back to Pound Anna has decided to foster Ruby short term. As she lives in an apartment Anna is hoping for an offer of a foster home for Ruby as soon as possible.

    Ruby is fully housetrained, she does not jump up on furniture, is content to sleep in her bed and does not bark. She quiet and calm and very good on the lead – she will walk off the lead and has very good recall. She is about 6/7 years old, she is a little timid but is coming out of her shell.

    If you can offer Ruby a foster home or forever home please post here.


    Few photos of lovely Ruby ;)


    I was wondering about Eliah/Ruby as I did not see her in the pound over the christmas. It was lovely of you Anna to take her for short term foster. She looks happier as a result and ready for her next foster or hopefully her forever home.


    These are much better photos – she looked so fearful in the first set its like she is a different dog –


    Happy New Year Ruby!!!!!!Im so happy for you…


    I’m so delighted for this girl – thank you Anna for looking after her over Christmas.


    So fantastic to hear that this lil lady got her home it is brilliant. Her photos really tell it all, just so sad to look at those eye. Why are some people sooooo cruel, its not fair.


    Brilliant news for Ruby :D Thank you Anna.

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