Effie – mini yorkie – HOMED

Effie – mini yorkie – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Effie – mini yorkie – HOMED

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    Aw! that great that shes back to almost normal after her operation.
    I say she a little cutie with the cone!


    Hi all, well Effie went back in for a check-up and it’s all good news, brought her out for a bit of a walk today and she’s pooped now sleeping on the couch after a nice feed!


    that great thanks for up dates an all the great care your giving her


    Thats good for her I’m sure shes glad your there taking care of her
    Have a great weekend ;)


    hi all im new to this site ,can anyone tell me how i go about adopting effie if shes not already taken.good home available with another yorkie ,shes 12 and would love to have a little friend for company ,we have no small children myself husband and son all dog lovers .our little lady is full of beans loves walks and her comfort :lol: also im home all day so effie would be well cared for . :D thanks in advance


    Hi there hope Effie is over her op by now and enjoyed all the nice weather over the weekend


    Effie has been reported missing since yesterday. DiD are on the case.


    If you wish to adopt any dog please look in the Forms & Downloads section of this website. As far as I remember (did this myself back in May) you can put the name of the dog in which you are interested on the application form. Then you will be contacted about a DiD volunteer coming to see you for a HV (home visit).

    I hope this helps.


    Cant believe whats happened i hope shes found and i’ll be keeping my fingers crossed we would hate for anything bad to happen to her just when she thought life was getting better


    Oh no – I can’t believe it. Poor little Effie – she must be terrified. I really hope that she is found soon safe and sound.


    Like everyone else I am horrified that Effie took her chance when she slipped her lead. We just don’t realise how long it takes for dogs to trust people. Having slipped her lead we would all hope she would have stuck with her people but nature is so much stronger than nurture and her instinct was to run when that opportunity presented itself. Her foster family must be very upset. I remeber when Wilbur did the same thing and he was found so I am sure with DID out searching, word going out to all it will only be a matter of time before someone catches up with her. If only we could explain to these dogs that they really are safe but instincts are very strong in a panic situation. I don’t envy anyone who finds themselves in this situation, not their fault. Life can be hard but I look foward to her safe return and we can all relax again. Effie, you are a little monkey!


    I met Effie briefly last week at the vet and she really is a very tiny but beautiful little dog. Sive must be absolutely up the walls with worry about the little mite. We are keeping all fingers and paws crossed that she is found safe and sound very, very soon. :(


    Poor little Effie! I will spread the word and keep all eyes and ears open. Praying for a safe return.


    Hi everyone, Kathy is just after ringing me, Effie was picked up yesterday by a very nice man and she’s getting picked up tonight and dropped back to us. Heart attack over, thank god!!


    effie has been found. kathy is en route to collect her from the very kind people who found her wandering in the phoenix park yesterday.

    big thanks to the staff at Activet in Phibsboro for putting us in touch with the folks who found her!

    (i can sleep easy tonight, now! :D )


    oh no poor little effie hopes shes found safe.what area did she go missing in .i will keep a look out and pass message on to friends and family,if we are nearby.
    fingers crossed shes found soon

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