Eden – Rottweiler – HOMED

Eden – Rottweiler – HOMED

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    D.I.D got a call this evening to say there was a dog dumped in a canal that needed urgent help so thankfully Kathy, Audrey, Nikki and myself were in the area at the time doing our rounds for D.I.D so rushed to the area, thankfully a man and his GSD were waiting with him till we arrived so we knew where to go, he had managed to drag himself out of the canal and crawl into the ditch nearby. He was very shaken and scared, and the fireworks going off every minute didnt help him either! So after a bit of coaxing and help from a passerby we managed to get him out.
    While Audrey and Kathy ran to get the cars as near as possible, all Eden did was give the paw again and again…. as if to say thank you, and also got a few rottie licks. So after the cars arrived little Audrey stopped all the traffic on the main road :lol: in order for us to get him safely into the car incase he decided to bolt across due to the fireworks. He ran into the car not a bother and is now safely in the vets getting a once over as he is so thin and being checked for a chip as he is neutered, so could be a stolen pet.
    He is the sweetest dog and is so appreciative so hopefully he will be reunited. Another eventful day at Dogs In Distress!

    Here are pics of him after he was saved and the isolated location he was at :(
    Edan 3.jpg
    Edan 2.jpg
    Edan 1.jpg


    Hey really well done you guys. What a scared looking baby (big baby) but you can see he is so sweet. Thanks so much for rescuing this big guy.


    Well done guys! Lets hope this guy gets reunited with his owners :)


    what a big beauty-he is gorgeous :)
    Well done to all who helped this big baby out today-he looks so frightened in his photo :( So glad the poor angel is safe now and hopefully he will be reunited with his owner soon ;)


    Thank God that all the nasty people in the world :evil: are balanced somewhat by the Kathy’s, Nikki’s, Audrey’s and Kim’s of this world. Well done and thanks for going to such lengths to rescue the big teddy bear. I have my fingers crossed that he is chipped and will be reunited with his owners – from all the little "paw" tricks and licking Edan was doing, he sounds like he was once somebody’s pet. Poor little man.


    ah the poor little guy…well done girls :)
    hopefully he will be well looked after now and make a full recovery asap :)


    :x Good grief, poor dog. Such a noble breed and for this poor dog to find himself in a canal, river or whatever it was is just horrible. The greatness of those from DID to the rescue, literally. What would all these poor dogs do without DID, what would we all do? Great people, lovely dog, now in safety.


    Very well done guys! :D Paws crossed he is reunited soon.


    Well done ladies, take a bow. Thanks for saving him. He looks like he is thanking you all with his lovely eyes :D


    Well done ladies :) Edan is so lucky you could get to him so quickly. People have guardian Angels but I think the people of DID are the guardian Angels of all these dogs you are all wonderful :)


    Poor little soul – I hope he will be ok. x


    Excellent Work ladies!! Wow he is a beautiful boy my heart did a little flutter! I do have a soft spot for the bigger babies!!


    Well this BIG BOY was nothing but a teddy bear….he had a good night under the great care of Mark in Terenure Vetinerary Hospital. He is dog, cat and human friendly…

    Eden isn’t chipped but he has been someones pet he sits and is very gentle on the mouth when receiving treats and is very food driven as most Rotti’s are….Mark reckons that Eden is about 2-3yrs.

    He is gone into foster with Helen (thanks so much for giving this boy a chance when he needed it most) and has 8 canine companions for company so no chance of him getting lonely then!

    And as the song goes "what a difference a day makes 24 little hours"

    Eden the smiling Teddy Bear

    2010-10 Eden 001.JPG


    How is the beautiful Eden getting on these days? Have his owners been tracked down?


    Well Eden this big baby is doing fantastically his foster mum has been on to say that she is delighted with him and how friendly he is to all visitors of the four and two legged variety.

    She will post pictures soon …..but its proving very difficult as his favourite past time is finding muddiest part of the garden or hitting the jackpot and finding fox poo and just rolling in it till he is covered from head to pad….

    Looking forward to a few new pictures on this big teddy bear!!!!

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