Dudley – Setter x approx. 3 years Ref.35

Dudley – Setter x approx. 3 years Ref.35

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Dudley – Setter x approx. 3 years Ref.35

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    Dudley is gone into foster with Sarah, thanks a million, who will update soon ;)


    Very energetic fella, playful but sweet..thanks to Elisa for taking photos..


    Dudley came to stay with us today and so far is a gentleman in the house, giving his paw in a very genteel manner :D I took him out for a walk and he was so excited to be out he really took me :lol: . He is very puppy like in his ways when outside getting overexcited about passing bikes and people so he will need some training to steady him down a bit. He is quite happy to go off to sleep sometimes sleeping with all four paws in the air like a pup :D We are delighted to have him come to stay but I will have to have my wits about me when I take him out walking.


    Dudley slept all night without a peep and greeted us with a happy face and a waggy tail in the morning. He is slow to eat, only taking food from my hand but is drinking away so I reckon he will be grand on that front in a few days. He is strong on the lead and finds bicycles and people VERY interesting, that said I took him out and kept talking to him the whole way trying to keep his attention on me and I think he was less frantic. He is a clever dog and I would say with a bit of perseverence he will calm down and be a wonderful pet. My kids love him and he is great in the house, a big softie as you can see from the pictures :D


    Stunning pictures…thank you so much :D


    Dudley has settled in really well with our family, a true gent. He has his appetite back and has lost some of his wariness. He is stunning to look at with a beautiful soft red coat and a gentle nature. He loves to go out and steps into his harness himself :D . When he is out he becomes over excited and pulls very hard on the lead so we have to hold on to him tight. I would love if anyone had any tips for helping to calm him down when we are out. He has a big deep bark which we hear mainly when he meets other dogs out walking, in the house he is as quiet as a mouse and is getting on really well with our spaniel despite her not being the most friendly dog herself! :D He knows lots of commands, sit, stay, down etc All in all a lovely pet for someone looking for a big friendly, loving and playful dog who is happy to put some work into socialising him to the outside world.
    As you can see from the photo he loves to snooze….


    This poor little man had been unwell and had an underlying condition so sadly had to be put to sleep…….run free little man.

    Thanks to Sarah & her family for giving this boy a chance and taking such good care of him.


    RIP Dudley. So pleased that your last days were so happy and you were loved. You were a stunning dog…so sad. Sympathies to his foster family who must be very sad today. Well done for being there for him…


    Run free little Dudley…
    My heart goes out to Sarah and the rest of the foster family, it is a sad day for you. But you can gain comfort from the love you gave him in the last number of days :(


    Run Free Little Man I hope you are no longer in pain and kicking your heels up at Rainbows Bridge.

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