Duchess – 10 wk old lab x puppy *HOMED*

Duchess – 10 wk old lab x puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Duchess – 10 wk old lab x puppy *HOMED*

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    This poor little girl was dumped on a main road this evening :evil: :evil: Thankfully the kind lady who found her is bringing her over to the Colgan family who are taking her into foster ;)
    oct pups 610.jpg


    :twisted: :evil:
    How can people do that to a lil puppy. Well done to the colgan family who took her in.


    I can give this little girl a loving foster home if needs be! I know she will be looked after very well by the Colgan family but just thought i’d offer :)


    Just an update on our new little princess. She is an absolute pet who loves to cuddle up on your lap. Had a little check over at the vets and she is in general good health apart from a tummy full of worms (which we are treating) and several weeks of poor diet. She is playing here on the floor beside me with Dani who is thrilled to have someone her own size to boss! Duchess is a lot more timid than Dani, though. She is also a little older than we thought – maybe 10 or 11 weeks, but still a baby. Looking forward to building up her reserves – and clearing out her tummy!!!! – over the next few days. Will keep you posted.


    Hi there,

    My sister and I took Duchess to the Colgan family last night and wow, what a family! The dogs there were so friendly and immediately loved Duchess.
    Duchess is an amazing puppy, I have a 1 year old and a 2 year old and she absoulutely loved them, even when my 2 year old decided to carry her around in a not very appropriate manner!!! lol
    To whoever gives Duchess a home, you will not be disappointed, she has lotsa love to give and will not give you any hassles, I am just sorry I couldn’t home her myself


    thanks for the update Colgan family! Looking forward to your next update… :D


    It is a concept that is so alien to me to dump a dog at the side of the road. Infact, any animal!!! Thankfully this puppy was found in time before anything happened to her. She looks lovely, and has a great name ;) I hope this gorgeous pup will find its committed, forever home soon.


    Duchess is the HAPPIEST dog I have ever met!!She bounds over on her little crooked legs to greet everyone who comes in. She adores the dogs but doesn’t like rough play too much – don’t blame her!!! :lol: She is an absolute sweetheart and has stolen the hearts of all the Colgans especially her foster daddy Niall (whom she idolises too, incidentally). A few photos of her on the way :D


    And another one


    Amn’t I gorgeous??


    Looking after Dani is a very important job!!


    I think you are wonderful and doing a fantastic job with the puppies. Well done to you all. She is just a little beauty.


    Gosh, it looks as though Duchess has grown overnight! You’re doing a such a great job there with all these little ones. :)


    to the Colgan family,

    You have just made my saturday and I am so delighted that my sister and I drove over an hour to unite Duchess to your family! Duchess looks amazing and I am delighted her and Danni are friends!

    Thanks for all the updates, it is great to see how well she is doing and what a wonderful personality she has. Must say it did come out when she was at my house – she loved my 2 kids (aged 1 and 2) and even my kitten (who is also rescued) who wasn’t impressed that something else was in her territory!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend


    It is with great joy and pride that I can report that my little angel has become a little divil!! She is still incredibly sweet but her new achievements include pinning Dani to the ground ( a feat never before attempted ), chewing a stocking (while it is still on a foot ), getting very acquainted with a low-lying sleeve on the line of washing and running away to hide with a toy she robbed from one of the biggies!! It does my heart good to see her being a typical pup as opposed to the painfully shy, timid, pot-bellied little creature she was when she came last Thursday. Don’t know if the hubby will ever let her go!!!

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