Drake – 4 mt collie x puppy – HOMED

Drake – 4 mt collie x puppy – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Drake – 4 mt collie x puppy – HOMED

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    This little guy needs urgent foster – if you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    did this little fella get sorted??


    This little man was collected by Eddie this morning and taken into foster with him :D Thanks a million ;)


    Collected Drake today, now called Jake :D
    Has a beautiful soft coat like a blanket. I think he has a bit of Lab in him, what a fab looking pup. He was as good as gold traveling home in the car, just sitting looking out the window watching the world go bye.
    We introduced him to our 3 terriers one at a time with no problems. He loves Calum especially because he can rough and tumble with him. its great fun to watch. he is not phased by having 3 ankle biters running around him demanding attention :lol:

    He is not toy or food aggressive and was friendly to people out walking in the park. He did not mind children screaming and playing.

    He is a very gentle good natured fella with a great personality. The crate was open this evening and he just walked in and made himself at home so thats where he will sleep. Fingers crossed he will have a restfull night.
    He is a wonderful dog and a pleasure to have in the house full of fun with lots of huggs and kisses. He will make some lucky family very happy indeed :P

    Jake saying hello to Calum

    Best Buds

    Playing Tug

    Making New Friends


    Handsome Man

    Learning to Share


    Jake is settling in really really well. He slept like a baby on the first night, and is in the midst of being toilet trained. We have had no accidents as he becomes uneasy and stands at the door to let you know he needs to be let out.

    He spent all day Monday out in our back garden playing with Calum. It was great fun to watch them play tug of war and tumble over each other to get the toy. Needless to say when they got tired they retreated indoors and slept side by side like two babies. :)

    He has been walked everyday and I have had no problems with him. He walks to heel and is very well behaved. After his walk every night I brush his coat. He loves the brush and rolls over on his back so you don’t forget to brush his tummy! :lol:

    Everyday we go over the basic commands. In two days he has mastered sit and he gives the paw 9 times out of 10. He is extremely eager to learn and is a very very clever boy. When he wants to chill out he simply crawls into his crate and sits there watching the world fly by. What a dote!! :D


    He’s a fab looking dog. We had a foster last year and she was a husky/lab cross and she looked exactly like Jake.
    Sounds like he’s getting on great :)


    Jake continues to be a joy to have around. He gets on so well with everyone, animal and human alike. He draws lots of attention when he is out walking and people always comment on his magnificent coat ( it feels like a blanket). Big Bonus no hairs so far, how cool is that :lol:
    He walks great on the lead and is very well behaved off lead also. Never running away staying close, sitting and waiting on his reward for being a GOOD BOY ;).
    Jake lost his best friend Calum yesterday who went to his new Forever Home and he was a little down. He tried to play with our two Yorkies but they couldnt rough and tumble like Cal so we gave him loads of attention and played with lots of toys to cheer him up. He is a great dog and will make some family very happy.

    Some new photos :)
    Getting some well earned quiet time
    That was a long walk

    No room for me in the bed

    Quick before the others catch me

    Ready for my walk now please


    Is Drake still looking for a home? I’d love to take a look at him, he’s beautiful. Who would I need to get in touch with? Many thanks, Elaine


    Hi Elaine
    He is still available, wormed-chipped and vaccinated. Your best bet is to contact pups@dogsindistress.org.
    They can organise your adoption home visits and a meeting with Drake aka Jake he is a beautiful dog :D

    Took him to an Irish Dancing class this evening :lol: he was the centre of attention and loved the hoards of children pampering him. As usual he was the perfect gentleman ;)


    Jake has really settled in with our family, what a wonderful dog. He loves to explore and is interested in everything :lol:
    He made a new best friend this week when we brought Inka home. As usual Jake took to the new dog straight away ( no problems at all ).
    The two of them get on like a house on fire running and playing tugg, its great to see. We spend hours just looking at him playing and laughing at his antics. He really will make a wonderful pet.
    Yesterday he discovered the world of Guinea Pigs when we were cleaning ours out :lol: He didnt know what to make of them and he wanted to get into the cage with them to explore :D . The Guineys kept coming to the bars and sniffing JaKes nose and he kept trying to lick them( it was much better than watching TV ).

    Let me in to play

    I know your in there

    Just chillin

    Dog tired

    Just waitin


    Jake is such a great dog we all love him to bits.
    Now that we have had a little bit of heat in the weather Jake likes nothing better than to lie on the decking and sun himself. He looks like the lord and master of all he surveys. :D
    He is getting on great with all our other dogs and is really well behaved. Inka is his favourite companion, probably because she is more his size and they can play together. They sleep together and look for one another when one is missing.
    He loves his walks and there must be retriever in him because his favourite pastime is to chase his tennis ball and bring it back for more throws. :lol:

    Jake playing with the girls

    Relaxing on the deck

    Do you like my toy

    Jake and best pal Inka


    Took Jake to the beach for the first time today with Inka. They loved the sand and the water and they got to meet loads of new dogs and their owners. Jake enjoyed the freedom and the chance to run and play. He loved chasing his ball and even though the water was freezing he was in like a light to retreive his favourate toy.
    As usual he was no bother to control and behaved like a gentleman when hewas introduced to new people. They had a ball and slept like baby’s in the car all the way home.

    Jake and Inka at the beach

    Jake in the water

    Playing fetch

    Waiting for treats


    Are we finished playing

    Are you sure were finished playing

    Ok I will just relax then


    Hope this works :!:

    This is a video clip of Jake and Inka playing on the beach this afternoon :lol:



    Wonderful News :D
    Jake went to his forever home yeserday.
    His new family as such nice people, we know they are going to love and care for Jake just as much as we do. He has a lovely new home with lots of new toys, a large garden to play in and lovely new friends to play with.

    Thank you John, Deirdre, Luke and Kasey for giving Jake his new home :D
    Stay in touch and enjoy your new member of the family. We know he is going to bring you all lots of joy and love.


    Drakes new family sent us a photo today of the young master himself lording it up in his new home. It was wonderful to see. He looks so happy and contented, everything is working out just super for all concerned. :D
    Yet another perfect match and happy ending for our DID dogs and their new families.

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