Douggie – 12 wk old Spaniel x puppy *HOMED*

Douggie – 12 wk old Spaniel x puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Douggie – 12 wk old Spaniel x puppy *HOMED*

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    Jay picked up Douggie yesterday from Barbra and we have only just copped that we were calling him the wrong name, we have been calling him Dougal. He is such a dote and a big cuddler. He is absolutely in love with the fire and spent most of last night curled up in front of it. He only has had one accident in the house and has been going outside to do his business today. He is food oriented and will sit once there is something tasty in your hand. He is very energetic and well able to hold his own in this madhouse of women. Jay was also very glad that he had a boy for a bit of back up!!!!! We are still getting to know him so will post up some more information as soon as we have some but he has already got a big soft spot in our hearts and all of our friends are fighting over who should get to adopt him. As I type this he has gone to the back door looking to go out.

    Chilling out in his favorite spot, a foot away from the fire :D

    Our neighbor with the little man, it took all of 26 seconds for Val to fall in love with him!

    having a snooze with taylor


    From Douggies family :D

    "At last photos of Douggie.
    Always the centre of attention he is loved by all (accept for the neighbour’s cat) and he’s doing his level best to make sure I keep really fit. His enthusiasm for water is not to my liking but I’m happy to oblige by throwing things for him to chase.
    All-in-all he is a great success and quite clearly he sees his purpose in life is to keep us as active as possible. Half a stone lighter since he arrived – he must be succeeding"


    "3" DID doggies and friend :D

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