Dots – 7wk old terrier x puppy – HOMED

Dots – 7wk old terrier x puppy – HOMED

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    :) Now, I know the girls dragged their bed to the shelf, the BIG question :? – did the girls drag their bed ONTO the shelf – or did they get help with that? If they did manage to drag that bed onto that shelf by themselves, I will be sending Dots a ticket to Scotland because she could well have a film career. What a TV / Hollywood star she would be. Now that "Eddie" (Moose) from Fraser has departed there is a big space to fill and Dots could well be that
    star in waiting 8-) , well waiting to be trained or more like guided as I think she is a bright cookie anyway ;) Is she really so much bigger than her sister or is it camera angle?


    i think dots was watching that video of the other jack russel :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:they look so cute in the pics


    No indianna they put it on the shelf them selfs i couldnt believe it when i walked in and seen them , they are very smart little pups, also dots is a bit bigger then dora she was the biggest out of the 6 of them , but there still very tiny in person


    :shock: WOW, can you IMAGINE the potential of these puppy dogs. Fancy them putting their bed on their favourite shelf :o , I do believe you but I can hardly believe that. I am so impressed with that I can’t think of any response apart from :o :o :o WOW. Little Dots, mmmm, film career in your future I think 8-) . Will be staying in touch with you Dots, enjoy your weekend little one. :D


    i am delighted to say that this little girl meet her lovely new family today and will be going to them tomor , so indianna cancel that flight :lol:


    :cry: Oh, that’s good news! Did you tell Dot’s new family that they will have to adopt us too (my own gang and myself):) Just let me know our new address and we will be on our way ;)


    thats great news,, good luck dots :D :D sorry indianna better be faster 2 the airport for next lot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Even better news to add to this is that Dolly and Dots family know each other so play dates are on the cards for these little sisters…..hope they capture this with a camera.

    Be happy Dots to heads off to her new home tomorrow


    Even better news to add to this is that Dolly and Dots family know each other so play dates are on the cards for these little sisters…..hope they capture this with a camera.

    Be happy Dots to heads off to her new home tomorrow[/quote:2blvm6ah]

    Dotty is doing brilliant we are all attached to her already :) , I brought her up to Daisy yesterady (dolly ) and they had a brill time. She slept all night and didnt cry , she was thrilled when I got up to her this morning she loves company . :)


    thats great news im so glad that most of the 6 got 2 keep there names we named her dots as she had a dot on each side of her head dolly was so small so she got that name im real happy they all found brill homes good luck every one with ur new babys


    :D :D
    Picture 221.jpg


    :o WOWSER!!!!! Look at you :shock: I am thrilled to bits to see you Dots and in charge of that little boy too. So grown up but still gorgeous. Keep looking after your family (I am just a teeny tiny bit jealous :mrgreen:) but very happy to see you. :D


    :o :o :o :o ur right indianna wow how she changed :shock: :shock: not like the tiny baby we sat up with day an nite :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: well i sat up with an u thought of us :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: she looks great well done dots family

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