Dots – 7wk old terrier x puppy – HOMED

Dots – 7wk old terrier x puppy – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dots – 7wk old terrier x puppy – HOMED

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    Dora is in the Happy Endings section :D . She refused to go and made her foster family become her permanent family, clever girl 8-) . As for Dots, I think she is pretty cute in that photo but I am willing to believe that she is gorgeous in ‘real life’ 8-) . I hope one of us manages to win the lottery this weekend, not Dots obviously, she is too young to gamble :lol:


    I did see it there…Thats great that she’s staying with her mommy…:)
    She was following Jane around like her little teeeny weeeny shadow…:)
    DOt’s is cute in the photo but Oh my god, is she cute in person…
    I found it very hard to decide between them all but just had to go with Dee & Daisy…:)
    Can’t wait to get them home on Sinday…It’s going to be great to have the pitter patter of tiny paws in the house….It will be a real home then…:)


    dots is a real cutey if i had of kep any of the d,i,d 6 it would of been her but as im not home all day wasent fair on the puppy, im sure she will go 2 a 5 star home very soon… now indianna put that passport away for another few days :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    :) I am trying to resist Carol08, I really am :( . I know gorgeous little Dots is perfectly safe and happy where she is :D but when I see that little face and no reserved attachment :cry: I just want to bring her home so she will be part of a family. Its probably better that she does stay where she is for a while longer, a lovely family and her sister for company. I really should just stop looking, but I can’t so that is not an option! I, like yourself and many others will just lie in wait for Dots family to identify themselves, then haunt them and the other people who have adopted the DID Six endlessly for up-dates :lol: :lol: .


    im with u on that one indianna we will stalk them for pics of the 6 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Well a little information about this little girl, dots loves to wander around and be nosey , she was the first of the pup’s to start wandering she has a lovely temperment and loves her cuddles right now her and her sister are sitting on my lap asleep they love to cuddle , anyone that has meet this girl has fallen in love with her, my stupid laptop wont upload photo’s so im texting them to kathy and she’ll put them up


    Pictures of this little angel :D
    oct pups 682.jpg
    oct pups 683.jpg


    8-) Ah, the delightful little Dots. I think you are going to have a coat somewhere between smooth and razz :P Very pretty puppy. There will ALWAYS be a place for you here (I can send you a ticket :lol: ) I think you are going to be a top dog. You look very regal sitting on that person, checking the horizon, or whatever might be coming out of the kitchen! I am right behind you Dots, don’t know if that is a good thing or not :?


    :) :)
    oct pups 686.jpg


    ;) She is going to have a hairy coat when she is a big girl. I am the ONLY one who would give her a home at the drop of a hat? :D Surely not!!! :roll:


    I wish I could have taken her too with her sisters Daisy and Dee..she is a stunning little dog..and had such a great personality too….


    :D Hello Dots. Hope you have a great weekend of playing, eating and sleeping. You are so cute you have actually gone off the cute-scale and you are now in the :o :) :D 8-) 8-) scale – don’t have a name for it yet but its way beyond cute, that’s for sure :lol:


    This little girl is doing great , she is so funny and very bright im in the process of toilet training and its coming along if she has an accident she looks up at me as if to say im sorry :D when im lying on the sofa i have dora (bella) asleep on my arms and dots asleep on my chest she really loves to cuddle up and she loves to give kisses , they have a mat the love to sleep on and found a little shelf they like to sleep in so they dragged the mat to shelf i nearly died when i walked in and seen them :lol: anyone that adopts this baby girl are going to get hours of happiness and fun just to look at her shes a great dog all round


    :D :D
    oct pups 702.jpg


    What are you doing little Dots? You are on that shelf with all the food and drinks, this is not what they mean when they you’ve got to sell yourself :lol:

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