**Donations Needed To Fund Operation For Pups**

**Donations Needed To Fund Operation For Pups**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings **Donations Needed To Fund Operation For Pups**

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    DID Rescue

    472.00 left……………Just to let everybody know this is what D.I.D do with the money they have………….spend it on helping dogs.
    We dont distinguish where the dog comes from or where the dog is.
    If we as an organisation can help we will and have done so on lots of other occasions.
    We are not limited to only helping the dogs in Ashton Pound, which we do and even if I say so myself we do a very good job of it.
    The PTS figures speak for themselves since we got involved.

    All of the Admin people involved in D.I.D. have a hugh responsibility and most of the time a thankless one except from the dogs, which is why we still do it. People have no regard that these people have another life and are not on call 24/7.
    You cant get an answer from the DSPCA after office hours and if you adopt a dog from them and it does not work out they wont take it back unless you pay 100.00 euros………..great……really helpful especially for the dog.
    The reason I am writing this is that there has been several rumours being spread about D.I.D. over the past 12 months and I am really fed up with it. Walk in our shoes for one week and then tell me if you want to be INVOLVED in Animal Rescue.

    In future if anyone has a problem or need clarification regarding the workings of D.I.D. then please phone me, my no. is everywhere on the net. I have nothing to hide or nothing that cannot be explained.

    At the end of the day if you get it wrong you get slated but by God if you happen to get it right…………look out.
    It always makes me wonder when these people who have nothing better to do but spread gossip go to bed at night can they really say THEY MADE A DIFFERENCE TODAY………. I know we can and will continue to do so.


    Hi Marie, I believe that the majority of the people who log on to the wonderful DID website have and should have the upmost repect for what the admin people do on a daily basis in order to save the lives of many dogs. If they don’t well here are only some of the things that you achieve that I am aware of .I do not have ongoing contact with the people who are directly responsible for saving the dogs.
    Most of the dogs that get out and safe and in to foster is as a result of DID. The treats, good food and beds comes from the generous donations of individual people but mainly from DID. At the weekends, there is an adundance of tasty things left in each kennel for the dogs. I know that DID would not think twice about putting there own hand into their own pocket to help a dog get some urgent help and attention at the vets. And this I have witnessed. I still can not get over how much they achieve on a daily basis. I have no idea how they run or have time for their own lives and some have large families and dogs of their own to look after and love. I am shocked that there are people out there who question the integrity of the work that is given to help dogs on a voluntary basis. I question their motivation in all of this and wonder where there priorities in caring for animals lie. I will finish off to say how disappointed to see that the target that was needed to fund the eye operation for the puppies was not reached. Keep up the brilliant work all of you kind caring generous human beings that are Dogs in Distress. Thanks for all your hard work.


    Ah folks, do not be discouraged. As a foster mum I can hardly express how much I admire what the admin people do everyday in their fight against animal neglect and cruelty. Furthermore, all the people I tell about the organisation have similar levels of respect and admiration for all the people involved. Wherever people take a stand, be it for human rights, equality or animal rescue there will be politics and a wide range of opinions. Keep on truckin and don’t let the naysayers get you down, you all do a wonderful job and I’m proud to be even peripherally associated with DID.


    There are always naysayers around. Just do what you have always done and ignore them. It is obvious that the DID system works as is evident by pts stats and its continued existence.

    There are more people expressing good opinions about DID and its admin team and volunteers than negative.



    Is money still needed? If so what is the address to send it to?


    Forgot to add you can also donate directly into our account, details are below, but please let me know if you are so we can keep track on how much we are raising. Thanks to everyone who has helped so far! :)

    Acct Name: Dogs In Distress
    Bank: A.I.B. Dunboyne, Co Meath, Ireland
    Acct No: 10128011
    Sort Code: 93-23-96[/quote:nvjjx84d]


    I was gonna post a cheque. What address should I send it to?


    This is Moby, now PJ, he was the biggest of the pups and had the cherry eye. He now lives with Marie who is a vet nurse at the ARK in Galway.

    DID Rescue

    Wow he looks great. Its good to hear he is happy and healthy and having a great life.Thanks for putting up the photo Sarah at least people can see the end result…………one happy, healthy loved boy.
    I am delighted for him.

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