Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

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    So good to see Dolly learning to be young!the pups are getting really cute. You really are brilliant for both the loved and care you’re giving to all and the regular updates you are paying so that we can help the journey!Thank you so much to everyone involved!


    Just an update on Dolly. She’s turning into a right little character. 8-)
    She is coming on leaps and bounds with her playing….I now feel I have 4 puppies. :lol: When she is around Goldie and Tio, she is her mature self. However, when it’s just humans, Dolly and pups, she becomes a right silly billy. ;) Here are some photos to prove it!
    In the first one, Dolly took this little toy from poor Daisy and decided to play with it herself. She then went to Tio’s toy bag and took out another 3 toys and chewed them. I rolled her onto her back and tickled her and shook the toys at her, and she was at that moment…a puppy too! :lol:
    Then she showed the pups her favourite game….tearing up paper! (The pups were safe, it was lifted before they got stuck in). She chases the pups from the sitting room into the dining room, and gets so giddy when she’s with them!
    Final photo…it’s not all fun and games being a Mam. Those pups can run rings around Dolly now. :o


    Guess who’s the big 5 weeks old today? Yep, it’s Dobby, Dixi and Daisy.
    This week they’ve started running about and exploring a bit more. They can now escape from their doggy pen and run riot in the dining room. :lol:
    However, when they tire themselves out, they like to go back into the pen to crash out.
    They are starting to get teeth, so have started chewing their toys and blankets. I can notice their coats changing color, especially Daisy who seems to be lightening a bit.
    They’ll soon have their own little profiles, so I’ll put up about their little personalities then. I couldn’t choose photos, so I’m putting up 2 lots as they are too cute not to be shared. :D


    And now for a cuteness overload…..


    Hi have been reading all 5 pages on gorgeous little Dolly! :D I feel she would really suit our home, we have no young children or any other animals. She would be totally spoilt in our home and given all the attention she needs. I am 49 and retired so she would NEVER be left alone :P
    I am reeeeally interested in Dolly or one of her beautiful puppies.
    if you could get back in contact i would really appreciate it as shes on my mind since i saw her :lol:


    Hi i am a bit useless using this :lol: im desperate to get in touch about dolly and her pups and would love if you could let me know if they and still looking for homes :idea:


    Hi Leanne – the first thing you need to do is submit an adoption application form. If you go to the home page, there is an option "Forms and downloads" and then submit an online adoption form. Claire will get in touch with you then (but please be patient as we are all volunteers and have day jobs too.)
    Dolly is a darling and will soon be separated from her puppies so she will be looking for her forever home then.
    If you are on the northside of Dublin, Marie is holding 2 Dogs in Distress information days and Dolly will be popping in, if you would like to meet her. On Sat Oct 5th in BestBuds florists in Killester and Sat Oct 12th in Petworld Omni Shopping Centre.
    Please keep following Dolly’s story and if you have any questions, post them up and I’ll try and answer them as best I can. Yvonne


    Dobby is a Ladies man already…. :roll:
    Daisy and Dixi are not impressed that their brother is already chasing the girls…. :evil:


    Yvonne you are amazing for keeping us updated so regularly and enthusiasticly on Dolly and her gang! It’s fab seeing them growing and changing. We are dying to meet them all and are still hoping to adopt one. Your house will be very quiet without them I reckon! Dolly couldn’t have been luckier having such a great foster experience.


    Well today is a bittersweet day for me…..Dolly’s pups are 6 weeks old and so are getting their own profiles from today. It’s the start of them leaving which is sad, but also the start of what I hope will be very happy lives ahead for them.
    This profile will be just for Dolly now. She has almost reared her little pups and now it’s time for her to get some attention! ;) She so deserves her own loving home. She has met a lot of people over the weeks and has welcomed all, and everyone agreed that she’s beautiful and has a super temperament with people. My friend brought her 3 year old to visit as Dolly hadn’t been around children when with me. (He was a little overwhelmed by her welcome, but Dolly was fine with him, so I’d say she’d be ok with children).
    Whoever gives Dolly a home will be never be short of a cuddle or a stalker as she follows me every where. :lol:
    Thanks Milfus and all the others who had supported me with their lovely comments. Yvonne
    PS Due to unforseen circumstances, Dolly won’t now be at the 2 DID
    information days.


    Dolly and Goldie (my oldie) still plod along with no problems. Dolly seems to give Goldie respect and accepts that Goldie gets fed and treats etc before she does. As Dolly no longer wanted to sleep with the pups at night, Dolly and Goldie now sleep in the sitting room together (but on 2 different couches!!).
    Dolly has calmed down a bit around Tio and seems to trust him a little more than in the early days. Tio is nervous of Dolly and stays out of her way as much as he can. Dolly doesn’t interact with either of my dogs, but when she’s with her pups, she’s a different dog. :P
    Dolly changes into a pup herself when she is with her puppies. She steals their toys from their mouths (naughty mammy :x ) and chews them herself. Yesterday, Dixi tried to get Snoopy teddy back but Dolly growled at her and Dixi got the message. ;) The pups go out into the garden now for a little fresh air and Dolly chases them all around the flower pots. They have loads of fun – and then they all sleep afterwards. Yipee!! :o


    I was sure I left my slippers by the bed…..where could they be?
    Oh thanks Dolly – you found one in the bathroom and the other in the landing. :P
    Mmmmm….how did you know where they were Dolly??? :evil:


    Dolly has had a busy few days….
    Firstly she decided to have a family photo done. Daisy and Dobby were on their best behavior, but that Dixi one! :roll: she just wouldn’t stay still! Dolly was very disappointed with the outcome.
    Next, Dolly thought she’d get a treat to cheer herself up. But then, just as the cupboard opened, Tio appeared! Well, Dolly thinks Tio’s a twat, and she was fairly miffed having to pretend to be all friends with Tio just to get a lousy doggie biscuit. :evil:
    Dolly felt she needed a break from all the madness, so she took herself off to the garden for a serene moment. She decided the only place she could get peace was to climb into the highest pot….try and get me now puppies she laughed… :lol: :lol: :lol:


    :lol: :lol:


    Loving your work Dolly …..being so popular can be very trying at time I imagine

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