Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

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    Enough about pups and back to Dolly… :roll:
    Thanks Milyana and Macks for showing an interest in Dolly and her pups. Having seen poor Bruno being returned to the pound, I’m going to be very honest about Dolly’s good and bad ( :oops: ) points.
    Dolly does need some re-training but as she was pregnant and now being such a good mum, I’m finding it hard to be firm with her at the moment as she’s enough going on! (Plus she looks at me with that stunning little face and I melt :? ).
    Macks – I’m not sure from my experience if Dolly would like sharing your attention. Also, without training, she currently doesn’t seem like she’d be a good companion for your yorkie. However, this is only my opinion.

    1. She is a beautiful little dog

    2. She will cuddle you forever and a day

    3. She adores adults (she hasn’t met children yet) and welcomes them with tag wagging.

    4.She LOVES going for her walkies and walks well on the lead and was very well behaved when walked with my 2 dogs.

    5.She is a good eater and eats her dog food and is now getting used to treats.

    6. She is fairly quiet but likes the occasional little fit of barking in the garden. She is however very quiet compared to my 2 dogs.

    7. She sleeps all night in her own area (now with the pups) and is quiet until woken up.

    1. She is a dominant dog. She gets along nicely with my 15 year old JRT as they both do their own thing and don’t bother each other. She growls and is not happy in the company of my 7yr old yorkie who is much more interactive. She makes no attempt to play with either of my dogs. She also stalks them in the garden when they are piddling and then puts her scent over theirs – guess it’s her way of saying she’s boss!

    2. She is not used to dog toys/play – she growled when Tio and I played a game of tug – I think she thought he was attacking me. As she’s only around 2 it would be nice to see her being silly and playing. She is very mature for her young age – the only fun thing I’ve seen her do is rob tissues or serviettes and shred them??

    3. She is toilet trained but sometimes can’t be bothered :twisted: and will go wherever she happens to be. She will NOT go outdoors in the rain and will piddle indoors :twisted:

    4. She is very jealous of my 2 dogs when I interact with them. She will move closer and closer to me trying to block them from getting at me. She even growled at my golden oldie when my sister rubbed her! I think Dolly would be more than happy to be Number 1 and only dog. However this could change with training……?

    If anyone has any questions about Dolly, post them and I will answer as best I can. I will say, it’ll be a sad day in this house when my little Dolly leaves me.


    Hi Yoddy
    Thanks for posting such an honest and frank account of Dolly! Claire knows me well at this stage but my situation is like this:
    We are a family of 6, 2 adults and 4 sons ranging in age from 15 to 6. We also have a rabbit who has the freedom of the back garden n scares away the cats! We regularly mind my parent’s dog Daisy who is a 5 year old cairn terrier, who my son has trained to live happily with our rabbit. We thought taking one of the female pups would be our best option so that it would always have been around Daisy and the rabbit but my heart melts when I see Dolly! I would hate to see her left in favour of her pups! Having said that finding a suitable home is what it’s all about and if we can’t do that then I’m happy to see her go to someone who can! Is love to know what breed the father of the pups might be and get an idea of what they might be like but maybe it’s too early to hazard s guess on that yet! I am a believer in the importance of getting the perfect dog for a family so I’ll happily take your advice on this!
    Well done on such a great fostering job, I’m sure it’s difficult to let them go! . Milyana


    Ta Dah……. introducing:
    Dobby (from Harry Potter, named today by a little boy in the vets)
    Dobby weighed 320g last Tuesday and today weighs 580g :o :o :o :o

    Dixi weighed 300g last week and today weighs 580g :oops: :oops:

    Daisy weighed 270g last week and today weighs 520g :P

    The vet said pups are thriving. Milyana – ‘Who’s the Daddy?" Well first few days everyone said a boxer, then last week it was a Pug for certain due to the little snouts. However, the vet said today that they were now too big to be a Pug cross…..Dolly’s staying quiet :evil: :evil:

    As the pups are so big, Dolly is having trouble feeding them, so I have to try and hand feed them 3 times a day or start them lapping up formula. Dolly got the all clear at the Vet’s and she got her stitches out. As she was spayed during the C-Section, hopefully she won’t be at the vet again for a long time.

    Everyone in the vet’s fell in love with Dolly, and everyone who meets her thinks she’s adorable, so I’m really hoping she will get her own forever home. She was growling and snapping at other dogs in the vets today….so she really may need to be an only dog? She seemed fine with children as the 2 little boys in the vets who named Dobby didn’t bother Dolly at all.


    Dolly, Dobby, Dixie and Daisy are all doing well.


    :shock: My guess and I am usually rubbish but here it is anyway – Border Terrier ;)


    Big day today – Dobby, Dixi and Daisy are 3 weeks and have just had their first little meal. :P
    Now that they are starting to waddle around more, they have got a new little pad set up for them, with a piddle area, snooze area and play area. We’ll see how that goes! :lol:
    Dolly is doing great, a happy little girl. Spends less time with the pups now, prefers to be out pottering around with the rest of us. As the evenings have got darker, I have the kitchen lights on and Dolly has just noticed the Velux windows. She hates the shadows on the glass and has taken to barking her little head off at the windows each night. :roll: We sleep safer in our beds knowing she’s minding us!! :lol:


    Omg! They are really starting to uncurl and grow into their coats!i’ve just looked up pictures of border terriers and I think you could be on to something,Indianna! The colouring is definately in keeping with border terriers,with dark faces and tan will be interesting to watch them change over the next few weeks!Still keeping my fingers crossed for one of the girls.Now to teach patience to my sons….!!! :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol:


    Just a few pictures of Daisy, the smallest of the pups. She is much darker than the other 2 pups.
    Dolly loves the new set up as she can keep an eye on her pups but they can’t get at her if she wants some quiet time. :lol:


    Dolly had a nice pamper morning (well earned). She had a shower which she didn’t like too much. :x But surprisingly she didn’t mind the hair-dryer! She got a little trim and is now looking (and smelling :oops: :oops: ) smashing again.
    Dolly is doing great. She has started playing with the pups which is lovely to see. She is eating well – up to 5 meals a day as she’s still feeding the pups when she can. She seems to be losing some of her weight and I can see her back much slimmer now (she’s on the road to getting her size 0 figure back :D ).
    She’s sleeping on the floor beside me now, exhausted after the pampering session. ;)
    PS Dolly really dislikes getting her photo taken, so it’s hard to get any decent snaps of her. She decided to hide behind the rocking chair today so I couldn’t get a pic!!


    She looks amazing….well done & thank you :D


    Many thanks and the wonderful photos and updates. Thanks also for the great care you have given to Dolly and her puppies.


    Happy one month birthday to Dobby, Dixi and Daisy. (It was yesterday but we were too busy partying to put up photos. :lol: :lol: )
    They are all doing great, Dixi has outweighed Dobby this week, :oops: so she is now officially the biggest pup. She absolutely loves her food and has to be held back to give Dobby and Daisy a head start!
    They are very clever little pups as each time I go into them I put them on the newspaper and they do their piddles. Three times this week when they saw me coming one of them waddled onto the paper themselves and piddled. (Proud moment).
    PS They are the most beautiful little pups ever!!! (I’m not at all biased).




    I’ve started taking Dolly and her pups into the sitting room for a play when my dogs are gone to bed. Doesn’t she look proud of her little family?
    She has started playing with them which is lovely to see.
    Dolly has shown no interest in toys to date, but when the pups started playing with a toy, Dolly went over and took it under the coffee table and had a good chew on it! Barbara, who fostered Dolly when I was on holidays, visited Dolly and pups yesterday and said that maybe the pups will teach Dolly how to play. What a lovely idea.


    What an uplifting heart warming post……we done again everyone involved in the great D.I.D. family

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