Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

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    Wonderful moment…Dolly has bonded with her pups. :D :D :D :D
    She got into bed beside them this morning and hasn’t left them. She’s being a great mother now that the meds have worn off. :D :D :D


    Oh you dear little dog, I hope your forever home is the best, best, best home ever. You deserve to be cared for like the precious creature you are. :)


    So excited to see the little pups born safe n sound and Dolly too!Can’t wait to see them in person with a view to adopting one or Dolly herself. We’ve had our HV so it’s a case of being patient now!
    Well done to a great foster family and little Dolly, a true little star! :D


    Wow Dolly has had so much support and well wishes on Facebook!!
    Here are some photos of Dolly and pups this morning…..I can see the pups getting chubbier each day. ;)
    After a quick little peek, the boy seems to be the light brown pup and the 2 darker (and smaller) pups are the girls.
    Dolly is being great with the pups – a super mum. Her tummy is a bit upset though, but she’s going to the vet today for her check-up so we’ll see what the vet says.
    Dolly is getting confident enough to come into me in the sitting room for some cuddles and TLC for herself, and then head back to her pups knowing they are safe in their basket.
    It’s my first time to foster a dog with newborn pups and it’s a wonderful experience!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


    We would be only too happy to give Dolly the love and attention she needs after doing such a wonderful job with her pups. :D
    It is terrible that she was found in such a state.
    We have a 2yr old female Yorkie (Bday on 1st Sept) and were thinking about getting her a friend when we came across Dolly.
    The whole family are just so taken by her and she is nearly identical in looks and actions to our dog (blankets and tummy rubs are top of her list) :lol:
    So if you would like to contact us we can be Dollys new forever family.


    Hi Macks,

    Please go to "Adopt a Dog" at the top of this page. There you will find an adoption application. You can fill it out on line and e-mail back. One of our re-homing ladies will contact you.


    Dolly is recovered from her tummy bug and is doing great. The pups are getting fatter every day :lol: So the whole family is doing well. :D

    Dolly is a little restless at times, so I took her for a short walk today and she was delighted to have some ‘me’ time. :lol: I think her stitches are itchy and she’s a little uncomfortable, but they’re coming out on Tuesday.

    Dolly’s little trade mark is sticking out her tongue when she’s snoozy – I got a little photo of it below – how cute is she??


    Your puppies are h u g e :o They must be growing every minute. Dolly, go straight to the top of the class, you are a little treasure 8-)


    So thrilled to see them all thriving! Is it too early to guess what breed the daddy was? I’m still really interested in adopting either Dolly or one of the female pups! Our whole family are following Dollys journey and waiting patiently for the time when we can give one of them a home! :roll:


    Happy 1 week birthday to Dolly’s pups! :D

    Haven’t they grown so much in the week – they crawl all over the bed so I’ve moved them into the crate so they have more room to move about.
    At this point I need names to identify them, so in DID tradition if anyone can think of 1 boy name and 2 girls names starting with ‘D’ (after Dolly) we may have a christening soon. :lol: :lol: I’m brain dead at the moment and can’t think of any nice names.
    Dolly likes to take breaks away from the pups now, but last night she was so tired she fell asleep on my knee for 10 minutes. Suddenly she jumped up and headed for the door where her pups were – poor little thing, guess she thought she’d been asleep for ages and left her pups. :o


    Such cute little pups! And Dolly seems like she’s doing brilliantly, what a wonderful mummy :D How about Dipper for the boy? And maybe Daisy and Daffy for the girls? :D


    Dolly you’re a little star trooper….. Devlin, Dottie and Diva


    I’m thinking Diego for the boy and Dana and Daisy for the girls? D’s are difficult! !! :D :D soooo cute though!


    :? Dilly and Dally for the girls and Dapper for the boy :) .


    Thanks for all the names – ‘D’ names are hard. :cry:
    Keep them coming and I’m going to get my 18 year old niece Sally to pick from the list on Tuesday when we’re off to the vet to get Dolly’s stitches out and pups weighed (they’ll need a strong scales :lol: :lol: :lol: ). Sally is a real animal lover and has been a great help to me with the pups (as she is with all my foster dogs).

    So far I’ve 12 boy names and 10 girl names to choose from. Dexter and Daisy have been suggested the most.

    Indianna I love Dilly and Dally!!! However they are more like Speedy and Gonzalez the way they move around the crate. ;)

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