Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dolly – Female Yorkshire Terrier *HOMED*

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    Hi I just collected Dolly from Linda at K9 Klips, where Dolly got a beautiful make-over! (See the photos for proof ;) )

    She is currently checking out the place, having a little sniff everywhere. She is very placid – within a few minutes in the house she was wagging her tail and following me around.

    I introduced her to my dog Goldie, and she was very happy to see another dog, so definitely used to other dogs around.

    She seems to like the finer things in life – note she jumped on the chair to rest, and not the dog bed!
    More posts to follow when she settles…..


    This poor little mite was in shocking condition. :x …thanks a million to Twist for arranging her groom at a moments notice and Yvonne for taking her in :D

    :lol: Dolly is settling in very well. She’s a funny little thing. Obviously used to having the run of a house, as she’s very confident jumping on the couch or chairs to sit. I brought her bed into my room last night, to keep an eye on her first night – she jumped straight onto the bed and snuggled in behind the pillows! :o No dog bed for Dolly!!
    She’s getting on with my old dog Goldie and seems confident to follow me if Goldie goes too. Otherwise she is reluctant to come when called.
    Again, she is used to being tickled as her little paw gives you a whack to order you to continue tickling her neck, when on your knee :lol:
    She’s eating her kibbles well and has a good appetite.
    She has had a few accidents in the house, but I think dogs get confused in my garden as it is all patio and no grass.

    DID Rescue

    A big Thank you to Linda in K9 clips outside Ashbourne who fitted this poor girl in at no notice and did not charge just to ensure she could feel more comfortable.
    It’s such a great help when people who can help do as every little bit helps and adds up to the bigger picture. :)


    This poor little baby is pregnant (she is due her babies in approx. 4 weeks)…..thankfully she is in a very special foster home where she will get all the tlc she deserves….

    The poor little pet was at the vets today….she has an upset tummy & infections in both ears..


    Sorry there haven’t been more photos of Dolly, but she is a little under the weather, so has been taking it easy. She has decided she likes her ‘duvet days’ and has been happily snoozing with my pair. :)
    Now that we know she’s is going to have puppies ( :shock: ), it explains why she has been so sleepy.
    She is going to a new fosterer tomorrow as I am going on holidays, but I have decided to continue fostering Dolly when I get back. So, I’ll have to brush up on my maternity skills… :oops:
    Dolly is a little dote – she is so quiet and just wants cuddles and tickles and to follow you around. She’s in the right house for the lazy life, so it’ll be a privilege to look after her until her puppies arrive. :D


    Oh the poor little darling girl, I do hope she will feel better soon, and I hope that the pregnancy goes to plan, thankfully she has a lovely foster family. :o


    I met Dolly yesterday evening, what a little dote. She is so gentle.
    Fingers crossed that everything goes ok with her. :)


    Dolly the heart stealer has come to us for her holidays and wow, what a reaction to her … everyone who comes in just falls for her. She is the sweetest, gentlest, teeniest dog we’ve ever had. Despite what she’s been through, she loves everyone and looks trustingly into our faces all the time. She trots around after us, soooo happy when we stop to talk to her, or, better still, rub her. Yesterday I took her for a couple of short walks and she gets very excited when the lead appears. She has such a pretty, tiny face and her tummy is very large for such a small frame, the poor little scrap. How could such a gorgeous dog have been allowed get into the condition she was in last month?


    It astonishes as well as angers me that Dolly the heart stealer became so neglected …. she’s a pure Yorkie, is very young (between 1 and 2), has the gentlest nature, just loves being around people, and is particularly pretty. She has a chocolate-box beautiful face. She loves, loves, loves being with a person, trots happily after me, or next best, husband, joyful at whatever is proposed – a walk, wonderful; stroll down the garden, wonderful; a drive, wonderful; sit and read, wonderful, I’ll snuggle up too. Even, totally against the rules in my asthmatic house, a nap, super-wonderful. She’s incredibly good, just extraordinary that she ended up wandering the streets.


    I collected Dolly from Barbara on Sunday – I just want to say thank you very much for taking Dolly while I was away. She was spoiled rotten (as she deserves to be ;) ).
    Well Dolly had a busy day yesterday – she went to the vet for her ultrasound and best estimate is she is having 4 puppies in about 2 weeks time. :D
    She is doing very well – very sleepy, so snores her little head off most of the day and night. She is eating well, which is great. She has got quite large and waddles everywhere now!
    She is just so adorable – a little angel. I hope when the pups arrive, Dolly isn’t overlooked for a home. She is toilet-trained, very docile and a real little snuggler.
    Although she potters around with my 2 dogs (YES even my scaredy nervous Tio is relatively happy to be around her and has jumped up twice on the couch to sleep near her!!!) she does get a little jealous if I give my dogs rubs – so she might be happier being the only dog in the house.


    Dolly has become sooo demanding now that she’s having pups……insists on being well wrapped when moving from bed to couch in case she catches a chill… :o


    Only 1 week to go now until Dolly’s pups are due. She is quite content, pottering around and sleeping. She’s eating 3 meals a day, so all in all things are going well so far.
    Dolly got a new bed and fleece yesterday and it was as if she knew it was brand new and just for her. She kept going into the dining room to check it out and have a sniff and stand in it. :lol: She hadn’t taken to dog beds before this, so it was great to see her get into her own bed. She slept all night in it (I crept downstairs to check on her and she was snug as a bug cuddled into the fleece). As this is the bed where she will be with her pups it’s great to see her so happy to be in it. :D


    Dolly is getting as big as a house :lol: Her tummy is almost hitting the floor! She is doing great – but is no longer able to jump up on the bed which makes her not too happy :evil:
    I am able to feel the pups move now, which is quite exciting.
    Dolly is really a people person – she loves everyone who comes to the house. All she wants is rubs at the moment.
    Only 5 more sleeps until puppies arrive….. :o


    Well Dolly had her little pups yesterday evening by c-section.
    She had 3 little pups – 2 girls and 1 boy.
    Poor Dolly was very groggy last night from the meds, and so wasn’t able to feed the pups herself. They are being hand fed every 2 hours at the moment.
    Dolly is a little brighter this morning, and went over to see her pups in the basket and gave one a few licks. Hopefully this is a positive sign that she may bond with them and start feeding them herself.
    Any tips or advice on how to get her to start feeding them, would we welcome??

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