New Home Forums DID Dogs Fundraising & Volunteers Events DOGS IN DISTRESS AWARENESS DAY – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

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    Maxi Zoo pet stores have kindly agreed to let Dogs in Distress host an awareness day in their Bray and Tallaght stores.

    Maxi Zoo Bray Store:
    Saturday 23rd October 10am – 4pm

    Maxi Zoo Tallaght Store:
    Saturday 6th November 10am – 4pm

    We will have information available to all shoppers as well as some trolley tokens, DID bumper stickers and other small items available for those who wish to make a dontation.

    We are looking for 3 volunteers to help at the stand at the Bray event and 4 volunteers to help at the stand for the Tallaght event.

    I hope to have 2 volunteers man the stand from 10am – 1pm and then 2 to take over and man the stand from 1pm – 4pm. If you are available for a few hours on either of these days to help please pm me and I will give you the details.

    Everybody is welcome to drop by and say hello and support DID on both days and bring your 4 legged friend too! Any foster families in the areas who have vac’d doggies are also welcome to drop by and introduce their foster doggies!


    Hi, I should be able to help out in Tallaght if you still need bodies let me know.


    Brilliant thanks so much. PM me your contact number and I will contact you with the details.

    If anyone else feels they can spare a few hours please PM me.


    3 people have kindly come forward for the Tallaght day so we just need one more person.

    Nobody for this Sat yet. I will be there myself but if anyone has a few hours to spare it would be a great help to allow me nip home for lunch to see the furry babies! Its also a great help to have support on the day and thats why we try to get two volunteers to do each 3 hour slot.

    If anyone feels they may be around to help out please send me a PM and I can give you a call.

    Thanks guys and remember anyone in the area please pop in and say hello!


    Hi clairef, I PM’d you (again (hopefully), due to lack of success first time :oops: , quote button arrgh!). I can do Bray this Saturday if you still want people.



    Just back from Bray where I did the midday shift for a few hours with the lovely Claire. The time flew by inspite of it being rather nippy in store. It was great to share stories with someone who is completely dog bonkers :D. It was quiet enough out there for a bit but the DiD stand did draw in some folk who were very positive towards us which is nice. One little boy was particularly amusing with his stories about his friend and their pets and his Australian bird :lol: The lady who gets a demanding little bird tapping on her window whenever she fails to keep the bird food topped up was great. I left Claire to a welcomed boost of heat and a large mug of tea thanks to kindly Maxi Zoo shop assistant. Claire’s foster Wilbur may have a bit of news for his followers so watch this space :!:


    Hi Guys – I have two volunteers who are going to help out on Saturday in the MaxiZoo store in Tallaght. It would be great if I had one other person who could offer to do the 1pm-4pm shift. Please PM me if you can help out.

    As Elaine said above its a great way to raise some awareness for Dogs in Distress and is great to put faces to forum names!! :D


    Hi Claire. I dont know how to pm (i’m a bit thick when it comes to technology!) I would be happy to take this shift in Tallaght if I am not too late. Give me a call 086 240 2242. Thanks, Carol.


    Brilliant thanks Carol! :D


    Hi Guys 2 of the volunteers are unable to help out this Sat life has got in the way as sometimes can happen.

    If I could get 1 more person to help out from 1-4 or even part of it that would be great. Please PM me if you could help out for a few hours.


    A big thank you to Maxi Zoo for letting us run the 2 awareness days in their Bray and Tallaght stores!

    A massive thanks to the fab volunteers who came forward and gave up their Saturdays to help. Thanks to Elaine, Joanne, Carol and Ellen who were super and helped raise some much needed funds for DID as well as spreading the word and getting our name there!! :D

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