Do you remember Angel??????

Do you remember Angel??????

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Do you remember Angel??????

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    Do you remember Angel? The cutest most affectionate little girl you will ever meet.

    She came into my care exactly 1 year to the date today. I fostered her for a week, she went to her forever home and quickly came back to me. When she returned into my care I did not want her to go anywhere else. We had completely fallen in love with her and saying goodbye the first time was so hard, I refused to say goodbye a second time. And so there was a third member of the OGrady household.

    In the past year she has come such a long way. When she first came to us she would come to you out of fear and as you petted her she would flinch fearing you would hit her. Now the cheeky little madam loves her cuddles and dare you stop petting her, she will quickly put her head under your hand or turn over on her back and show her belly for a pet. She has become known as a floozy to, anyone that comes into the house has to show her affection because she just throws herself at them. Everyone who meets her loves her and the neighbours kids knock in to see how she is. She has made so many friends and is such an important part of our lives. I just can’t bare to think what life would be like without her.

    When she first came to us, I collected her from Cara Vetrinary Care, she had been operated on for a broken hip and pelvis and had such a bad limp. I think she was afraid to use all four paws and limped as she held her paw. Every so often she will hold her leg and limp, but more times than she is using all four and when she runs there certainly isn’t a problem using it.

    She is such a high spirited lil girl and I can’t praise her enough. Everytime I look at her I can’t help but smile.

    In the last few months she has taken to playing with her teddies and it is so rewarding to see. I was worried at first that she didn’t play with her toys because I don’t think she knew what to do with them. But now she has great fun playing wrestly with them. She is like a puppy a lot of the time, getting bursts of playfullness and sleepiness.

    She gets at least an hours walk most mornings on the beach and when she isn’t on the beach, she gets a good run on the local green a few times during the day. People know her on the beach and always stop to talk to her and pet her. Its amazing how many friends she had made and all by just being a cute affectionate dog. I’m making sure to tell everyone about DiD and the great work the organisation do.


    she is lovely and she is so lucky to have you :D


    Of course I remember this little girl Niamh and I can’t believe it’s a year!! She looks very content and it’s obvious you adore her.


    Every day I am so grateful to wake up beside her, she is the sweetest lil girl ever and I’m truly blessed to have her. She always makes me smile and never gets into trouble.


    she is lovely and she is so lucky to have you :D[/quote:1kpw8yen]

    Thank you, but I believe I am lucky to have her because I’d be lost without her. Every day I wake up beside her and am so grateful she is here with us. I just can’t imagine life without her and she never ever gets into trouble. She is always so eager to please although she doesn’t have to. She knows her place in our home and in our hearts. I’m so grateful for the time I spent volunteering with DiD because it gave me the wonderful opportunity to meet Angel, foster her and later go on to adopt her. Thanks DiD


    What a great life Angel has with you. I remember you were the person who had Spirit, now called Spud. I am sure Angel has no idea what a lucky little dog she is, great up-date.

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