Dinky – 10 yr. old jrt – HOMED

Dinky – 10 yr. old jrt – HOMED

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    Sorry to hear she has not Ben well,the pictures show how happy she is,her little face is relaxed, hope she is feeling better soon.


    oh poor little Dinky, glad to hear she is enjoying life to the full. Give her a hug from us (and lick from Buddy!) ;)


    I gave her huge hugs for you. She’s off to the vet this afternoon again so I’ll keep you posted. ;)


    I met a movie star today in that Lainey was "Driving Miss Dinky" she had been out as you do on a saturday morning having her nails done!
    This little lady I think has been Audrey Hepburn in a previous life….she looks at you as if you say are you here to amuse me ….she is a regal madame who lives life on her own terms and Lainey tells me that she should have own an "Oscar" today with the dramatic acting "up" she did in the doggie salon (the vets) this morning.
    She did allow me give her a little massage and I got an approving couple of glances. True Character!

    2011-10 Dogs In Distress 004.JPG


    Dinky had a very exhausting day yesterday…..she went up to Maxi Zoo in Bray to visit her many admirers and was so worn out from all the adulation that she conked out for the rest of the day. ;)

    She is such a character and toddles along at her own pace (VEEEERRRRYY slow) and then steps it up 10 gears when she thinks there might be something interesting to eat!

    She has asked me to pass on her Royal Seal of Approval :lol: :lol: to Marie for her new Christmas jumper which you can see her modelling below. She really does look extremely cute in it – a huge thanks from me too Marie.

    She is looking forward to parking herself under the Christmas tree on the 24th and intends to model said jumper for the main man, who she swears she saw last year trying to squish past her & Chloe at ridicolous o’clock in the morning. I will pass on her Royal messages after the 25th.

    Lots of love from HRH Queen Dinky of the Christmas Jumpers


    Dinky you look very retro and stylish….hope your letter to the big man in the red suit has been posted.


    :) Oh, what a dear little soul you are. That is a lovely jumper Dinky. Nice to sse you sitting there is your sheepskin bed beside the cooker. You are being treated like royalty, just as you and all the other animals deserve :D .


    :D :D


    This poor little lady had been unwell for a while and sadly passed away yesterday….run free little lady..

    Our thoughts are with Lorraine who took such good care of her.


    Ah I’m so sorry to hear about Dinky. Looking back over her ‘story’ it’s a great tribute, what a wonderful 2 years, full of love and kindness. Run free little one.


    Very sorry to hear this Lainey; Dinky had a happy ending to her life though thanks to your care. Thinking of you.


    So sorry to hear you have moved on, Dinky – I have watched you from the start. I even met you one day with Lorraine down at the vets. :( :( :( You had a truly marvellous last couple of years anyway, Dinky, and Lorraine, you take care of yourself. :(


    :( What a horrible time for Dinky’s family. You have cared for and watched over her since she landed with you. I am sure she will now be watching over you, her very own family. I hope you will find it in your heart one day to make room for another needy soul but no-one will every take Dinky’ place.


    I am so sorry to hear about Dinky and I hope you will take comfort in the loving home and care you gave Dinky.


    Tears flowing freely again now as I read all your kind words. Dinky was a tiny little lady who had buckets of character……and who lived her life very much on her terms. It took us a while to figure out what her highness was ordering us to do but we got there in the end and she truly believed we were doing a good job as her loyal subjects!

    The kitchen was her dominion and she occupied it very regally….she had 3 beds and moved among them according to her requirement for heat (in front of the Aga), cool breeze (beside the door to the courtyard which also served as HER own private loo :o) or plonked right in the middle of the floor so could order her doggy subjects around!

    Dinky loved travelling on her squishy bed in the car and we spent many a journey with our heads out the car windows trying to escape the delightful aroma of her VERY stinky breath as she panted away merrily, oblivious to the gagging noises around her :roll: .

    We had her for such a short time really…….two years just wasn’t enough for us but she was a strong little lady and probably fought her illness a lot longer than she realistically could be expected to.

    The kitchen, and our hearts, feel so much emptier without her today but we consider ourselves so, so lucky to have been part of the DID family who looked after her to the very peaceful end.

    Run free at the Bridge Dinky xxxxxxxxx

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