Dinky – 10 yr. old jrt – HOMED

Dinky – 10 yr. old jrt – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Dinky – 10 yr. old jrt – HOMED

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    More photos:-
    Dinky 128.JPG
    Dinky 101.JPG
    Dinky 092.JPG


    I am just so happy for this little lady :D I met up with Lorraine and Dinky earlier in the week and she is such a gentle little girl. Please keep the pics and updates coming ;)


    Hi Lorraine,

    It was great to come back from holiday to see pictures of Dinky looking so happy. I love the picture of Dinky and Cod strolling on the beach! Your other dogs are gorgeous. Dinky was very lucky to find such a wonderful home. :)

    How are all the gang getting on together now?


    Hi Niamh

    Dinky going for a check up to the vet this morning so I will update her thread this evening. She is doing great. She moves around at such a slow speed and then goes like the clappers if she thinks there is food or a walk on offer! She is beginning to relax a lot more and has taken to bed hopping – she wanders around and decides which doggy bed looks the cosiest and hops in! She did road test the sofa but decided it wasn’t up to scratch for some reason. ;)

    I’ll post again this evening regarding her "medical".

    Hope the holiday was all it should be!



    Dinky has changed her mind about the sofa (as you will see below :) .

    She loves going to the vet….hopped and skipped in to see them yesterday and had everybody in the waiting room laughing at her enthusiasm. She now has sparkling new gnashers (they were pretty gross at the outset…covered in a green grime..). She does have a heart murmur and an ongoing cough which seems to be more bronchial than cardiac. She has another check up with the vet next Monday morning to look forward to and hopefully she will be "cough-free". The good news is that the vet says she can go for walks again. The poor little love was heartbroken not to be brought out…we had to sneak the others out every day. :( I did compromise by putting her bed in the front seat and bringing her out in the car whenever I could – she LOVES it.

    Dinky has finally started to wag her tail!! We are hoping that she is now feeling more settled. No issues with food or sharing her space with other dogs and cats……she’s a little star and we are delighted to have her. :D
    Dinky Update 039.JPG
    Dinky Update 053.JPG
    Dinky Update 051.JPG


    Ahh…well done Lorraine..she looks so happy and contented…thank you so much for taking on this special little girl :D


    Thanks Kathy…..the pleasure is most definitely all ours. She’s the business! :D


    Dinky has now found her forever home (long-term foster home) :D
    Lorraine, her foster mammy has decided to keep her, she has fallen in love with her and couldnt bear to part with her.
    She will be loved, have a warm bed, the best of food and her pals with her for the rest of her days.
    Because of Dinkys age, Dogs in Distress are paying for any veterinary treatment, medication, food etc. which Dinky may need for the rest of her life.
    This poor little lady had no life up until the time she went into foster with Lorraine and Dogs in Distress want what is best for all of our dogs.

    We wish Dinky best wishes in her long term retirement home! ;)


    Dinky kick back and rest your paws little lady you deserve the best of everything and we know Lainey will provide that in buckets…enjoy your retirement


    These photos are especially for my Aunty Kathy:-
    ‘s Nursing Home 036.JPG
    ‘s Nursing Home 031.JPG
    ‘s Nursing Home 022.JPG


    Ahh…she is beautiful….thank you so much :D


    I love the last photo especially – she really is gorgeous.


    Santa came to our house but I slept right through it apparently. ;) He brought me toys and a lovely red coat ‘cos I have been refusing to go outside to the loo in the recent cold weather…….I’m too old for this snow mullarkey……..I walked outside on Christmas Eve and sank down to the tips of my ears in the snow. Thankfully, Mum was keeping an eagle eye on me or I could have been lost in that snow drift. ;)

    Love to all at DID – I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2011 will bring happiness, health and wealth.

    Love and thanks from

    Chloe at Christmas 054.JPG
    Chloe at Christmas 049.JPG
    Chloe at Christmas 040.JPG


    Ah Dinky is looking great. She looks so happy and snug in her bed.

    Give her a big cuddle/lick from Buddy! :lol:


    Mrs Dinks has been very unwell of late. :( On her behalf, I would like to say a gigantic THANK YOU to DID for all the fantastic care and support she and I have received over the past few weeks. Although her condition is ongoing, she is stabilised and enjoying life to the max again (see photos below). From the bottom of Dinky’s wonderful little heart – thanks. :D :D
    Luke airsofting birthday 2011 028.JPG
    Luke airsofting birthday 2011 031.JPG
    Luke airsofting birthday 2011 044.JPG

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