Diesel – spaniel x *HOMED*

Diesel – spaniel x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Diesel – spaniel x *HOMED*

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    This little man is approx. 5mts old. He will be wormed, vaccinated & microchipped before going to his new home. He must be neutered at 6mts old.
    oct pups 626.jpg


    What a handsome boy, lovely markings…and those toes! ;)


    We received this beautiful pup 2 days ago and he’s gradually getting used to our home. We’re calling him Max, as that was what his previous family called him. He’s most likely a Border Collie/Lab mix and will be 5 months old on the 17th of October. After doing a little research on Border Collies, it seems they need lots of exercise, attention, and mental stimulation.

    He’s been a mix of pure love, pure puppy, and pure energy. :) He’s incredibly smart and is learning to play fetch with a tennis ball and to sit on command. He has slept through the night, no problems at all. He’s been fully trained to pee and poop outside, so we’ve had no accidents in the house.

    He has been great with people and is learning how to act around other dogs. We’re taking him for long walks in the nearby park and he’s meeting many of the neighborhood dogs. He’s extremely social and wants pets from everyone. We’ll keep posting more photos and stories as they come.


    some photos from Saturday


    Wow he’s so striking!!!!! He’ll be snapped up I’m sure :)


    So it’s been an eventful last few days with Max. He’s drinking in many different noises, smells, people and other doggies he’s meeting in the park. He’s an attention lover, and when he’s not pet by every passerby, he gazes after them, as if he’s wondering why they wouldn’t want to pet a cutie like him! He is great with people, gentle with kids, and everyone has mentioned what a well-trained dog he is. However, we are having some trouble with him at home. He is nipping a lot (probably due to teething) and has some issues with jumping up on me and my husband. As he’s just a pup, i think we could be better at training him and i’m wondering if anyone on here has any experience with training Border Collies. After a 3 hour walk, he’s still full of energy and seems almost antsy, and i have a feeling he needs much more mental stimulation. If anyone has suggestions or recommendations, that’d be great. He is such a love, and we’ve had days when he’s been so fantastic and just seems to be drinking in the attention and positive reinforcement. I think Max would really benefit from an adoptive home with plenty of space and an owner who has experience with training. I’ll attach some pictures below.


    Our collie cross (now 8 yrs) sound like your Max. Mad about the attention. When he was anything up to 3 yrs he was a very energetic dog almost to the point of never getting tired :roll: The key I found is to help him with self-discipline which wrecks him out. There are a few games that he really enjoys:
    "Find"-Get him a treat, let him have a sniff of it and take him out of the room. Then ask him to wait "WAIT" outside the door and hide the treat under a cushion or behind the sofa. Open the door and say FIND! Give him hints (he loves being the focus of attention). His prize is finding the treat and being told he’s a genius :ugeek:
    "GUESS"-Get a treat (piece of food or small toy) and juggle it between both your hands behind your back. Hold out both fists in front of him. Say GUESS. He has to guess the right one. If he gets it right he gets the treat, if not put both hands behind you back again and repeat. He’ll have to learn "WAIT". It’s like a dog lottery. Can instead be done with 2 identical cups (takes more discipline from him not to cheat, wait for re-shuffle).
    "TREAT BALL"-Put a tasty/smelly treat into something that’s difficult for him to get it out of. There is a toy ball that the dog has to roll around to get the treat to fit out of the small hole. Takes loads of doggie patience. Needs loads of encouragement initially but after that fine.
    Collies are a super dog and can like the repetition, my dog loves to please so dull things for us can be great for him e.g. fetch the ball/ stones in the water at the beach. Hide and seek behind trees where he has to find me is endlessly amusing for my dog but I feel like a right odd bod being the one ducking behind the schrubs! :D
    Good luck


    Thank you for these games and encouragement! I’ll try a few with him today. I’ve noticed his attention span for any game only lasts about 5 minutes. So with more games under my belt, hopefully we can keep him stimulated! Thanks again :-)


    When can DIESEL be seen and where? We are family v interested in him and experience in similar dogs, training not a problem! Thks!!


    Hi Bernie

    you need to fill out an adoption application form to arrange a homevisit before you get to meet and greet :) best of luck !


    I got lots of kisses and excited clammering all over me earlier today ….he was very quick to learn sit and wait he loves praise too….very intelligent cuddly boy….he is so soft to the touch and he is only a young baby but is going to be a big boy when fully grown…he is also teething so needs plenty of activity and chew toys and treats for his down time.


    I picked up this little (big :) ) guy yesterday and he’s a dote!!! Was very excited and jumpy in the beginning but with some firm commands he’s pretty much stopped that now :)
    Initially he was wary of my dog Razor, and after a very vocal scuffle or two, these two are buddies :)
    Max (as he’s now called) had a great first night! I had to put him in a crate, and for a dog not used to it, he settled in straight away with no whinge!! Fell fast asleep for the night and didn’t hear a peep until I woke up around 9. And… a clean crate!!!! He’s such a clever boy :) (Although he did christen the house!!! But only the once, my fault I think :) )
    I took both of them to the dog park today and after a few snaps at the other dogs Max slowly came around with the help of his partner in crime Razor :)
    I’m teaching this boy basic manners and commands at the moment and he’s responding very quickly! He’s great with people and kids. Absolutely LOVES cuddles :)
    I’d say he’ll be a big enough boy because he’s quite big for 5months.
    Thats’s all for now, will update more soon :) Here’s a pic or two to enjoy!!
    Max waiting.JPG
    Max bone.JPG
    Max waiting on bone.JPG


    Aww he’s SUCH a handsome boy!!! Jen, i’m so glad to hear he’s doing great and has such great teachers – you and Razor :D

    That’s wonderful he’s getting on great with everyone, other dogs, and learning his manners. Give him a big hug from us over here! :)


    Don’t worry Ems I give him loads of cuddles everyday :) This boy is getting on super with us. He is wary initially but is so lovable once he gets to know u. He was chipped yesterday thanks to the super girls ;)
    I think this boy would be best suited to a family with older children as he still is a bouncy big pup. He will most likely be a large dog when fully grown. Some noises scare this big baby which leads to a few barks, but once u show him they mean no harm he calms down :)
    He also needs time and patience when dealing with dogs he doesn’t know as he tends to be a bit snappy and tense at first. He walks great on the lead and is fully toilet trained!
    I know that with the right family he’ll be a super lovable boy!

    His training with sitting, giving the paw etc is going great as he’s a fast learner and treat motivated! He also has great recall. I will upload some pictures later when I can get him to stop moving : p


    Max ( or maxi as we call him most of the time! Or bear….cause when I smush up his face to give him a kiss he looks like a little bear! :) ) anyways!…….today Max discovered he LOVES tummy rubs :) he’s so sweet!

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