Diesal – my big man

Diesal – my big man

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Diesal – my big man

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    It’s taken me nearly 6 months to pluck up the courage to write this. I lost my big man Diesal on the 23rd December last to a ruptured spline. Totally heart broken and still get upset talking about it. But for those of your who remember me fighting so hard to get him in the first place, I wanted to let you know. I had nearly 5 great years with him and he made a great impression on everyone who met him. He is missed by all and his brother and sister still miss him! RIP big man – all my love xx


    So sorry…run free :(


    So sorry! Run free Diesel


    Your boy is beautiful. We are all the better for having dogs in our lives and all know the heartbreak of the loss of our canine family members. Just remember, that thread can never be broken. Treasure the memories and be grateful for the journey you shared.


    In order to know how much dogs truly add to our lives, it unfortunately means we have to endure the utterly horrible pain of losing them. I can totally appreciate how raw that feeling of loss is even now – time does heal but you never ever forget and that is the wonderful legacy that these four-footed friends leave in our lives…pawprints upon our hearts. I hope in time you will feel able to let another needy dog into your heart and in that way and let it be a tribute to Diesal and the memories you hold dear. Thinking of you.


    Wow he looks just the picture of content in the photo. He is lucky to have had you on his side and to have had a great 5 years with you and in turn you were equally lucky to have found him and had him in your life for those years. Run free little big man.

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