DID Adoption/Info Day

DID Adoption/Info Day

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    All Fosterers, Volunteers, Adopters of DID Dogs!

    Reminder that we will be holding Adoption/Information Day at the 2014 Rose Festival, St Annes Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, on 19/20 July.

    Northside News have agreed to advertise this event, also Pete the Vet from Ireland AM, will give a shout out on Ireland AM TV programme near the date. It will be advertised in as many local vets, grooming shops, pet shops as I can get to. also, on local notice boards.

    It is a great opportunity to let the public meet DID’s fabulous foster dogs, and show the wonderful work DID fosterers and volunteers do, so please keep the date in mind.

    Could fosterers and volunteers please post here if they will be available to attend event and which day 19 or 20 July. A rota will be drawn up so that our stand will be covered and that potential adopters can meet all of the dogs.

    The event can only be a success with your help, so please come!

    Thank you

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