Dexter – lab x puppy – HOMED

Dexter – lab x puppy – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dexter – lab x puppy – HOMED

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    This guy is a big teddy bear :D Loves his hugs & kisses :lol: He is great with other dogs, very gentle and is toilet trained. He will be wormed, vaccinated, microchipped and neutered before being rehomed.


    Wow, this guy looks gorgeous :) Hope he finds a great forever home :D


    Picked this guy up on Monday to foster him for a couple of days, he is an absolutely fabulous dog, very friendly, great with other dogs and people, will sit and give paw on demand. Had him in the park last night and braved letting him off the lead he was excellent running around but staying with us all the time, at the end of the walk told him to sit which he did perfectly and let me put the lead back on. He will make a wonderful pet to whoever takes him on and would be loyal to the last, I left him at the vets this morning to be neutered and even after two days with me was trying to follow me when I was leaving. I would love to keep him full time but unfortunately are garden would be to small for him.


    Aw, I hope he has a good quick recovery :) He looks like a sweety!


    Awh he looks beautiful! Who wouldn’t want him? ) :D


    Picked Dexter up from vets yesterday afternoon, and he was very sleepy all evening he cannot seem to get the hang of the cone on his head, he was back to his old self this morning and waiting patiently for his breakfast, put together as lovely big bed for him so he would be nice and cosy but he insisted in squeezing himself into my bichon frise’s bed, which made us laugh.


    Was sad to see this guy go on Saturday, but know he will be well looked after, it was a great experience for my first foster dog, and I am looking forward to who I get next, if he/she is as good as Dexter then I know I will be ok.


    hi ,im dexters new foster mummy ,dexter settled in straight away,hes great with my kids and loves his walks up the canal and the park,he will also walk with his lead in his mouth and loves to play with other dogs. Dexter is a funny guy too he will climb up to sit on your lap like a big baby but you can help but love him for it, he,d make a great addition to any family


    So how’s Dexter getting on? Honing his lap sitting skills no doubt! ;)


    This fab guy went off to his new home yesterda. Looking forward to loads of updates ;)


    Dexters mum was onto say he had a great first day playing in the snow and going on a lovely long walk …..they will post up pictures soon


    Great update from Dexters forever family on Facebook! :D

    This is my dog dexter i adoted him nearly a year ago now. DID made it very easy for me and he is the best dog ever! i love him soooooo much xxx

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