Dewey – Shih Tzu in bad condition

Dewey – Shih Tzu in bad condition

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dewey – Shih Tzu in bad condition

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    Awh that’s brilliant news!!!! Great to hear!! :D


    Dewey on his way home…..


    Awh he looks sooooo much better!!! Really good to see!


    Dewey is now back from the vets, he arrived back yesterday with Kathy. He is eating very well, sleeping too, but not much during the day. He likes to know what’s going on ! He lies on his bed at my feet and if I move my foot he is up. This morning we were able to go into the garden and he did a bit of sunbathing with Max /Boo and Minnie our cat. Julie re named him Elliott and he seems to like this name. He doesnt like being picked up but maybe this is due to his lack of weight, we did try but he gives a little cry which is barely audible. He will lie on your lap but not for long, sitting seems to be a problem for him at the moment .He seems happy enough, not too keen on men but we are working on that one! He gets on well with both the two dogs and the cat, not a bother on him . Keep you posted on his progress.


    Dewey/ Elliot doing very well, eating once an hour at the moment. Very clingy with me but I am getting used to it! He has taken to to a John which is great. He is settling in very well and has started to play with a ball but does not understand toys at all, he doesn’t like squeaky toys. Will get some photo’s up soon. He!s coming on very well, he has the biggest eyes and watches every move we make! Suzanne


    Some pics of this lovely little man. In the first one you can tell how skinny he is with his spine sticking up through his coat:


    Oh this little guy looks sooooo much better!! well done to his excellent foster parents! I’m so happy to see him looking and doing so good….Would still love to offer this little guy a forever home!



    I’ve just applied to DID to adopt a dog and had my home visit yesterday – waiting to hear the outcome of that. I’ve been following the progress of Dewey/Elliot and have fallen in love with the little guy and would be very interested in becoming his Mam if I am approved to adopt. He seems to be a gentle little guy and ok with cats which is a must for me as I have a very nervy/highly strung/neurotic/spoiled cat called Yasser. If you have a chance I’d be grateful if you could let me know a bit more about his personality, particularly in relation to cats.

    Thanks a lot and good on you for the great job you’ve been doing with the little man.



    Had a visit over to this little fella today. He is looking amazing now. Still needs a lot of hair growth but has put on a lot of weight and you can’t see his bones anymore.

    He’s also come out of his shell a good bit. He’s playing with the other dogs and like his toys.

    He’s a little dote!


    Has Dewey found a Forever Home yet?


    Dewey/Elliot is off to his new home on Sunday, thank you to everyone to everyone who helped with this little fellow. He has become very attached to Max which is something that rarely happens with Max and they have spent many hours playing together. He is starting to cut is teeth now and is in the chewing phase but he can still bite on your hand, no pain ! His hair has grown really well and in the last week even his face looks very well and also the hair on his head. I have clipped him a little but just to remove any remaining dead hair. He has a great home to go to near the sea. We will miss him as he is such a loveable, gentle little pup. I am finding more and more it is difficult to let them go but just when you think you have seen it all along comes a pup who is so different.


    Dewey – now officially to be called Elliott (although I might spell it Eliot – just to give him literary pretensions!!) will be coming home with me on Sunday and I am totally excited by the prospect. Anxious too as I know how attached he has become to Suzanne, John, Boo, Max and Minnie.
    I just want to say how grateful I am to Suzanne for the fantastic job she has done in bringing Eliot back to health and for keeping in touch with me about his progress and his likes and dislikes. A huge thanks also to everyone at DID for giving me the opportunity to adopt this gorgeous little guy. I hope he will be as happy with me and Yasser (Aracat) as he has been with Suzanne and her family.
    I am taking next week off work to settle him in so it will probably be the week after next before I get the chance to send an update and photos on how he is enjoying life in County Clare.
    Thanks again to all you great animal lovers for the work you do in saving all these dogs.
    I will post an update


    Hello all.

    Finally getting round to letting you know how Dewey – forever to be called Eliot – is getting on in his new home. I collected him from his brilliant foster Mam Suzanne on Sunday the 18th of April and took him back to his new life in Ennis and he has settled in really well and seems to be completely happy. He and I bonded immediately and it is going much better than I expected with him and Yasser Aracat, although I’m not sure they will ever curl up in the same bed together!!

    Eliot is just the most wonderful little dog and I have to say my life has been transformed by him. I took all of last week off to settle him in and we spent it in the garden playing, going for walkies a couple of times a day and we hit a few beaches which he loved. (I’ve walked more since he arrived than I have in the past year!) I returned to work yesterday and was so stricken by separation anxiety that I had to take the afternoon off. What am I like?

    I can’t thank DID enough for letting me adopt Eliot and a huge thanks also to Suzanne and John for taking such good care of him and for bringing him back to health.

    I’ll figure out how to upload photos and will send some on soon.
    Till then, all the best from the west.

    Ber, Elly and Yasser.


    Hello all.

    Just a quick update on Eliot and an attempt to upload photos at last, using the new system.

    Eliot has been with me for 5 weeks now and is a total joy. He is completely settled and happy and having fun every day. Loves his walks and meeting other dogs which he is generally fine with – just the odd grrrrs for a particular black Scottie that we meet, and I’m sure its the Scotties fault, not my little man’s!! He is still very shy with strangers and barks at visitors to the house, but hopefully the training that we are going for in a couple of weeks will sort that out – or teach me how to handle it.

    His hair is now thick and lush and he is going to the beauty parlour this Friday to have a little trim, particularly on his (usually dirty) face and bum. He is such a boy – always into the muck and he looks like a ruffian most of the time – just can’t keep his face clean.

    He and my cat Yasser are getting on great really. Yasser gets a bit bent out of shape when Elly is being too giddy and will give him a clip round the ear to sort him out, but its amazing, he no longer uses his claws, just dooks him with the closed paw. Result! Its such a relief to me that Yasser was able to handle having a dog in the house.

    The only down side with Ells is that he snores like an ould fella and had me awake half the night last night with his snores and grunts and grizzles and dreams of scrapping black Scotties. Of course, this wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t have him in the bed with me. My fault.

    So all in all its been the best decision that I’ve made in a long time – adopting this little bundle of love. He is just so good for me and has changed my very sedentary life. No more lolling on the couch watching the box in the evenings. Its out for long walks or playing with the rascal in the garden.

    Thanks so much again to DID for allowing me to adopt him.

    All the best,
    Ber, Eliot and Yasser.


    Lovely to see a post on Eliot. After having Elijah/Benny in foster with us for a few weeks I often thought of Eliot and Fletcher too,as they were all around the same time. So good to hear he is settled in and is a happy boy. Sounds like a right character :D :D

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