Des – Collie x *HOMED*

Des – Collie x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Des – Collie x *HOMED*

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    Hi! Well Des is going to be neutered tomorrow, even though I know the benefits for him to be done, I am still worried about the poor operation is an operation after all. I know Paul will take care of him, and I will look forward to minding him like he did me after my op :-)

    He is getting funnier and braver by the day…cheeky sod snuggled INTO my bed this morning….head on pillow, his body snuggled up beside me…then he kept head butting me as I tried to drink my coffee as he wasn’t getting enough attention!! I am still amazed at how much he has come along in such a short space of time, he just needed someone to love him, give him the security he needed, I know I have a friend for life with this one :-)

    I’ll let you all know how is after his surgery, best get him some nice chicken for when he is able for it again, he does love his chicken, as per a previous post :lol:


    DES got neutered today, thanks Paul, he got through it ok, he is feeling a little sorry for himself, typical male!! Ah no seriously it has to be uncomfortable for him…he needs loads of tlc and he’ll get that here :-)


    What a busy weekend we have had… Friday Des got neutered, the poor soul was so uncomfortable all evening, the usually quiet fellow spent the night whimpering-it broke my heart. He slept well after I gave him some pain meds & my Sat morning he was grand.

    Saturday was a busy day for us, we were picking up another rescue dog, 9 month Penny, who is. King charles cavalier…what a bundle of fun she is, a little live wire. DES has been great with her, just playing & chasing (although both dogs recovering from neutering, you’d never know it!) then we had our friends over with their 2 kids ( 3 & 9 months), Des was a champion with them, the 3 year old doesn’t understand personal space and was all the time playing with Des, climbing into Des’ bed etc and Des didn’t react at all…he just lay there was lovely to see him like that.

    Since Penny arrived he has been trying to show he is the leader of the pack not by being rough but marking his areas, hopefully this will die down soon, other than that we are a happy family.

    God bless Des he hasn’t a bad bone inhis body :)

    Lucille, Ellie, Des & Penny


    Des is doing great, he has been no trouble at all since his op, you’d never think he has had an op at all the way he still loves to play-my nerves were gone watching him running and playacting the way that he was all week! He is back to the vet on Monday for a check up but hopefully he will be great and get his stitches out. Paul wants to check his heart as when he was under sedation it seemed irregular, so fingers crossed there is nothing wrong there!!

    Des is getting used to his very lively little sister Penny, they are adorable together, she is sooo tiny that it makes Des look bigger than he is! They have even started to share a bed together, and love their cuddles, god knows they are both great at the cuddles!!

    Cuddles with me on the sofa

    Des & Penny sharing a cuddle this morning!



    Woo hoo we officially adopt Des today!! Can’t believe he is with us a month today and how he has changed in that time! His little sister Penny has helped him alot in the last week. Once again DID thank you for this chance to receive the love from Des, we are very lucky :-)


    Congratulations Lucille, what a lovely forever home Des has found.


    THANK YOU and congratulations on your new addition. :D


    Congratulations…Des looks to be very happy with you…lovely pics of him and his new sister :D


    Sorry I’ve not vernon this in a while, but it’s been hectic recently! Poor Des is struggling with his heart, it seems to be getting worse :( had him at the vets again on Friday & they booked him in for a heart scan, MRI & loads more tests in UCD on Thursday; Paul the vet, can hear a lot of swoshing & when we exercise him Penny can out last him! Poor fellow, he also has a little cough every now & then…being a cavalier owner & knowing about heart comaints in dogs, I know this is not a good sign! We will see how Thursday goes, he has been on vetimindin for 2 weeks now with no improvement…fingers crossed all will be ok! His spirits are good though


    This is very worrying for you, so sorry to read your post. Hopefully Des will be ok and stablise. My thoughts are with you.


    Oh dear, that must be having you feeling very stressed. I hope Des pulls through this set-back. It’s reall hard having a poorly dog because you hate putting through all the tests when he doesn’t understand why. Stay up-beat for him and try not to fret, it’ll be fine. I’ll be thinking of you both.


    fingers crossed for des lucille hope he recovers soon.
    from shirley and family


    We have fingers and paws crossed for Des here!


    Great news, Des is ok..he has a slight murmur but only when stressed & over exercised..nothing too bad! They think he may have a virus that you get from eating slugs, we’ve to wait a few days for those results, but if he does have it it’s treatable. I am so happy!


    :) Oh, thank goodness for the most recent piece of news on Des. I hope whatever you do have can be treated successfully and heart murmurs nowadays is ‘almost’ nothing to worry about. There are very good drugs out there now. Cassie has a grade 3 (out of 5) murmur and does not need any treatment for it. OK, she is being treated for lots of other things but but not her heart.

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