Denzel – 8 wk old terrier puppy

Denzel – 8 wk old terrier puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Denzel – 8 wk old terrier puppy

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    This little guy is in the pound and needs urgent foster. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    This is sorted now thanks to the Colgan Family :D but he needs a lift from the pound to Templeogue or partway. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    oh wow he is a cutie, do you know what mix he is ,will he be big or small, my parents may be interested they have passed their HV


    This guy is tiny at the moment but was surrendered in as a collie cross springer so will be high energy dog and medium in size when fully grown.


    Denzel has been with us since Friday morning and he is just adorable!! He is a typical lively, happy, mischievous puppy with oodles of energy – no doubting the collie in him! He has settled in really well and is taking no guff from our own three, regardless of the size difference. He barks, yaps, wrestles and grapples with the best of them and it took my husband all of his time to emerge victorious from the sock tug of war this morning. He is an intelligent fellow (Denzel, not my husband!!) and he seems to be almost instinctive as regards the toilet training. We always had collies before our present trio and Denzel is SO typical of the breed. I am glad he won’t be with us long or we would never let him go!! A great pup – will be a wonderful addition to his forever home.


    When you end up on page 3 of Dogs in Fostercare, it is DEFINITELY time for a new post!!! Denzel, whom we call Cuchulainn, had his first outing yesterday and boy did he love it. He has watched disdainfully as our other three go out several times a day so this was a REAL treat. We took him to Killiney beach and he ran and bounced along with the rest. He LOVED the water and the waves – a shock to us because Sam and Tigra are petrified of the waves. All four of them slept the sleep of the dead in the car on the way home. Denzel is a real full of life puppy so to get several hours of "comatose" was a novelty! He will be going to his forever home soon and we will miss him terribly but maybe we will have a spell when our clothes are not punctured by teeth marks and our shoes are safe – and that’s when we are WEARING them!!! This guy is a treasure and his new family will adore him, just as we do.


    Well, we have Denzel only a few hours now and we are completely in love!!!
    As you can see from the photos he has settled in right away. He is so confident and fearless, (except for the cats litter box which he sneaks up on and barks at! :lol: )
    He has had lots of fun searching our house for things to chew and play with. His favourite toy of the moment is definately the sheep. (I guess thats the Collie in him! :lol: )
    We are so lucky to have him and would like to thank everyone at DID so so much, especially the Colgan family, who have given him such a fantastic start to life. We are so grateful.
    I think the day was all a bit too much for him though, he is currently passed out and dead to the world! :D

    Will update soon,
    Fiona, Angela and Denzel.

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